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  • FROM: Linda Whetton
  • DATE: May 10, 2010
  • RE: Glen Knowles and Upper Colorado Region Bureau of Reclamation- Environmental Resources Division

We are pleased to announce that Glen W. Knowles has accepted a position with the Upper Colorado Region Bureau of Reclamation Environmental Resources Division. Glen will be assuming the duties of Dennis Kubly following a period of overlap during which time Glen will become fully acquainted with Reclamation’s Glen Canyon Adaptive Management Program responsibilities. Glen’s first day in the office will be Monday, May 17.

  • FROM: Anne Castle
  • DATE: March 31, 2011
  • RE: "GCMRC Science Planning"
  1. "Our first and foremost priority is complance with the Endangered Species Act, which means focus on the native fish and particularly the humpback chub.
  2. "Second, we need to focus on sediment, which was an instigating factor for the Grand Canyon Protection Act and continues to be an issue with resources down stream of the dam..."
  3. "Third, and these are competing priorities, we need science on both non-native fish control and the recreational trout fishery.
  4. "These are the primary areas where I have asked GCMRC to concentrate its resources."