Ad-Hoc Groups Background and Assignments table

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Date Formed Ad Hoc Group Name Chair (in bold) and Members Charge and/or Additional Assignments

7/21/99 Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Group Matthew Andersen, Geoff Barnard, Clay Bravo, Wayne Cook, Kerry Christensen, Dave Cohen, Kurt Dongoske, Helen Fairley, Barry Gold, John Hamill, Amy Heuslein, Pamela Hyde, Leslie James, Rick Johnson, Bill Persons, Ted Rampton, Randy Peterson, Andre Potochnik, Ted Rampton, Gerald Zimmerman

Facilitator: Mary Orton The AMWG will form an ad hoc group to address the goals and objectives which flow from the vision statement. 7/21/99 Downstream Ad Hoc Group Rob Arnberger, Geoff Barnard, Clay Bravo, Charley Calhoun, Dave Cohen, Wayne Cook, Chris Harris, Leslie James, Dave Sabo, Bruce Taubert.

Chair: Barry Gold GCMRC will take a first look at the NRC Report. They will then work with the Downstream Ad Hoc Group and the Downstream AHG will report back to the AMWG for further discussion and clarification Public Outreach Ad Hoc Group (POAHG) Darryl Beckmann, Steven Begay, Rory Aikens, Cisney Havatone, Doug Hendrix, Amy Heuslein, Jeff Humphrey, Leslie James, Andre Potochnik, Larry Riley, Larry Schmit, Mark Steffen, Bruce Taubert, Mike Yeatts July 2004 ? Roles Ad Hoc Group Dave Garrett, Norm Henderson, Jeff Lovich, Randy Peterson

Facilitator: MaryOrton This was established as a result of the AMWG Retreat held June 28-29, 2004 3/2/05 Roles Ad Hoc Group Randy Peterson, Jeff Lovich, Norm Henderson, Dave Garrett To discuss the roles and responsibilities for the AMWG, TWG, GCMRC, and the Science Advisors 12/5/06 Re-establishment of the Roles AHG Randy Peterson, Kurt Dongoske, John Hamill, Dave Garrett The Group will review the Roles AHG Report and prepare a recommendation for AMWG’s consideration at their next meeting relative to how the AMWG, TWG, GCMRC, etc., should function.

7/17/02 AMP In/Out AHG Robert Begay, Wayne Cook, Lloyd Greiner, Norm Henderson, Pamela Hyde, Phillip Lehr, Clayton Palmer, Randy Peterson, Randy Seaholm, John Shields, Don Metz/Sam Spiller, Bruce Taubert/Bill Persons, Gerald Zimmerman Make a recommendation to AMWG regarding criteria for management objectives and information needs appropriate for the AMP and report back to the AMWG at it’s July 2002 meeting. 1/28/03 Humpback Chub Comprehensive Plan Amy Heuslein, Leslie James, Rod Kuharich, Clayton Palmer, John Shields, Sam Spiller, Bruce Taubert Motion passed: AMWG meet in a special session on or about April 1, 2003 to consider actions to implement a comprehensive research and management program for the humpback chub, and in the interim an ad hoc committee of AMWG, TWG, GCMRC, and science advisors develop recommendations and report to AMWG at the special session. Sam Spiller will develop a purpose statement for the newly formed group. Experimental Flows Ad Hoc Group Randy Peterson The AHG started out with the task to evaluate BHBFs and Biological Opinion flows. BHBF testing was felt to be important because while some things were learned in 1996, not enough was learned to tell them how to do BHBFs in the future when they are governed as management actions triggered under the triggering criteria. The concept is to perform more tests on BHBFs so they better learn how to operate the dam long term. It=s a fundamental premise that these will be conducted independent of the triggering criteria. They in no way intend to inviolate or blow off triggering criteria long term but for a short period of time in the interim will use testing as a way to discover more things about them. The BHBF issue might be easier to work on first and then addresss BO flows. They have not had a thorough discussion with the TWG on what the group has proposed but are considering a couple of initial tests … 3/2/05 Humpback Chub Implementation Plan AHG Nikolai Lash, Randy Seaholm, Sam Spiller This group will: 1) Determine which actions identified in the HBC Comprehensive Plan can be accomplished under the AMP, 2) Explore the various options for completing actions that do not fall under the authorities of the AMP.

3/7/06 Humpback Chub Recovery/Consultation (HBCRC AHG) Darryl Beckmann, Norm Henderson, Leslie James, Rod Kuharich (co-chair), Max Oelschlaeger, Don Ostler, Clayton Palmer, Nikolai Lash, Sam Spiller, Bruce Taubert, Gerald Zimmerman Motion/Charge: In recognition of the significance of Humpback chub conservation to the GCD AMP, AMWG directs the establishment of an AMWG ad hoc committee, in consultation with the DOI Policy Group and the Colorado River Fish and Wildlife Council, to make a recommendation to AMWG at its August 2006 meeting on what actions AMWG should take with regard to the implementation of a program whose goal is recovery of the HBC under the Endangered Species Act, with geographic scope and other details to be included in the recommendation. Motion seconded by Larry Stevens. Motion passed by consensus.

12/5/06 DOI Policy Group Update Mark Limbaugh NOTE: This is not an AMWG ad hoc group but Mr. Mark Limbaugh said this group is comprised of assistant secretaries and bureau directors who manage the federal agencies involved in the AMWG and who represent the Secretary on issues AMWG addresses. 8/29/07 BHBF PIAHG Motion/Charge: AMWG establishes the BHBF Policy Issues Ad Hoc Group to identify non-technical issues with regard to BHBFs (beginning with the list that was generated by the GCMRC at its August 2007 meeting), and make recommendations to the AMWG at its next meeting with regard to how to address those issues. For information sharing purposes, the AMWG invites a representative from each of GCMRC and TWG to attend meetings of this ad hoc group. 5/22/08 Lees Ferry Trout Fishery AHG (LFTF AHG) Sam Spiller Motion/Charge: That the AMWG form a “Lees Ferry Trout Fishery Ad Hoc Group” to make a recommendation to the AMWG by its next meeting on the following two Environmental Assessment (EA) mitigation commitment items: 1. How the AMWG, consistent with the EA, might facilitate discussion among trout fishing guides and anglers, Marble Canyon business owners, recreational rafting companies, and other interested parties regarding proposed experimental actions affecting these resources, to include a projected schedule for meetings, cost-effective location, and whether Federal and State agencies should serve as support to the work of this ad hoc group, and

2. Whether and how AMWG should be involved in updating the Lees Ferry Trout Management Plan, including whether the AMP should sponsor workshops that could be used to help develop the specific aspects of the management plan, and including an assessment of work, projected schedule, and cost-effective locations. Motion seconded by Bill Werner. Hearing no objection, the motion was passed by consensus.

Action Item: Members who wish to participate in this new ad hoc group (Lees Ferry AHG) should provide their names to Mary Orton by the close of tomorrow’s meeting.

2009 Comprehensive Plan Implementation AHG Co-chairs: Nikolai Lash/Rick Johnson, Sam Spiller, Bill Werner. Members: Clayton Palmer, Larry Stevens

Table is currently under construction

Ad-Hoc Groups Background and Assignments Table

  • KEY: A = Active, I = Inactive
E 7/21/99 Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Group Table The AMWG will form an ad hoc group to address the goals and objectives which flow from the vision statement.
C Humpback Chub Humpback Chub.jpg MAP- Critical Habitat for HBC.jpg
E Roundtail Chub TBD TBD
E Colorado Pikeminnow TBD MAP- Critical Habitat for Squawfish.jpg
A Speckled Dace Speckled Dace.jpg TBD
R Paria River Dace TBD TBD
R Meriwhithica Dace TBD TBD
R Razorback Sucker Razorback Sucker.jpg MAP- Critical Habitat for Razorback Sucker.jpg
A Flannelmouth Sucker Flannelmouth Sucker.jpg TBD
C Bluehead Sucker Bluehead Sucker.jpg TBD
A Rainbow Trout Rainbow Trout.jpg TBD
R Cutthroat Trout TBD TBD
N Brown Trout Brown Trout.jpg TBD
R Brook Trout TBD TBD
A Common Carp Common Carp.jpg TBD
R Goldfish TBD TBD
R Fathead Minnow Fathead Minnow.jpg TBD
R Channel Catfish Channel Catfish.jpg TBD
C Black Bullhead Black Bullhead.jpg TBD
C Rio Grande Killfish TBD TBD
N Striped Bass Striped Bass.jpg TBD
N Largemouth Bass Largemouth Bass.jpg TBD
R Smallmouth Bass Smallmouth Bass.jpg TBD
R Green Sunfish Green Sunfish.jpg TBD
R Bluegil Sunfish Bluegill.jpg TBD
R Walleye Walleye.jpg TBD