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==Update on AMWG / TWG Coordination (6/12/17)==
Hello AMWG and TWG members,
[[File:MAP USGS Sandbar Monitoring in the Grand Canyon 150603.jpg |160px]]
*Date:June 3, 2015
As you are aware, the Department of Interior (DOI) is currently reviewing its Federal advisory committees and during the review AWMG meetings and activities have been suspended.
*From:  USGS (Authors are Grams, Schmidt, Wright, Topping, Melis and Rubin)
*Subject: '''Rebuilding Sandbars in the Grand Canyon'''
Reclamation requested, and recently received, a waiver to hold subcommittee meetings and activities during the DOI Federal advisory committee review.  In particular Reclamation requested this wavier to:
*Details: Three years of releasing water from Glen Canyon Dam to generate controlled floods has resulted in rebuilding sandbars in the Grand Canyon, according to a new USGS article published in Eos. The article is available open-access at:
*Coordinate with the TWG to receive additional input and review on the draft GCDAMP FY 2018-2020 budget and workplan
https://eos.org/features/building-sandbars-in-the-grand-canyon press release:'''[http://www.usgs.gov/blogs/features/usgs_top_story/rebuilding-sandbars-in-the-grand-canyon/?from=title LINK]'''
*Coordinate a workshop on brown trout in the August / September timeframe
*Consult and coordinate with the TWG on a possible HFE in November 2017.  
We are still determining the possible dates and timeline for how coordination and activity with the TWG will resume and are exploring options to meet with the TWG in July.
Additionally, we anticipate re-scheduling the August AMWG meeting for some time in September, and are currently considering Sept 20-21, 2017.  Please note that this potential meeting is contingent upon the DOI Federal advisory committee review as well as several other logistical matters. We will keep you posted as we know more.
We greatly value your dedication and participation in the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Work Group. 
Kind regards,
Katrina Grantz
[[File:PIC- 13th Biennial Conference of Science and Management.jpg |150px]]
*Date:  Posted April 3, 2015 (For October 5-8)
*From: Conveners: T. Melis (tmelis@usgs.gov) & S. VanderKooi (svanderkooi@usgs.gov), USGS, Southwest Biological Science Center, GCMRC
*Subject:  '''13th Biennial Conference of Science & Management on the Colorado Plateau & Southwest Region'''
*Location:  2015 - High Country Conference Center - Flagstaff, AZ
*Details: *[http://nau.edu/Merriam-Powell/Biennial-Conference/About/ LINK to Website Info]
*Theme: Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Assess and Respond to Climatic, Social, and Technological Changes
*[[Media:13th Biennial Conference on Science and management- Summary Page.pdf |13th Biennial Conference on Science and management- Summary Page]]
[[File:PIC- ESA -Report- GCMRC.jpg |160px]]
== Science & Management on the Colorado Plateau & Southwest Region ==
*Date: April 3, 2015  (GCMRC via Linda Whetton)
The biennial conference of Science & Management on the Colorado Plateau & Southwest Region is convening this year. The conference is scheduled for September 11-14, 2017, and will be held at the High Country Conference Center at NAU.
*Subject:  '''Flow management and fish density regulate salmonid recruitment and adult size in tailwaters across western North America'''
*[[Media:1500331 Dibble.Yackulic.Kennedy.Budy.preprint.EcolApps.pdf |1500331 Dibble.Yackulic.Kennedy.Budy.preprint.EcolApps]]
I have been invited to organize a session on rivers and streams of the southwestAs such, I am inviting you, or someone you know, to consider submitting an abstract for an oral presentation at this conference.
*From:  An article resulting from a project funded in the GCDAMP biennial workplan authored by Kimberly Dibble, Charles Yackulic, Theodore Kennedy, and Phaedra Budy has been accepted for publication in Ecological Applications.
*The article synthesizes biological and hydrologic data from tailwaters across the western United States, with the aim of understanding how flow management and other biological factors influence rainbow and brown trout population dynamics in regulated rivers.
*Details:'''[[Media:1500331 Dibble.Yackulic.Kennedy- Summary Page.pdf |Summary Page]]'''
[[File:PIC- NEPA and Silencing of native Americans worldviews.jpg |160px]]
*Date: March 26, 2015
*Subject:  '''NEPA and the Silencing of Native American Worldviews Environmental Practice'''
*From:  Kurt Dongoski (Via Linda Whetton)
*Link: [[Media:NEPA and the Silencing of Native American Worldviews Environmental Practice 17 36-45 March2015 (1).pdf |NEPA and the Silencing of Native American Worldviews Environmental Practice MARCH 2015 VERSION_17 36-45]]
I would like to focus this session on both science monitoring and research and how these results can be used to inform decision-making and guide management outcomesI hope the session can be a good mix of both the science that is used to guide decisions as well as management objectives and tools and tribal resources and values.
[[File:Brent Rhees- UB Regional Director- USBR- PIC.jpg|160px]]
*Date: March 26, 2015
*Subject:  '''Brent Rhees named USBR Colorado River Upper Basin Director'''
*From:  USBR
*Link: [[Media:150326 Brent Rhees named USBR UB Region Director.pdf |USBR Announcement Flyer- 2015]]
If you are interested in participating, please let me know soonRight now I only need your commitment and a tentative title but note that abstracts will be due by June 1.  
[[File:Tiger Salemadar- PIC.jpg|160px]]
*Date: March 25, 2015
*Subject:  '''Wandering salamander baffles scientists  (Lees Ferry)'''
*From:  AZ Daily Sun - GCWC and Larry Stevens
*Link: [http://azdailysun.com/news/local/wandering-salamander-baffles-scientists/article_33c8dede-7f1c-5c04-8085-2526c699becb.html AZ Daily Sun Article- LINK]
*Details:  *Last week, volunteers doing restoration work on the banks of the Colorado River above Lees Ferry found an almost foot-long tiger salamander. The amphibians live on the Colorado Plateau above the river, but haven't been seen on the river's banks according to any known records. Larry Stevens, senior ecologist with the Grand Canyon Wildlands Council, found the animal lazing in the shallow water of a marsh bordering the Colorado River last week. “Holy cow," Stevens remembered thinking to himself. “This is an incredibly new find for the Colorado River.
The biennial conference is a great place to showcase your work and to interact with colleaguesI look forward to seeing you there!
[[File:PIC- USU Spring Runoff Conference-2015.jpg|160px]]
*Date: March 31- April 1st (Posted 2015)
*Subject:  '''Utah State University- Spring Runoff Conference- 2015'''
*From:  Jack Schmidt
*Link: [[Media:USUSpringRunoffConference2015Flyer.pdf |USU Spring Runoff Conference Flyer- 2015]]
Thank you.
[[File:PIC- 2014 Zuni scope of work and budget Report.jpg|110px]]
*Date:  150312 (Posted 2015)
*From:  Pueblo of Zuni (Via Marianne Crawford-USBR)
[[File:PIC- 2014 Hopi Monitoring Report.jpg|110px]]
*Date:  150312 (Posted 2015)
*Subject:  '''2014 Hopi Long-Term Monitoring Program for the Grand Canyon- REPORT'''
*From:  Hopi Tribe (Via Marianne Crawford-USBR)
*Link: [[Media:2014 Hopi.pdf| 2014 Hopi Long-Term Monitoring Program for the Grand Canyon- REPORT]]
[[File:PIC- 2014 Navajo Nation Report.jpg|210px]]
*Date:  150312 (Posted 2015)
*Subject:  '''2014 Navajo Nation River Monitoring Trip Report'''
*From:  Navajo Nation (Via Marianne Crawford-USBR)
*Link: [[Media:2014 Navajo Nation River Monitoring Trip Report.pdf |2014 Navajo Nation River Monitoring Trip Report]]
*Date:  150211
*Subject:  '''NPS Monthly fisheries management update call'''
*From:  NPS (Via Linda Whetton)
*Details:  Invitation to TWG and interested parties
NPS holds a monthly fisheries management update call. There are two purposes for these calls: 1- Provide verbal updates on our (i.e., NPS-led) fisheries management activities to stakeholders, cooperators, agencies, etc., anyone interested is welcome to call in. 2- Coordinate logistics and plans for fisheries activities among cooperators. Trip reports, annual reports, and peer-reviewed publications that the fish program produces are also distributed on a regular basis. NPS also sends these to the 11 Associated Tribes separately.  If you would like to get on the mailing list, or would like more information on these calls, please contact Brian Healy at brian_healy@nps.gov<mailto:brian_healy@nps.gov>  Thank you.
[[File:150209 WGA Drought impacts -PIC.jpg|310px]]
*Date:  Posted_150209 (Meeting held December 2014)
*Subject:  '''Drought Impacts & Solutions for Water Supply Management'''
*From:  Western Governor's Association
*Link:  [http://www.westgov.org/images/images/NV_Drought_Forum_Water_Supply_Workshop_Summary.pdf LINK to Report]
== 2015 ==
[[File:Jennifer Gimble- 2014-PIC.jpg|90px]]
*Date: 01/06/2015
*Subject:  '''Jennifer Gimbel Appointment Memo (GCDAMP- Sally Jewell)'''
*From: Sally Jewell(via Linda Whetton)
*Link: [[Media:150105 Appointment Memo 15jan05.pdf |150105 Appointment Memo 15jan05]]
[[File:150105 Program Shirts-PIC.jpg|100px]]
Michael Moran
*Date: 01/05/2015
Deputy Chief
*Subject:  '''POAHG offers Program Shirts for Purchase'''
Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center
*From: Jason Thiriot (via Linda Whetton)
2255 N Gemini Drive
*Link: [[Media:141223 Shirts for GCDAMP- PACKET.pdf |141223 Shirts for GCDAMP- PACKET]]'''
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
(928) 556-7170 Office
(928) 814-9444 Cell
==Long Term Risk Reduction for Green Sunfish in the -12 RM sloughs Workshop:==
The NPS is hosting a webinar on October 27, 2016 for stakeholders and interested parties to develop a range of options for Long Term Risk Reduction for Green Sunfish in the -12 RM sloughs, and other invasive fish species and locations in the Lees Ferry Reach of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. This 'brainstorming' session will provide the basis for developing a range of alternatives to be analyzed in a Long Term Risk Reduction Plan and Environmental Assessment to be completed and implemented by October 2017. For more information contact Melissa Trammell at melissa_trammell@nps.gov
[[File:141216 HFE sandbar- PIC.jpg|100px]]
*Date: 12/16/2014
*Date: August 17, 2015
*Subject:  '''HFE Photos -from GCMRC Sandbar Cameras'''
*FromDOI Secretary Sally Jewell
*From: Scott Vanderkooi (via Linda Whetton)
*Subject: '''Operation of Glen Canyon Dam Report to Congress 2014 - 2015'''
*Link: '''[http://www.gcmrc.gov/gis/sandbartour2014/index.html 2014 HFE Sandbar- Virtual Tour]'''
*[[Media:20150817 DOI Operations of Glen Canyon Dam Report to Congress 2014-2015.pdf|'''20150817 DOI Operations of Glen Canyon Dam Report to Congress 2014-2015 PDF LINK''']]

Latest revision as of 10:25, 21 June 2017

2015-----2014-----2013 -----2012 -----2011 ----- 2010----- 2009

Update on AMWG / TWG Coordination (6/12/17)

Hello AMWG and TWG members,

As you are aware, the Department of Interior (DOI) is currently reviewing its Federal advisory committees and during the review AWMG meetings and activities have been suspended.

Reclamation requested, and recently received, a waiver to hold subcommittee meetings and activities during the DOI Federal advisory committee review. In particular Reclamation requested this wavier to:

  • Coordinate with the TWG to receive additional input and review on the draft GCDAMP FY 2018-2020 budget and workplan
  • Coordinate a workshop on brown trout in the August / September timeframe
  • Consult and coordinate with the TWG on a possible HFE in November 2017.

We are still determining the possible dates and timeline for how coordination and activity with the TWG will resume and are exploring options to meet with the TWG in July.

Additionally, we anticipate re-scheduling the August AMWG meeting for some time in September, and are currently considering Sept 20-21, 2017. Please note that this potential meeting is contingent upon the DOI Federal advisory committee review as well as several other logistical matters. We will keep you posted as we know more.

We greatly value your dedication and participation in the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Work Group.

Kind regards, Katrina Grantz

Science & Management on the Colorado Plateau & Southwest Region

The biennial conference of Science & Management on the Colorado Plateau & Southwest Region is convening this year. The conference is scheduled for September 11-14, 2017, and will be held at the High Country Conference Center at NAU.

I have been invited to organize a session on rivers and streams of the southwest. As such, I am inviting you, or someone you know, to consider submitting an abstract for an oral presentation at this conference.

I would like to focus this session on both science monitoring and research and how these results can be used to inform decision-making and guide management outcomes. I hope the session can be a good mix of both the science that is used to guide decisions as well as management objectives and tools and tribal resources and values.

If you are interested in participating, please let me know soon. Right now I only need your commitment and a tentative title but note that abstracts will be due by June 1.

The biennial conference is a great place to showcase your work and to interact with colleagues. I look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you.


Michael Moran Deputy Chief Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center 2255 N Gemini Drive Flagstaff, AZ 86001 mjmoran@usgs.gov (928) 556-7170 Office (928) 814-9444 Cell


Long Term Risk Reduction for Green Sunfish in the -12 RM sloughs Workshop:

The NPS is hosting a webinar on October 27, 2016 for stakeholders and interested parties to develop a range of options for Long Term Risk Reduction for Green Sunfish in the -12 RM sloughs, and other invasive fish species and locations in the Lees Ferry Reach of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. This 'brainstorming' session will provide the basis for developing a range of alternatives to be analyzed in a Long Term Risk Reduction Plan and Environmental Assessment to be completed and implemented by October 2017. For more information contact Melissa Trammell at melissa_trammell@nps.gov

20150817 DOI Operations of Glen Canyon Dam Report to Congress 2014-2015.PNG