GCDAMP WIKI Overview Questions

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GCDAMP Wiki Update and PPT

How do you upload files or suggest additions or changes to the WIKI?

  1. Go to gcdamp.com
  2. On the left tool bar click Upload File
  3. Click Choose File
  4. Navigate and select the file off your computer, add a Description (helps with the search function; something like "2015 Hopi Annual Monitoring Report"), Comments to Admin (to let us know how you want the posting to look; "Post to the Tribal Monitoring Report section on the Cultural Page"), Category (lets us know what page to post it to; "Cultural"), and Contributor (who to contact if we have questions).
  5. And click Submit File

That then sends a notification to someone on the Wiki Admin staff and they then make those changes to the page you identified in “Category” and described in “Comments to Admin.”

Who do I contact for help on the WIKI?

  • Craig Ellsworth, Fisheries Biologist, Western Area Power Administration, CRSP Management Center, (O) 801.524.3344, (M) 385.228.3994, ellsworth@wapa.gov
  • Vineetha Kartha, Arizona Department of Water Resources, 602-771-8552, vkartha@azwater.gov
  • Peggy Roefer, Natural Resource Analyst, Colorado River Commission, 555 E. Washington Ave Suite 3100, Las Vegas, NV 89101, 702-486-2669, proefer@crc.nv.gov
  • Kaleb Hall, Assistant Director, Energy Information Systems, Colorado River Commission, 555 E. Washington Ave Suite 3100, Las Vegas, NV 89101, 702-486-2670, kalebhall@crc.nv.gov

Questions & Answers

  • Who will the WIKI Web-Site belong to? Currently the WIKI is in the infant stages, and the Colorado River Commission of Nevada is the current "Custodian". However, the CRC has set the site up with the ability to hand-off to others down the road. The CRC will donate the site to the GCDAMP if that is what is agreed to
  • What is the cost of having the WIKI option? Not much. The domain name and set-up was around $26. The hosting is about $250 for 2 years.
  • What is the storage limit on this WIKI? Unlimited space. The provider is HostGator.com
  • What back-up features does the host offer? Host Gator backs up everyday. They also offer administrative assistance.
  • Who will be able to add to the site? Anybody the group allows (following the upload and review procedure described above).
  • Can we make this WIKI site internal for just GCDAMP people? Yes, if that is what the group decides to do. It will be easy to add a User-name and Password feature.
  • Do I have to be a "Web-Master" to participate in the WIKI? No, there are some basic scripting skills needed, but once you get the hang of it, there is no stopping. (It is envisioned that "Help" pages will be made available for people to learn how to WIKI)
  • Can I still participate in adding items to the WIKI even though I don't have time to learn how to WIKI? Yes, just click on "Upload File" in the toolbar to the left and include the idea, wording, documents, etc. and to what page you would like the information to be added and a wiki administrator will help get that information added to the site.

Wiki coding cheat sheet
Wiki page template

To do list:

  • Can we set up a semi-private page with limited access to a small group of users?
  • Is there a way to do batch uploads of jpegs from a river trip?
  • Fix "Mailing Lists" link in the left task bar. Need to add a box where people can add their email address to be added to the mailing list. What does this mailing list do anyways?
  • How do we add news items? We add news items by submitting news items through the Submit News link in the right-hand side menu. It has to be approved by an administrator before it will show in the news sections.
  • Can we add a page counter? Looking into this.
  • Why doesn't my email get upload notifications? I get the changes to wiki notifications (Craig).