This briefing is being provided consistent with the
provision in Section 1.1 of the LTEMP ROD which states:
“Annually, Reclamation will develop a hydrograph based on the characteristics
above. Reclamation will seek consensus on the annual hydrograph through
monthly operational coordination calls with governmental entities, and regular
meetings of the GCDAMP Technical Working Group (TWG) and AMWG.
Reclamation will conduct monthly Glen Canyon Dam operational coordination
meetings or calls with the DOI bureaus (USGS, NPS, FWS, and BIA), WAPA, and
representatives from the Basin States and UCRC. The purpose of these meetings or
calls is for the participants to share and seek information on Glen Canyon Dam
operations. One liaison from each Basin State and from the UCRC may participate
in the monthly operational coordination meetings or calls.”