AHAHG Background Information

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Background Information

At the August 2010 AMWG meeting

  • the following motion passed by consensus:

"AMWG requests that POAHG, working with Reclamation, GCMRC, and other appropriate parties, develop and forward to TWG a recommendation with regard to a prospectus that identifies goals and objectives, scope, lead agency, cost, and funding source (s) for an RFP for an annotated administrative history of the AMP to document the history of events, people, sites, issues, and documents that have contributed to adaptive ecosystem management of the Colorado River ecosystem in relation to Glen Canyon Dam. AMWG further requests that TWG make a recommendation on the subject to AMWG by the summer 2011 AMWG meeting."

August 2012 AMWG meeting

  • “AMWG accepts the Administrative History Prospectus dated August 2011, and directs TWG to review it for potential implementation.”


October 2012 TWG meeting

  • TWG Chair authorizes the creation of the Administrative History Ad-Hoc Group (AHAHG) to be chaired by Jason Thiriot.
  • TWG directs the AHAHG to further develop the “Wikipedia Concept” as presented at the Oct, 2012 TWG meeting. LINK

  • The web-site www.GCDAMP.com was created with the purpose to implement and address the recommendations from the Administrative History Prospectus. As applicable, the WIKI is to serve as a collaborative resource tool to aid managers and to serve as a “clearing-house” for the Program’s historical information.

February 2013 AMWG meeting

  • The Following Motion passed by consensus:
  • AMWG accepts TWG's report on the Strategy for Development of the Administrative History of the Adaptive Management Program (SDAH, website www.gcdamp.com). AMWG recommends this approach to the Secretary of the Interior to review and concur with the AMWG strategy on implementation of the SDAH.
  • Decision Memorandum for the Secretary_dated 10-25-2013

  • The AHAHG has met various times via teleconference and Web-Ex in 2013 and 2014. The AHAHG is now considering options to develop the GCDAMP Administrative History Project, and will solicit input from AMWG at the February 2014 meeting on direction moving forward.