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== '''GCMRC Biannual Budget and Work Plan -- Fiscal Years 2011-2012''' ==  
== '''GCMRC Biannual Budget and Work Plan -- Fiscal Years 2011-2012''' ==  
The Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program (GCDAMP) is a science-based process for
continually improving management practices related to the operation of Glen Canyon Dam (GCD) by
emphasizing learning through monitoring, research, and experimentation. The Bureau of Reclamation‘s
(Reclamation) Upper Colorado Region (BRUC) is responsible for administering funds for the GCDAMP
and providing those funds for monitoring, research, and stakeholder involvement. The majority of program
funding is derived from hydropower revenues; however, supplemental funding is provided by various
Department of the Interior (DOI) agencies that receive appropriations. These agencies include Reclamation,
the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Park Service (NPS), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS), and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).
The budget and work plan for fiscal years (FY) 2011-12 was developed on the basis of previous budgets and
work plans, the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center (GCMRC) Strategic Plan, and the GCMRC
Monitoring and Research Plan—all of which have been approved by the Adaptive Management Work
Group (AMWG). In FY2011-12, additional consideration was given to meeting the commitments outlined
in the conservation measures sections of several biological opinions issued by the USFWS: (1) the 2007
Biological Opinion for the Proposed Adoption of Colorado River Interim Guidelines for Lower Basin
Shortages and Coordinated Operations for Lake Powell and Lake Mead (known as the shortage criteria
biological opinion); (2) the 2008 Final Biological Opinion for the Operation of Glen Canyon Dam; (3) the
2009 Supplement to the 2008 final biological Opinion for the Operation of Glen Canyon Dam; the 2010
Reissuance of the Incidental Take Statement on the 2009 Supplemental biological Opinion on the Operation
of Glen Canyon Dam 2008-2012; and the 2010 Reinitiation of the 2009 Biological Opinion on the continued
Operations of Glen Canyon Dam without Mechanical Removal of Nonnative Fish in 2010.
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*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2011-08-24-amwg-meeting/Attach_10g.pdf Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program Biennial Budget and Work Plan - Fiscal Years 2011-12]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2011-08-24-amwg-meeting/Attach_10b.pdf E-mail Message from Anne Castle, Subject: Response to Technical Work Group Budget Motion Final 8 18 11]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2010-05-06-amwg-meeting-cc/Attach_01.pdf Memo Anne Castle dated May 5, 2010, Subj: AMWG Webinar on the FY11-12 Budget]
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*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2011-08-24-amwg-meeting/Attach_10a.pdf AIF: Fiscal Year 2012 Budget and Workplan]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2011-08-24-amwg-meeting/Attach_10d.pdf USBR Budget PPT]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2011-08-24-amwg-meeting/Attach_10e.pdf USGS/GCMRC Budget ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2011-08-24-amwg-meeting/Attach_10f.pdf Science Advisors' Budget Review]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2011-06-28-twg-meeting/Attach_03d.pdf Budget Ad Hoc Group Report on Changes to the FY2012 Workplan and Budget dated June 26, 2011]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2011-06-28-twg-meeting/Attach_03b.pdf Memo from Ted Melis and Glen Knowles Dated May 3, 2011, Subject: Summary of Proposed Revisions to the GCDAMP Workplan and Budget]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2011-05-18-amwg-meeting/Attach_07c.pdf Bureau of Reclamation Budget ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2011-05-18-amwg-meeting/Attach_07a.pdf FY12 Budget Development and Process]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2011-03-08-twg-meeting/Attach_08.pdf FY 2010 Annual Reporting Meeting & Direction to the Budget AHG, Notes and Recommendations for Follow-up or FY 2012 Budget/Workplan Changes]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2011-01-20-twg-meeting/Attach_05c.pdf FY11-12 Budget Assessment ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2010-08-24-amwg-meeting/Attach_08a.pdf Fiscal year 2011-12 Budget and Workplan]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2010-08-24-amwg-meeting/Attach_08b.pdf Fiscal Year 2011-12 Budget and Workplan Dated June 11, 2010]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2010-08-24-amwg-meeting/Attach_08c.pdf Biennial Budget and Work Plan Fiscal Years 2011-12 TWG Actions]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2010-08-24-amwg-meeting/Attach_08d.pdf Bureau of Reclamation Budget Overview]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2010-08-24-amwg-meeting/Attach_08e.pdf USGS/GCMRC Budget Overview]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2010-08-24-amwg-meeting/Attach_10.pdf FY2011-12 Budget Discussion (includes hand voting results)]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2010-06-29-twg-meeting/Attach_09a.pdf Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program Biennial Budget and Work Plan - Fiscal Years 2011-2012, TWG Review Draft dated June 11, 2010]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2010-06-29-twg-meeting/Attach_09b.pdf Revised Budget Spreadsheet dated June 28, 2010 with GCMRC Recommended Redirection of Funds]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2010-06-29-twg-meeting/Attach_09c.pdf GCMRC Proposed FY11-12 Biennial Budget and Work Plan]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2010-06-29-twg-meeting/Attach_01a.pdf Minutes from June 14, 2010, BAHG/TWG Combined Conference Call]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2010-03-15-twg-meeting/Attach_05d.pdf BAHG Conference Call Summary 2010]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2010-03-15-twg-meeting/Attach_05e.pdf Budget Ad Hoc Group FY2011-12 Discussions PPT]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2010-05-06-amwg-meeting-cc/Attach_02a.pdf AIF: Proposed New Budget Process (includes GCDAMP Biennial Budget Process Paper]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2010-05-06-amwg-meeting-cc/Attach_03a.pdf AIF: FY11-12 Preliminary Budget]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2010-05-06-amwg-meeting-cc/Attach_03b.pdf AMWG Stakeholders' Priorities and Comments: FY11-12 Budget and Budget Process]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2010-05-06-amwg-meeting-cc/Attach_03c.pdf Memo from Dennis Kubly and FY11-12 Spreadsheet]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2010-05-06-amwg-meeting-cc/Attach_03d.pdf Overview of Reclamation's Proposed Budget PPT]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2010-05-06-amwg-meeting-cc/Attach_03e.pdf Memo from John Hamill dated April 6, 2010 with attachments]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2010-05-06-amwg-meeting-cc/Attach_03f.pdf Table 1: Potential Additional Revenue Sources to Support the FY2011-12 GCDAMP Budget and Table 2: Potential Budget Impacts of Implementing Several Major Deferred Projects]

Latest revision as of 10:46, 12 July 2019

FY2011 2012 TWPcover.PNG

GCMRC Biannual Budget and Work Plan -- Fiscal Years 2011-2012

The Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program (GCDAMP) is a science-based process for continually improving management practices related to the operation of Glen Canyon Dam (GCD) by emphasizing learning through monitoring, research, and experimentation. The Bureau of Reclamation‘s (Reclamation) Upper Colorado Region (BRUC) is responsible for administering funds for the GCDAMP and providing those funds for monitoring, research, and stakeholder involvement. The majority of program funding is derived from hydropower revenues; however, supplemental funding is provided by various Department of the Interior (DOI) agencies that receive appropriations. These agencies include Reclamation, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Park Service (NPS), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).

The budget and work plan for fiscal years (FY) 2011-12 was developed on the basis of previous budgets and work plans, the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center (GCMRC) Strategic Plan, and the GCMRC Monitoring and Research Plan—all of which have been approved by the Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG). In FY2011-12, additional consideration was given to meeting the commitments outlined in the conservation measures sections of several biological opinions issued by the USFWS: (1) the 2007 Biological Opinion for the Proposed Adoption of Colorado River Interim Guidelines for Lower Basin Shortages and Coordinated Operations for Lake Powell and Lake Mead (known as the shortage criteria biological opinion); (2) the 2008 Final Biological Opinion for the Operation of Glen Canyon Dam; (3) the 2009 Supplement to the 2008 final biological Opinion for the Operation of Glen Canyon Dam; the 2010 Reissuance of the Incidental Take Statement on the 2009 Supplemental biological Opinion on the Operation of Glen Canyon Dam 2008-2012; and the 2010 Reinitiation of the 2009 Biological Opinion on the continued Operations of Glen Canyon Dam without Mechanical Removal of Nonnative Fish in 2010.

GCDAMP Strategic Plan
The GCDAMP Strategic Plan (AMPSP) is a long-term plan drafted in August 2001 by GCDAMP and GCMRC participants that identifies the AMWG’s vision, mission, principles, goals, management objectives, information needs, and management actions.
Strategic Science Plan
The GCMRC Strategic Science Plan (SSP) identifies general strategies for the next 5 years to provide science information responsive to the goals, management objectives, and priority questions as described in the AMPSP and other planning direction approved by the AMWG.
Core Monitoring Plan
The GCMRC Core Monitoring Plan (CMP) describes the consistent, long-term, repeated measurements using scientifically accepted protocols to measure status and trends of key resources to answer specific questions. Core monitoring is implemented on a fixed schedule regardless of budget or other circumstances (for example, water year, experimental flows, temperature control, stocking strategy, nonnative control, etc.) affecting target resources.
Monitoring and Research Plan
The GCMRC Monitoring and Research Plan (MRP) specifies (1) core monitoring activities, (2) research and development activities, and (3) long-term experimental activities consistent with the strategies and priorities established in this SSP to be conducted over the next 5 years to address some of the strategic science questions associated with AMWG priority questions.
Budget and Workplan
The GCMRC Triennial Work Plan (TWP) identifies the scope, objectives, and budget for monitoring and research activities planned for a 3-year period. When completed, the triennial work plan will be consistent with the MRP.

GCMRC Triennial Budget and Work Plan -- Fiscal Years 2011-2012


Documents and Direction

Papers and Presentations



Other Stuff