Stakeholder Page- Colorado

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The Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) was established in 1937 to guide development and protection of water resources for the benefit of present and future Coloradans. Through policy implementation, financial support for water projects, and participation in statewide as well as nationwide programming, the CWCB strives to most effectively utilize this valuable resource. This fifteen member Board and professional staff work with the federal government, neighboring states, and water users within Colorado to strike a balance between necessary development and environmental protection. The CWCB serves as Colorado’s primary guide for water policy in all of the state’s river basins, as well as administration of major compacts, decrees, and treaties.

"Denver Water has a direct interest in these issues because half our supply comes from the Colorado River," said Jim Lochhead, chief executive of the water agency serving Denver and its suburbs. SFGATE Article Link

Discovery Channel: How California Got its Shape

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