Forum for GCDAMP

From Glen Canyon Dam AMP
Revision as of 14:21, 16 May 2014 by Jthiriot (Talk | contribs) (fix)

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GCDAMP Forum Concept

  • Create a location where dialog and open discussion can occur about GCDAMP topics.

Potential items to discuss at the next AMWG/TWG: Added 5-16-2014

  1. Mercury in the fish
  2. Bison in the Grand Canyon
  3. Glen Canyon Dam visitor's center status
  4. What are the concerns about the Hybrid Flannelmounth and RASU?

Date Item of Interest TBD TBD
5-16-2014 Mercury in the fish TBD TBD
5-16-2014 Bison in the Grand Canyon TBD TBD
5-16-2014 Glen Canyon Dam visitor's center status TBD TBD
5-16-2014 What are the concerns about the Hybrid Flannelmounth and RASU? TBD TBD