GCDAMP Administrative History- Colorado River Commission of Nevada

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September 11, 2000

Phil Lehr- CRC- PIC.jpg

    • Phil Lehr-- Member
    • George Caan-- alternate
  • Jayne Harkins- Admin History- PIC.jpg
  • McClain Peterson- Admin History- PIC.jpg
  • Jason Thiriot- Admin History- PIC.jpg

George Caan- Admin History- PIC.jpg----

Employee's Items of Interest/and Hobbies

  • Volunteering


  • Dog "Bella" our lovable, but destructive, English bulldog (a birthday present from my husband)

Something others might not know about Me

  • I’m almost a native of Las Vegas (my family moved here in 1976)
  • My college advisor told me I shouldn’t be an engineer because I was bad at math (funny, I haven’t used calculus since I graduated)

November 2004 Phil Lehr—member Anthony Miller—alternate   July 30, 2007 George Caan—member Anthony Miller—alternate   November 12, 2008 McClain Peterson—alternate   January 11, 2012 (appointment date) Jayne Harkins—member McClain Peterson—alternate



DFC -----------------------> Definition:



  • ---Work in Progress---


  • (AMWG Meeting Minutes_Anne Castle) The DFCs will not supersede the AMP Strategic Plan, but the DFCs may result in action taken by the Secretary.
  • AMWG August- 2003_ Motion on Information Need under Goal 3 (extripated species) would not be accomplished by the GCMRC or paid for with AMP funds.

Documents and Resources


  1. Protect or improve the aquatic food base so that it supports viable populations of desired species at higher tropic levels.
  2. Maintain or attain viable populations of existing native fish, and prevent adverse modification to their habitat (including critical habitat)
  3. Restore viable populations of extirpated species.
  4. Maintain a self-sustatining recreational trout fishery in the Lees Ferry reach.
  5. Maintain or attain viable populations of the Kanab ambersnail.
  6. Protect or improve the biotic riparian, wetland, spring and old high water zone plant communities and their associated biological processes within the Colorado River ecosysterm (including threatened and endangered species and their habitat).
  7. Maintain or attain levels of sediment storage within the main channel and along shorelines to achieve ecosystem goals.
  8. Maintain or improve the quality of recreational experiences for users of the Colorado River ecosystem, within the framework of ecosystem goals.
  9. Preserve, protect, manage and treat cultural resources for the inspiration and benefit of past, present, and future generations.
  • Tribal Resource Condition Objectives
    • Recommended that the agencies consult with the Tribes to insure these objectives are consistent with Tribal perspectives.