GCDAMP-Colorado River Toad
From Glen Canyon Dam AMP
- Colorado River toads or “Sonoran Toads”
- Colorado River toads are large with a flat, broad head and leathery skin with a dark brown to grayish green color. They usually have pale orange warts on sparsely located on their skin. You also will see large white warts are the corners of their mouths and large granular glands covering the neck and limbs.
- ACI_Pet lovers beware of Colorado River toad- News Article
- Monsoon rains usually bring out the Colorado River toads to areas throughout Pinal County.
- Colorado River toads secrete a toxin from their skin that can be fatal to pets. The toxin that is secreted is sticky and with a milky white color. It contains two substances: a neurotoxin and a cardiotoxin. Both are really dangerous to animals that come in contact with the toads.