Strategic Science Plan

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This Strategic Science Plan (SSP) to Support the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program, Fiscal Years 2007-2011 is one element of an overall science-planning process used by the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center (GCMRC) to provide independent, objective science support to the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program. We designed the plan to be responsive to the goals and the priority information needs identified by the Adaptive Management Work Group The Adaptive Management Work Group is a Federal Advisory Committee that makes recommendations to the Secretary of the Interior on the operation of Glen Canyon Dam and other management actions intended to meet the U.S. Department of the Interior’s obligations under the Grand Canyon Protection Act. The strategies presented here will be used to guide the development and implementation of monitoring and research activities for fiscal years (FY) 2007–11. The Plan was updated in April 2009 to reflect provisions of several NEPA documents and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biological opinions related to the operation of Glen Canyon Dam.

Long-term Experimental and Management Plan (LTEMP)
The LTEMP provides the basis for decisions that identify management actions and experimental options that will provide a framework for adaptively managing Glen Canyon Dam operations over the next 20 years
LTEMP Science Plan
The LTEMP Science Plan describe a strategy by which monitoring and research data in the natural and social sciences will be collected, analyzed, and provided to DOI, its bureaus, and to the GCDAMP in support of implementation of LTEMP.
GCDAMP Strategic Plan
The GCDAMP Strategic Plan (AMPSP) is a long-term plan drafted in August 2001 by GCDAMP and GCMRC participants that identifies the AMWG’s vision, mission, principles, goals, management objectives, information needs, and management actions.
Strategic Science Plan
The GCMRC Strategic Science Plan (SSP) identifies general strategies for the next 5 years to provide science information responsive to the goals, management objectives, and priority questions as described in the AMPSP and other planning direction approved by the AMWG.
Monitoring and Research Plan
The GCMRC Monitoring and Research Plan (MRP) specifies (1) core monitoring activities, (2) research and development activities, and (3) long-term experimental activities consistent with the strategies and priorities established in this SSP to be conducted over the next 5 years to address some of the strategic science questions associated with AMWG priority questions.
Core Monitoring Plan
The GCMRC Core Monitoring Plan (CMP) describes the consistent, long-term, repeated measurements using scientifically accepted protocols to measure status and trends of key resources to answer specific questions. Core monitoring is implemented on a fixed schedule regardless of budget or other circumstances (for example, water year, experimental flows, temperature control, stocking strategy, nonnative control, etc.) affecting target resources.
Triennial Work Plan (TWP)
The GCMRC Triennial Work Plan (TWP) identifies the scope, objectives, and budget for monitoring and research activities planned for a 3-year period. When completed, the triennial work plan will be consistent with the MRP.

Strategic Science Plan

Introduction and Background

Adaptive Management

Science Planning Process

Science Planning Documents

Science Strategies

Interdisciplinary, Integrated River Science
Building Bridges between Science and Management
Addressing Priority Goals and Questions

  • AMWG Priority Questions and Related Strategic Science Questions

Other Critical Research and Monitoring Needs

Administration and Budget


  • Chief
  • Deputy Chief
  • Program Managers


References Cited

Documents and Links

Science Questions and Information Needs

Papers and Presentations

ADHOC groups

SCAHG ---- Steering Committee Ad-Hoc Group
CMAHG ---- Core Monitoring Ad-Hoc Group
AHCIO ---- Ad-Hoc Committee on What's In and Out of the Strategic Plan