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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
07:56, 10 July 2013 Invasive Species-PIC.jpg (file) 34 KB Jthiriot   1
05:39, 10 July 2013 Writing- PIC.jpg (file) 29 KB Jthiriot   1
04:24, 10 July 2013 130701 USFW LT monitoring of an endangered fish- Dynamics 082012-JFWM-071.PDF (file) 11.34 MB Jthiriot   1
09:04, 27 June 2013 Diagram- USBR Colorado River Basin Salinity 09.jpg (file) 188 KB Jthiriot   1
11:46, 24 June 2013 2008 controlled flood caused dramatic changes in Glen Canyon food web Slide 37.jpg (file) 160 KB Clperone   1
11:46, 24 June 2013 Fish production does not appreciably change with distance from the dam Slide 24.jpg (file) 161 KB Clperone   1
11:46, 24 June 2013 Invertebrate production exhibits stepped declines downstrea from tributaries Slide 23.jpg (file) 184 KB Clperone   1
11:45, 24 June 2013 Strong turbidity gradient Slide 15.jpg (file) 123 KB Clperone   1
11:45, 24 June 2013 Additions and Remaining Native Fishes Slide 9.jpg (file) 131 KB Clperone   1
11:45, 24 June 2013 Invertebrate additions Slide 8.jpg (file) 143 KB Clperone   1
11:45, 24 June 2013 Invertebrate losses Slide 7.jpg (file) 217 KB Clperone   1
11:45, 24 June 2013 Glen Canyon Dam fundamentally changed the river's physical template Slide 6.jpg (file) 175 KB Clperone   1
07:06, 14 June 2013 PIC- Hiking NPS Brochure.jpg (file) 183 KB Jthiriot   1
05:59, 14 June 2013 USBR FY13-14 Budget Cultural Resources Program -Revised.jpg (file) 335 KB Jthiriot 130614_USBR-GKnowles_Cultural Resources Budget-Revised 1
03:59, 14 June 2013 GRAPH- Basin Study- Power Resources vulnerability.jpg (file) 133 KB Jthiriot Basin Study 2012- USBR- Power Resources vulnerability by year. 1
08:20, 13 June 2013 2013 Issue 7 Spring-13b IBWC Newsline- Message from US Commissioner Drusina.PDF (file) 1.31 MB Jthiriot   1
07:53, 13 June 2013 Memorandum of Agreement Min 319 Final Signed.PDF (file) 449 KB Jthiriot   1
08:45, 6 June 2013 2012 Hualapai doc.pdf (file) 3.25 MB Jthiriot   1
08:54, 5 June 2013 PIC- Signing of Minute 319.jpg (file) 74 KB Jthiriot   1
05:21, 5 June 2013 GRAPH- RBT and HBC numbers by river mile Korman- Yard 2013.jpg (file) 238 KB Jthiriot Korman -Yard 2013_unpublished 1
05:11, 5 June 2013 GRAPH- River alocation by entitiy and year USBR 2012.jpg (file) 248 KB Jthiriot 130330_ JSchmidt- Science Presentation 1
04:45, 5 June 2013 GRAPH- Paria Inputss- by month and year- NPS 120201.jpg (file) 326 KB Jthiriot Paria Inputs -NPS- 2/1/2012 1
04:27, 5 June 2013 GRAPH- Average Sand Inputs- by Month- USGS 082011.jpg (file) 85 KB Jthiriot August 2011 AMWG- Hydrograph presentation- USGS Graph 1
02:56, 5 June 2013 CFMP BA and Appendices FINAL with redactions 5.29.13.pdf (file) 1.69 MB Jthiriot Biological Assessment 1
08:46, 4 June 2013 GRAPH- Tributary Contribution to CR- JSchmidt.jpg (file) 375 KB Jthiriot   1
03:16, 4 June 2013 GTMax Rpt Final.pdf (file) 2.31 MB Jthiriot 130114_ Final Products of 2011 Hydropower Knowledge Assessment and GTMAX model review workshop 1
03:03, 4 June 2013 GTMAX- Screen-PIC.jpg (file) 215 KB Jthiriot   1
09:40, 3 June 2013 130603 USGS Food Base- Scientific Conclusions.jpg (file) 178 KB Jthiriot 130603_USGS Food Base Webinar 1
09:37, 3 June 2013 130603 USGS Food Base- Derived food web metrics.jpg (file) 127 KB Jthiriot 130603_ USGS Food Base Webinar 1
10:42, 29 May 2013 2012 Monitoring Report.pdf (file) 1.96 MB The 2012 Hopi Grand Canyon monitoring report. 1
03:39, 28 May 2013 MAP- CR Basin -Interactive- Western Resources Advocates.jpg (file) 85 KB Jthiriot 1
05:35, 10 May 2013 2012 Hopi.pdf (file) 1.35 MB Hopi 2012 Annual Monitoring Reports 1
05:34, 10 May 2013 2012 SPC Annual Report final rev.docx (file) 4.2 MB Paiute 2012 Annual Monitoring Report 1
05:13, 10 May 2013 PricingtrainingpowerpointMarianneTribetwohourFINAL (1).pdf (file) 3.07 MB presentation to tribes from Reclamation May 9, 2013 1
05:07, 10 May 2013 (file) 1.85 MB   1
11:09, 3 May 2013 12-15 Lees Ferry Jan-Feb 2012 Views.pdf (file) 7.14 MB Lees Ferry rainbow trout fishing article for the Arizona Wildlife View Magazine. Published January 2012 by Aaron Bunch and Bill Stewart. Photos courtesy of George Andrejko. 1
05:58, 2 May 2013 USBR 1997 The operation of Glen Canyon Dam during spring runoff periods.pdf (file) 653 KB Jthiriot Reclamation Discussion Paper -- Working Draft -- 3/24/97 1
05:42, 2 May 2013 DIAGRAM- AOP Figure 1.jpg (file) 190 KB Jthiriot   1
05:18, 2 May 2013 AOP -Front Page.jpg (file) 106 KB Jthiriot   1
04:56, 2 May 2013 MAP Bright Angel Poster.PDF (file) 834 KB Jthiriot Bright Angle -Poster 1
04:50, 2 May 2013 MAP-GCNatPk1919 2.jpg (file) 417 KB Jthiriot Grand Canyon National Park Map- May 12,1919 1
11:20, 1 May 2013 13655.jpg (file) 3.26 MB Turn of the century visitors along the Colorado River at the end of the Bright Angel Trail near Pipe Creek, Grand Canyon National Park 1
03:54, 26 April 2013 Itll blow your hat off- SJansen.jpg (file) 662 KB Jthiriot   1
03:53, 26 April 2013 Granite Gorge- SJansen.JPG (file) 558 KB Jthiriot Granite Gorge- 1
10:42, 19 April 2013 Kanab Ambersnail- EP.jpg (file) 168 KB Jthiriot   1
10:41, 19 April 2013 Razorback Sucker-ES- PIC.jpg (file) 71 KB Jthiriot   1
10:38, 19 April 2013 SWFL Pic.jpg (file) 80 KB Jthiriot   1
10:35, 19 April 2013 Razorback Sucker- LStevens.m4a (file) 1.23 MB Jthiriot Larry Stevens_ April 19, 2013 1
10:34, 19 April 2013 Colorado River Otter- LStevens.m4a (file) 720 KB Jthiriot Larry Stevens- April 19, 2013 1
10:31, 19 April 2013 Southwestern Willow Flycatcher- LStevens.m4a (file) 992 KB Jthiriot Larry Stevens_ April 19, 2013 1
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