The HFE Page

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High-Flow Experimental (HFE) Releases

Purpose and Goal

The purpose of HFEs is to determine if sandbar building during HFEs exceeds sandbar erosion during periods between HFEs, such that sandbar size can be increased or maintained over several years.

LTEMP HFE Protocol

As described in the LTEMP ROD, HFEs are experimental in nature and are designed to achieve a better understanding of whether, how, and when to incorporate high releases into future dam operations in a manner that maintains or improves beaches, sandbars, and associated habitat. The LTEMP HFE Protocol establishes a decision-making framework consisting of three components: (1) planning and budgeting, (2) modeling, and (3) decision and implementation.

Under the LTEMP, HFE releases are restricted to limited periods of the year when the highest volumes of sediment are most likely available for building sandbars. Sediment-triggered HFEs may be made in spring (March or April) or fall (October or November; Figure 1). Fall extended-duration HFEs range from greater than 96 hr to 250 hr. Spring and fall HFEs that are not extended-duration range from less than 1 hr to 96 hr. Proactive HFEs may be implemented in spring or early summer (April, May or June), and have a duration range up to 24 hr. HFE magnitudes range from 31,500 cubic feet per second (cfs) to 45,000 cfs. The frequency of HFEs is determined by tributary sediment inputs, annual release volumes, resource conditions, and decisions of the Department. Extended-duration fall HFEs are limited to a frequency of 4 times total in the 20-year LTEMP period.

HFE Sand Budget Model

The LTEMP HFE Protocol uses predictive models to make recommendations for the magnitude and duration of potential HFEs using real-time measurements and models of sand inflow from the Paria River and forecasted hydrologic data to determine whether suitable sediment and hydrology conditions exist for a high-flow experimental release.

A sand transport/budget model (Wright et al. 2010) was used to predict the mass of sand that would be transported by an HFE and to estimate if a proposed HFE would transport more or less sand than had been delivered from the Paria River to the Colorado River during the fall accounting period (July 1 to November 30). Only HFE durations that resulted in a “positive sand balance” were considered. Output of the modeling runs provides the initial recommendation for the magnitude and duration of the HFE. However, because modeling only considers a simple range of possible HFE peak magnitudes and durations, the Protocol includes a review of the model output that may modify the recommended HFE to benefit relevant resources. (2018 HFE Tech Team Report)

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LTEMP Experimental Action: Sediment-Related Experimental Treatments (BA, pages 24-30) [1]

Spring and fall HFEs would be implemented when triggered, based on the estimated sand mass balance resulting from Paria River sediment inputs during the spring and fall accounting periods, to rebuild sandbars. These HFEs include sediment-triggered HFEs in spring or fall HFEs in May-Apr and Oct-Nov, proactive spring HFEs as triggered by high annual release volume (> 10 maf) in May-Jun, and extended duration (>96 hr) fall HFEs in Oct-Nov.

  • Sediment-Triggered Spring HFEs after the first 2 years of LTEMP (beginning in spring of 2020)
  • Proactive Spring HFEs in years with high annual water volume (i.e., ≥10 maf) in April, May, or June (the duration is limited to 24 hours) and like other Spring HFEs wouldn't begin until spring of 2020
  • Sediment-Triggered Fall HFEs up to 96 hours
  • Extended-Duration Fall HFEs up to 250 hours (the duration of the first implementation of an extended-duration HFE will be limited to no more than 192 hours and there will be no more than four extended-duration fall HFEs over the 20-year LTEMP period)


Sandbar volume 1990-2018
Rate of post-HFE beach erosion
HFE windows.jpg
HFE decision tree.jpg

Links and Information

Glen Canyon Dam Flow Experiments

Presentations and Papers












2019 HFE Workshop

In lieu of the motion by Recreational Fishing representatives proposed for this meeting, GCMRC has agreed to:

(1) conduct a scientific assessment of the effects of past experimental high flows (including powerplant capacity flows) at Glen Canyon Dam on high valued resources of concern to the GCDAMP (i.e., recreational beaches, aquatic food base, rainbow trout fishery, hydropower, humpback chub and other native fish, and cultural resources); and

(2) present initial findings in a written summary at the 2019 Annual Reporting Meeting and the March 2019 AMWG meeting for review and discussion.

A next step would be for GCMRC to identify experimental flow options that would consider high valued resources of concern to the GCDAMP (defined above), fill critical data gaps, and reduce scientific uncertainties. [2]

2015 HFE Synthesis Workshop

2010 HFE Workshop

2011 HFE Protocol EA

Other Stuff

Calculating the Cumulative Sand Load for an HFE

  1. Determine the amount of sand that has come in from the Paria River during the HFE Accounting Period you are interested in. Go to the Paria River gage at Lees Ferry and check the Cumulative Sand Load box and enter the dates of the HFE Accounting Period.
  2. Determine the amount of sand that has been transported out of Marble Canyon during the HFE accounting period by taking the lower bound value of the change in sand storage in Lower Marble Canyon and subtracting it from the lower bound value of the change in sand storage in Upper Marble Canyon.
  3. Subtract the amount of sand that has been transported out of Marble Canyon from the amount of sand that has come in from the Paria River and you get the amount of sand Reclamation uses for planning the HFE.

Calculating Magnitude and Duration of an HFE

Reclamation takes the amount of sand calculated above and subtracts the amount of sand that will be transported out of Marble Canyon between the time of the model run and the HFE. Reclamation then calculates the largest possible volume and duration release from the dam using the Scott Wright sediment transport model that does not result in a negative sand balance between the 30-mile gage and the LCR by the end of the accounting period.

How much water can be released at Glen Canyon Dam?

  • 8 generators = ~3,412 cfs each = 27,300 cfs
    (note that there is usually one or two generators down for maintenance at any given time and each generator has a unique volume passage)
  • 4 bypass tubes = 3,250 - 3,750 cfs each = 13,000 - 15,000 cfs (depending on reservoir elevation)
  • 2 spillways (require reservoir elevations above 3648') = up to 208,000 cfs

How often would an HFE be triggered? (LTEMP Appendix P)

  • Proactive Spring HFEs: 10% of years
  • Sediment-triggered Spring HFEs: 26% of years
  • Sediment-triggered Fall HFEs: 77% of years
  • Extended-Duration Fall HFEs: 25% of years