Lesley Fitzpatrick- BIO PAGE
From Glen Canyon Dam AMP
Lesley Fitzpatrick |
- (A) Lesley Fitzpatrick (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) has been with the USFWS Arizona Ecological Service’s Office since 1979 working on a variety of resource issues. Since 1992, Ms. Fitzpatrick has focused on issues relating to the Colorado River and its native fish (bonytail and razorback sucker) including involvement in the designation of critical habitat for the four big river fish species and the development of the Lower Colorado River Multi-species Conservation Plan. She is now our office lead for the Long Term Experimental and Management Plan for Glen Canyon Dam Operations environmental impact statement and is our office lead for the humpback chub. She graduated from the University of Rhode Island in 1972 with a B.S. in Zoology and received her Master’s Degree in Fishery Science in 1976 from the University of Arizona.
- Last Updated- 2017