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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
10:49, 6 March 2017 SJRIP.jpg (file) 36 KB Cellsworth   1
10:43, 6 March 2017 LCRMSCP.jpg (file) 9 KB Cellsworth   1
11:23, 1 March 2017 Hydrology.jpg (file) 76 KB Cellsworth   1
09:53, 27 February 2017 Final GCDAMP Tribal Consult Plan 10-23-2015.pdf (file) 694 KB Cellsworth DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR TRIBAL CONSULTATION PLAN FOR THE GLEN CANYON DAM ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 10-23-15 1
09:42, 27 February 2017 Draft GCMRC Monitoring Plan w Appendix.docx (file) 3.85 MB Cellsworth Draft plan for monitoring effects of geomorphic processes at archaeological sites in Grand & Glen Canyon. Draft prepared as originally proposed in: Project Element 4.2. of the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program Triennial Budget and Work Plan—Fiscal Years 2015–2017, Draft date: 10/7/2015 Prepared by: Joel B. Sankey, USGS, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center Helen Fairley, USGS, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center Joshua Caster, USGS, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center Amy East, USGS, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center 1
06:23, 27 February 2017 Feb2017 OperationsCall.pdf (file) 1.45 MB Cellsworth   1
04:54, 21 February 2017 Petroglyph.jpg (file) 11 KB Cellsworth   1
13:02, 17 February 2017 Hi Flow Beaches 2016.pdf (file) 86 KB Cellsworth the Grand Canyon Private Boater’s Association’s (GCPBA) comments regarding the recently concluded High Flow Experiment releases 1
12:40, 17 February 2017 Generation at Outlet Glen Canyon Dam Plan of Study CRSP Power Peaking Capacity (March 1981).pdf (file) 3.36 MB Cellsworth   1
12:30, 17 February 2017 Anglers letter on Brown Trout Removal Planning.pdf (file) 42 KB Cellsworth   1
11:56, 17 February 2017 Budget Guidance Exercise Results Part 2.pdf (file) 145 KB Cellsworth Thank you for your participation in the budget guidance exercise that we conducted at our last TWG meeting. This is just one of a few opportunities that TWG stakeholders will have to help guide the development of the FY18-20 Triennial Work Plan (TWP) and Budget. The product of the exercise is attached to this email for your review and included are two versions for your convenience: 1) the fully attributed table; and 2) a shorter, sorted table. Please remember that many of the items that were posted on the walls represent monitoring activities that are necessary to implement the LTEMP, as such, some participants may not have felt the need to place stickers next to these items. The BAHG will be discussing the TWG budget guidance product and other budget 1
11:52, 17 February 2017 Budget Guidance Exercise Results Part 1.pdf (file) 41 KB Cellsworth Thank you for your participation in the budget guidance exercise that we conducted at our last TWG meeting. This is just one of a few opportunities that TWG stakeholders will have to help guide the development of the FY18-20 Triennial Work Plan (TWP) and Budget. The product of the exercise is attached to this email for your review and included are two versions for your convenience: 1) the fully attributed table; and 2) a shorter, sorted table. Please remember that many of the items that were posted on the walls represent monitoring activities that are necessary to implement the LTEMP, as such, some participants may not have felt the need to place stickers next to these items. The BAHG will be discussing the TWG budget guidance product and other budget 1
11:16, 17 February 2017 AR9 VanHaverbeke.pdf (file) 1.76 MB Cellsworth Humpback Chub in the Little Colorado River, Monitoring of Juveniles, Sub-Adults, and Adults and translocations PPT 1
07:16, 17 February 2017 LtrBrentRheesBrownTroutProblemLeesFerry ZuniGovernorSigned 06February2017.pdf (file) 1.26 MB Cellsworth Subject: Zuni Governor Panteah's Letter to Acting Secretary's Designee Regarding Brown Trout in Lees Ferry Reach Dear Mr. Rhees, Our original intent was to have me hand deliver the attached letter from the Zuni Governor to you at our customary pre-AMWG meeting between the participating Tribes and the DOI agencies. Unfortunately, due to a severe head cold, I will not be attending the pre-AMWG meeting or the AMWG meetings this week. Please find attached the Pueblo of Zuni’s position on the brown trout issue in Lees Ferry and the possible management actions being consider to address this issue. If you have any questions or need further information regarding the position of the Pueblo of Zuni expressed in this letter please contact me and I will be h 1
12:29, 16 February 2017 LTEMPeis.jpg (file) 137 KB Cellsworth   1
11:14, 16 February 2017 Wave.jpg (file) 6 KB Cellsworth   1
10:48, 16 February 2017 HFE size shape.jpg (file) 166 KB Cellsworth   1
10:44, 16 February 2017 SandbarMonitoring2016.jpg (file) 123 KB Cellsworth   1
10:31, 16 February 2017 2017MonthlyVolumes.jpg (file) 110 KB Cellsworth   1
10:18, 16 February 2017 RT AnglerUse 2016.jpg (file) 62 KB Cellsworth   1
10:17, 16 February 2017 RT AnglerSat 2016.jpg (file) 55 KB Cellsworth   1
10:17, 16 February 2017 RT Anglercpue 2016.jpg (file) 89 KB Cellsworth   1
10:16, 16 February 2017 RT condition 2016.jpg (file) 110 KB Cellsworth   1
10:07, 16 February 2017 RT LFreq 2016.jpg (file) 89 KB Cellsworth   1
10:06, 16 February 2017 RTjuvi cpue 2016b.jpg (file) 74 KB Cellsworth 1
10:04, 16 February 2017 RTjuvi cpue 2016.jpg (file) 76 KB Cellsworth 1
10:01, 16 February 2017 RT cpue 2016.jpg (file) 63 KB Cellsworth 1
09:47, 16 February 2017 TMFS Conclusions2017.jpg (file) 160 KB Cellsworth   1
09:29, 16 February 2017 SpeckledDace2016.jpg (file) 86 KB Cellsworth 1
09:29, 16 February 2017 FMS2016.jpg (file) 89 KB Cellsworth 1
09:09, 16 February 2017 HBCsummary2016.jpg (file) 119 KB Cellsworth   1
07:13, 16 February 2017 HBC WGChoopnets.jpg (file) 82 KB Cellsworth   1
07:03, 16 February 2017 VegMonitoring summary.jpg (file) 135 KB Cellsworth   1
07:03, 16 February 2017 VegMonitoring 1964 2013.jpg (file) 89 KB Cellsworth   1
07:02, 16 February 2017 TamariskBeetle.jpg (file) 105 KB Cellsworth   1
06:58, 16 February 2017 VegetationMonitoring.jpg (file) 175 KB Cellsworth   1
06:40, 16 February 2017 AeolianUpdate2017.jpg (file) 163 KB Cellsworth   1
06:39, 16 February 2017 AeolianResults2017.jpg (file) 84 KB Cellsworth   1
06:38, 16 February 2017 AeolianTypes.jpg (file) 155 KB Cellsworth   1
06:14, 16 February 2017 AeolianOptions.jpg (file) 166 KB Cellsworth   1
10:38, 15 February 2017 Final River Trip Report 021217 (1).pdf (file) 6.46 MB 2016 Hualapai monitoring report 1
10:48, 13 February 2017 WhatIsWiki.jpg (file) 272 KB Cellsworth   1
10:47, 13 February 2017 GCDAMPwiki.jpg (file) 117 KB Cellsworth   1
10:32, 6 February 2017 LTEMPhomepage.jpg (file) 344 KB Cellsworth   1
07:10, 6 February 2017 KeepCalmHope4Snow.jpg (file) 19 KB Cellsworth   1
07:05, 3 February 2017 Fisheries PEP Report 2016-12-27.pdf (file) 314 KB Cellsworth Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program, Protocols Evaluation Panel, Final Report for the Fisheries Program Review, December 27, 2016 1
09:51, 2 February 2017 FY13 14 BWP.jpg (file) 97 KB Cellsworth   1
12:35, 1 February 2017 20170126 trout.jpg (file) 3.08 MB Cellsworth TWG Budget exercise Jan 2017 1
12:33, 1 February 2017 20170126 TMFs.jpg (file) 3.14 MB Cellsworth TWG Budget exercise Jan 2017 1
12:32, 1 February 2017 20170126 sediment.jpg (file) 3.21 MB Cellsworth TWG Budget exercise Jan 2017 1
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