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Colorado River Otter- EP- PIC.jpg

Extirpated Species

At least 14, to more than 23 animal species that existed or regularly bred in the CRE have been extirpated, with only two of those extirpations occurring prior to the closure of Glen Canyon Dam in 1963 (California condor - Gymnogyps californianus, and gray wolf - Canis lupus youngi; Table 2; Appendix A). TMC known to have been extirpated include: 4 fish (Colorado pikeminnow – Pychocheilus lucius, razorback sucker – Xyrauchen texanus, and bonytail and roundtail chub – Gila elegans and G. robusta, respectively), 2 amphibians (Lithobates pipiens and L. nr. yavapaiensis), zebra-tailed lizard, 4 birds (breeding southwestern willow flycatcher – Empidonax trailii extimus; western yellow-billed cuckoo - Coccyzus americanus occidentalis, Gambel’s quail - Callipepla gambelii, and California condor, which was reintroduced outside the CRE in 1996); and 3 mammals (badger – Taxodea taxa; the likely extinct southwestern river otter – Lutra canadensis sonora; and gray wolf, which was extirpated from northern Arizona prior to 1946). The status of several apparently rare herpetofauna (e.g., regal ring-necked snake – Diadophis punctatus regalis, western threadsnake – Leptotyphlops humilis, other snakes), as well as numerous rare plant and invertebrate taxa, remains unknown. [1]

Desired Future Condition for Extirpated Species

Re-establish fishes extirpated from Grand Canyon, where feasible and consistent with recovery goals for humpback chub and the recovery goals of those extirpated fishes.



Colorado Pikeminnow

Bonytail Chub

Roundtail Chub

Lowland Leopard Frog

Northern Leopard Frog

Southwestern Willow Flycatcher

Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo

Plains Gray Wolf

Colorado River Otter

Extirpated Species- Archieve


Presentations and Papers

Other Stuff

  • The 2009 park profile for Grand Canyon National Park prepared by the National Park Service lists the following species as extirpated: grizzly bear, black-footed ferret, gray wolf, jaguar, Bear Valley sandwort, Colorado pikeminnow, bonytail, roundtail chub, and northern leopard frog.
  • The CFMP-EA does not propose management actions to reintroduce extirpated species to the project area; however, reintroduction feasibility studies conducted over the life of the plan would undergo subsequest NEPA analysis. (NPS CFMP-EA_pg59)
  • How close is close enough for gray wolf recovery? It's Interior's call