Carlee Brown- BIO PAGE

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AMWG Alternate
TWG Member

Carlee Brown, Colorado Water Conservation Board

Carlee Brown is the Interstate, Federal, and Water Information Section Chief for the Colorado Water Conservation Board. She is responsible for activities relating to the Colorado River Compact, Upper Colorado River Compact and Arkansas River Compact. Carlee serves as the lead advisor to Colorado's Upper Colorado River Compact Commissioner. She represents Colorado in programs to recover endangered species in the Upper Colorado, San Juan and Platte River Basins. She is also Colorado's representative to the technical workgroup for the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program, and assists in Colorado's participation in the Colorado River Salinity Control Program.

Carlee previously served as Policy Advisor for water at the Western Governors’ Association (WGA). Carlee led WGA’s bipartisan efforts on drought, the Clean Water Act, water data, and groundwater. She also worked on endangered species and wildlife management issues as coordinator of the State-Federal Sage Grouse Task Force. Additionally, Carlee served as WGA’s Manager of Federal Relations, a role in which she was responsible for maintaining effective working relationships with administration and interest group leaders in Washington, D.C.

Carlee graduated from Stanford University with an MS in Earth Systems and a BA in American Studies. In her free time, she enjoys hiking and bookbinding.

  • Last Updated- 2017