TWG Organization [4]
Chairperson. The TWG will elect its own Chairperson from the current membership of the TWG
(including alternates). The Chairperson shall be elected at the summer meeting of the TWG, prior to the
start of the fiscal year, if possible. The Chairperson will be elected by vote for a 1-year term, which will
run from October 1 - September 30 of the following year. The Chairperson may be re-elected at the end of
a term, with no term limitations. The current Chairperson will serve until the new Chairperson takes
office. The elected Chairperson shall have the option of appointing an alternate member to represent the
stakeholder at the table for their term, however, the stakeholder shall have only one vote and is expected
to refrain from advocacy while its alternate sits at the table. With the recommendation of the TWG,
compensation for the Chairperson may be provided from GCDAMP funds.
Chairperson responsibilities:
- Attend all TWG and AMWG meetings when possible.
- Prepare draft agendas.
- Represent a neutral position, advocating only for sound science and management actions to support the program, all members, and the public.
- Facilitate TWG meetings by leading discussions, arranging for an outside facilitator when necessary and as funding allows, and inviting input from TWG members, technical experts, and the public.
- Organize or disband ad hoc groups per TWG direction.
- Ensure recognition of consensus or voting on decision items as appropriate, including development of minority opinion papers when consensus cannot be reached.
- Present overview of TWG activities and recommendations at AMWG meetings.
Reclamation Vice-Chairperson. The Reclamation Vice-Chairperson will assist the Chairperson, and
will be the Reclamation TWG member or its alternate. The Vice-Chairperson will ensure requirements of
federal regulations are met and provide assistance to the TWG. Reclamation will advise the TWG on
which staff person will hold this position.
Reclamation Vice-Chairperson responsibilities:
- Attend all TWG and AMWG meetings when possible. Will preside over the TWG if the Chairperson and TWG Vice-Chairperson are not available.
- Assist the Chairperson in drafting agendas. Provide the agenda to TWG 10 days before meeting.
- In the absence of a TWG-Vice Chairperson, contact speakers, ad hoc committee chairpersons, and other contributors at least four weeks before each TWG meeting to review assignments and determine how much time should be allotted for presentations. Ensure complete meeting preparations (e.g., posting of documents to web site, meeting room, audio visual equipment, recording of minutes, etc.).
- Assist the Chairperson in facilitating the TWG meetings. Help promote participation by all TWG members and the public, and assist the Chairperson in achieving consensus on action items.
- Review and distribute TWG products to AMWG.
TWG Vice-Chairperson:' The TWG may elect a second vice-chairperson if the Chairperson desires the
additional assistance. The TWG Vice-Chairperson will be elected by a vote of the TWG from its
membership or alternates, and will serve for a 1-year term on the same annual schedule as the
TWG Vice-Chairperson responsibilities:
- Attend all TWG and AMWG meetings when possible. Will preside over the TWG if the Chairperson is not available.
- Help the Chairperson prepare draft agendas.
- Help track and coordinate contributions of products for TWG/AMWG review with members, GCMRC, ad hoc groups, and others.
- Contact speakers, ad hoc committee chairpersons, and other contributors at least four weeks before each TWG meeting to review assignments and determine how much time should be allotted for presentations.
- Assist the Chairperson in facilitating the TWG meetings. Help promote participation by all TWG members and the public, and assist the Chairperson in achieving consensus on action items.
Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center (GCMRC). GCMRC will provide technical support
for the TWG and administer the science program for the GCDAMP.
TWG Meetings [5]
Facilitation. The TWG may employ a facilitator for meetings as funds allow and the TWG believes it
to be helpful. If utilized, the facilitator will work for all members of the TWG, including the Chairperson,
in a process designed to ensure, as much as possible, that all interests are heard and considered and all
participants can support the outcomes. The facilitator will help the TWG to reach consensus whenever
possible, and be innovative in using methods to help the TWG accomplish this goal.
Agenda. The TWG Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson(s) will work cooperatively to develop the TWG
agenda, and will include the facilitator and a steering committee ad hoc group as needed. The Chairperson
will have the lead on drafting the first list of agenda items for discussion. TWG members will be asked at
the end of each meeting for suggestions of agenda items for future meetings. A draft agenda will be sent
to TWG members by Reclamation six weeks in advance, with a week for members to send in additions or
changes to the agenda via email. The revised TWG agenda will be sent out by Reclamation three weeks in
advance of the meeting, and the final meeting materials will be distributed to TWG members by
Reclamation and posted on the TWG website 10 calendar days in advance of the meeting. Agendas will
be developed to support the actions requested by AMWG with the goal of achieving consensus, and will
provide adequate time for discussion of agenda items.
Guidelines for Discussions. Members will endeavor to arrive, return from breaks, and depart the
meeting on schedule. Any person needing to continue private discussions after the meeting has been
called to order will take their business outside the conference room. Members, Alternates, and visitors
wishing to address the TWG will wait to be recognized by the Chairperson or designated discussion
leader before speaking. Speakers will make their points succinctly and yield the floor to the next speaker,
waiting to again be recognized for rebuttals. Comments are to be applicable to the topic and not repetitive
to presentations, group discussion or other comments previously presented. Discussions of new or
unrelated business will be postponed until the appointed time on the agenda, or future meetings.
Voting. Members will commit to achieving consensus. In order to achieve consensus, it is imperative
to understand the other Members’ points of view and find ways to address everyone’s concerns. This
involves listening to each other during meetings, and the willingness to commit the time to explore
avenues to satisfy all the concerns at the table. Agendas will be structured in order to allow for a
reasonable time to reach consensus, and will be flexible to allow action items to be postponed to a followup meeting.
Motions may be made by any Member, verbally or submitted in writing in advance of the meeting and
included on the agenda, and must be seconded before discussion. The maker of a motion must clearly and
concisely state and explain his or her motion, and it must be related to an agenda topic. The public may be
given opportunity to comment during the discussion period per the Chairperson’s discretion, generally
once all TWG Members have had the chance to speak. Comments shall address the motion and not be
repetitive to presentations, group discussions or other comments previously presented. The motion must
be fully documented for the minutes and restated clearly by the Chairperson before the question is called,
either via consensus or vote.
All reasonable efforts will be made to bring the TWG to a consensus decision or recommendation,
including, for example, formation of ad hoc groups. In the event that consensus is not possible, a vote
should be taken. Voting shall be by verbal indication or by raised hand. Approval of a motion requires a
simple majority of members present and voting. DOI members do not vote on motions and are not
counted toward the number voting. Members may abstain from voting and are not counted toward the
number voting. A simple majority recommendation will go forward along with a minority opinion report
containing the alternate recommendation and identification of who constitutes the minority. An Ad hoc
group consisting of the dissenting members may be formed as needed to prepare minority opinions. Each
appointed TWG Member is expected to communicate issues to its respective AMWG member both prior
to and following TWG meetings.
Recommendations will be summarized by the Chairperson in a brief report for each AMWG meeting, will
contain relevant background material on the issues, and will include a brief summary of previous
discussions related to the issue (e.g., ad hoc group or TWG discussions). Reports and recommendations
forwarded to the AMWG will be identified as having been approved through consensus of the entire
TWG, or made by vote with a description of the dissenting opinions. The TWG Chairperson may invite a
representative of the minority group to present the minority opinion to the AMWG.
The TWG will track, in an annual report to be provided to the AMWG, the number of times consensus is
reached or not reached, how often the dispute resolution process was invoked, and the outcomes of the
dispute resolution process. During retreats or other time set aside for this discussion, TWG should
consider how to improve the operation of these processes.
Dispute Resolution. In a collaborative process, it is inevitable that some issues will never be resolved
through the normal discussion and deliberation processes. To handle such cases, the TWG will use a
dispute resolution process that members may invoke if they feel their views are not represented in the
proposal being considered. If there are disagreements at a TWG meeting, and there is no additional time
for discussion, a member may request a caucus with the Chairperson to explore options. The Chairperson
may request that a small group of members, representing all points of view, work on the issue and bring a
recommendation to the full TWG.
Minutes. Detailed minutes of each meeting will be kept by Reclamation and reviewed by the
Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons, and facilitator, as appropriate. The minutes will contain a record of
persons present and a description of pertinent matters discussed, conclusions reached, and actions taken
on motions including minority opinions. Minutes shall be limited to approximately 5-15 pages and will
not be a complete transcript of the discussions. The corrections and adoption of the minutes will be made
by a consensus of the TWG at the next meeting.
Public Involvement. All meetings will be open to the public. Interested persons may appear in person,
or provide written statements to the TWG. Public comments can be on any issue related to TWG agenda
items. A specific time for public comment will be identified in the agenda, usually the last 10 minutes of
each day. The Chairperson may allow the public to participate in individual agenda items as time allows,
and only after TWG members have had a chance to speak. Advance requests for presentations to the
TWG may be allowed per the Chairperson’s discretion, but speaking time may be limited. Written
comments will be attached to the meeting minutes if they are identified with the name, address, and
affiliation of the provider. Minutes of the TWG meetings and copies of reports submitted to the TWG will
be maintained for public review at Reclamation’s GCDAMP website (
Meeting Materials. TWG members, or others (including GCMRC and Reclamation) responsible for
materials for an upcoming meeting shall forward them to the designated staff, including the Chairperson,
15 days in advance of the meeting. Materials may be provided via e-mail or hard copy, although e-mail is
preferred. All meeting materials will be posted to the Reclamation TWG website
( 10 days prior to the meeting. Hard copies of
meeting materials generally are not provided to members unless specifically requested. Staff, members,
and public providing materials for distribution at the meeting should bring at least 30 copies. Meeting
documents distributed at the meeting are to be provided first to the meeting recorder, TWG members and
Chairperson, and the GCMRC Chief. Copies of all handouts will be placed in a designated location for
meeting attendees. If action is anticipated to be taken on or as a result of that material, all reasonable
efforts will be made to provide those materials to TWG Members in advance of the meeting. In the event
materials are not provided in advance of the meeting for the 10-day posting, action on this topic may be
delayed at the Chairperson’s discretion. Individuals making presentations at TWG meetings shall notify
Reclamation of any special audiovisual equipment or supply needs at least two weeks before the meeting.
A mailing list containing TWG Members’ mailing addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail
addresses will be maintained and distributed by Reclamation. A copy of the roster of TWG members and
alternates attending any meeting of the TWG shall be attached to the minutes, and shall include a list of
all others in attendance.
TWG Meeting Logistics. Meeting locations will generally be in Phoenix, AZ. Reclamation will
arrange meeting rooms and audiovisual equipment, and block a number of hotel guest rooms. Meeting
rooms will be arranged so that each TWG member can be seated around the table. Alternates representing
an absent TWG member should take their place at the table. Additional seating will be provided around
the margin or rear of the room for Alternates who are attending with the Member, and for other meeting
Ad Hoc Groups and Meetings. Ad hoc groups shall be formed by the Chairperson with input from the
Members, with official membership consisting of TWG members, or their Alternates. The Chairperson
shall maintain a list of ad hoc groups, their task, and membership, and with the help of Reclamation will
provide an update on status of the ad hoc groups at the beginning of each TWG meeting. Ad hoc groups
shall be terminated by the Chairperson as soon as the assigned task is completed. Ad hoc groups may
invite technical advisors outside the TWG membership to participate and advise, and participation will be
encouraged and welcomed. These groups may meet to discuss assignments from the TWG and minutes
are recommended, but not required. The TWG Chairperson is responsible for overseeing progress of all
ad hoc groups and the ad hoc groups shall report on their deliberations and findings to the TWG.
Payment of Travel and Expenses. While engaged in the performance of official business at TWG and
TWG ad hoc group meetings away from home or their regular places of business, all TWG Members or
TWG ad hoc group members shall, upon request, be reimbursed for travel expenses in accordance with
current Federal Travel Regulations. Alternates representing the Member may also receive compensation
for travel expenses. An accounting of the expenses for operation of the TWG shall be maintained by