From Glen Canyon Dam AMP
Revision as of 12:34, 17 July 2014 by Jthiriot (Talk | contribs) (add water data)

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WATER BOR BCOO WaterOps from JULY 17th

  • Projected 2014 April-July unregulated inflow into Lake Powell is 6.990 KAF or 98% of average.
  • Unregulated Inflows into Lake Powell
    • July 900,000 AF) or 82% of avg (Forecasted)
    • August 450,000 (AF) or 90% of avg (Forecasted)
    • September 350,000 (AF) or 86% of avg (Forecasted)


  • Snowpack N/A for this time of year


  • Mar- Monthly Release = 505,000 acre feet
  • Apr- Monthly Release = 500,000 acre feet
  • May- Monthly Release = 510,000 acre feet
  • Jun- Monthly Release = 600,000 acre feet
  • Water Yr Release: 7.48 MAF
  • Water Yr operating tier: Mid-Elevation Release Tier
  • HFE Scheduled: No
  • Water Quality: Normal
  • CRSS: Lake Mead level predicted to be 1085' Mar 2015
  • Forecasting
    • __% chance of 8.23 for water yr 2014 (Kgrantz TBD)
    • __% chance of 7.48 for water yr 2014 (Kgrantz TBD)



  • March 20, 2014
    • Upriver: 3.5 to 6
    • Walk-In: 3.5 to 6
    • Spin-Fishing: 5 to 7.5
  • Key: 1 = Go fish somewhere else 10 = Rent a helicopter and get here now!


  • 2014 is year 12 of 10 for HFE protocol EA (2020)
  • 2014 is year 12 of 10 for NN Fish Control EA (2020)
  • 2014 is year 11 of 5 for Mexico to store water in U.S. reservoirs -- Minute 319