GCDAMP and NPS River Trips and Field Activities
- 26-Jan 2-Feb Project H, GCMRC, Rainbow trout monitoring in Lees Ferry Glen Canyon
- 14-Feb 2-Mar Project A, GCMRC, Streamflow, water quality, and sediment transport and budgeting in the Colorado River Ecosystem Grand Canyon
- 4-April 20-Apr Project B, GCMRC, Control network; RM 87-166 Grand Canyon
- 5-Apr 17-Apr Project I, AZGFD, System-wide native and non-native fish monitoring Glen and Grand Canyon
- 11-Apr 24-Apr Project F, GCMRC, Aquatic food base monitoring Glen and Grand Canyon
- 17-Apr 27-Apr Project G, USFWS, Humpback chub monitoring in the Little Colorado River LCR
- 24-Apr 30-Apr Project H, GCMRC, Rainbow trout monitoring in Lees Ferry Glen Canyon
- 26-Apr 8-May Project I, AZGFD, System-wide native and non-native fish monitoring Glen and Grand Canyon
- 28-Apr 15-May Project D, GCMRC, Cultural resources monitoring Grand Canyon
- 11-May 30-May Project G, GCMRC, Juvenile humpback chub monitoring Grand Canyon
- 15-May 25-May Project G, USFWS, Humpback chub monitoring in the Little Colorado River Little Colorado River
- 19-May 1-June Hualapai Cultural Monitoring Grand Canyon May NPS, Razorback sucker (Bright Angel Creek-Pearce Ferry), small-bodied/larval fish seining Grand Canyon
- May NPS, Havasu Creek humpback chub translocation monitoring Havasu Creek
- May NPS, PIT-tag antenna installation at Bright Angel/Phantom Ranch Bright Angel Creek
- May NPS, Bright Angel Creek humpback chub translocation Bright Angel Creek
- 6-june 15-June Paiute Consortium Cultural Monitoring Grand Canyon
- 13-June 6-July GCMRC, Juvenile Humpback chub monitoring Grand Canyon
- 14-June 29-June Projects F & M, GCMRC Partners in Science, Aquatic food base monitoring Grand Canyon
- 28-June 9-July GCMRC, Juvenile Humpback chub monitoring-LCR Little Colorado River
- June NPS, Razorback sucker (Bright Angel Creek-Pearce Ferry), small-bodied/larval fish seining Grand Canyon
- June NPS, Shinumo Creek/Shinumo Inflow aggregation monitoring Grand Canyon
Take out
Project Number
Project Description
2017 |
16-Aug |
1-Sep |
Project 2: |
water quality/fine sediment monitoring |
Grand Canyon
19-Aug |
5-Sep |
Project 6: |
mainstem Colorado R. humpback chub aggregation monitoring |
Grand Canyon
23-Aug |
8-Sep |
Project 11: |
riparian vegetation monitoring |
Grand Canyon
9-Sep |
18-Sep |
Hopi Tribe |
cultural monitoring |
Grand Canyon
12-Sep |
15-Sep |
Project 9: |
Lees Ferry trout population monitoring |
Glen Canyon
15-Sep |
28-Sep |
Projects 5 & 6: |
Aquatic food base monitoring; mainstem Colorado R. fish monitoring (seining) |
Grand Canyon
19-Sep |
21-Sep |
Project 9: |
rainbow trout early lifestage study |
Glen Canyon
19-Sep |
29-Sep |
Project 7: |
humpback chub population monitoring in the Little Colorado River |
Little Colorado River
28-Sep |
18-Oct |
Projects 7 & 9: |
juvenile humpback chub monitoring near the Little Colorado River confluence; GCMRC trout movement from Glen Canyon |
Glen Canyon & Grand Canyon
29-Sep |
16-Oct |
Projects 3 & 11: |
long-term campsite and sandbar monitoring, GCMRC riparian vegetation monitoring |
Grand Canyon
6-Oct |
10-Oct |
Project 6: |
maninstem Colorado R. fish monitoring downstream of Diamond Creek |
Grand Canyon
17-Oct |
27-Oct |
Project 7: |
humpback chub population monitoring in the Little Colorado River |
Little Colorado River
2018 |
Presentations and Papers
Other Stuff