Modeling Assumptions:
- Bug flows would occur every weekend from May - Aug (34 days, we scheduled July to have the 5th weekend because that how it works out in 2016)
- Weekend flow = minimum flow for the month = weekday minimum flow (see weekly hydrographs on the monthly tabs)
- Hybrid Public Draft monthly volume, ramp rates, or daily change parameters
- Moved weekend water to weekday releases
- Energy prices used in this modeling are for a Saturday, Sunday, and a weekday for May, June, July, and August 2016. These are the energy prices Argonne used in the LTEMP modeling for 2016.
Hybrid Public Draft 8.23 MAF volumes:
- May = 632
- June = 663
- July = 749
- August = 800
Ramp rates: 4,000 up and 2,500 down
Daily change:
- May = 9
- June = 10
- July = 10
- August = 10
Minimum release: 5,000 cfs
Maximum release: 25,000 cfs