News and Events-2014
From Glen Canyon Dam AMP
- Date: 12/16/2014
- Subject: HFE Photos -from GCMRC Sandbar Cameras
- From: Scott Vanderkooi (via Linda Whetton)
- Link: 2014 HFE Sandbar- Virtual Tour
- Date: 12/09/2014
- Subject: GCDAMP Triennial Budget & Work Plan- FY2015-2017
- From: GCMRC/ USBR (Via Linda Whetton)
- Link: LINK to REPORT
- Date: 12/08/2014
- Subject: GCMRC Annual Report for 2014 Knowledge Assessment
- From: GCMRC (Via Linda Whetton)
- Link: Annual report FY 2014- LINK
- Details: This report is prepared primarily for the Technical Work Group of the GCDAMP. It includes a summary of accomplishments, shortcomings, and recommendations related to projects included in GCMRC’s FY14 Work Plan for the GCDAMP.
- Date: 12/08/2014
- Subject: Lees Ferry Fishery Management Plan & Trout Management Flows
- From: AZGF
- To: Glen Knowles, Rob Billerbeck, AMWG Members
- Details: Includes the desired goals for the fishery to reach Blue Ribbon status.
- Link: LINK to Letter
- Date: 12/01/2014
- Subject: Martin Litton, pioneering wildland guardian, dies
- News Article-LINK
- Details: Litton, made his name and his legend as a guide on the Colorado River, ... fought his way to the center of some of the biggest environmental battles of the last century, fiercely opposing the damming of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon...he was a loud voice for taking hard stances, making sure the club didn't acquiesce to a pair of federal proposals to erect dams in the Grand Canyon."If I hadn't done what I did, I think it's very likely at least one of those dams would have been put in the canyon,...I was the only one screaming about them."
- Subject: First Gray Wolf in Grand Canyon in 75 years -Officially Confirmed
- Date: 11/22/2014
- News Article-LINK
- Additional: News LINKS
- Bureau of Reclamation Invests $9.2 million in Water and Power Research
- Date: 11/19/2014
- "Reclamation and its partners in the West are confronting an ever widening imbalance between supply and demand," López said. "By investing in research to develop innovative solutions we can provide tools to guide a sustainable water and power future for the West."
- Date: 11/17/2014
- USGS Report- Water Use in the U.S.
- Details: Every 5 years, the USGS compiles and estimates water-use information in cooperation with State, Federal, and local agencies to document how the Nation's water resources are used.
- Date: 11/17/2014
- Grand Canyon ‘quiet’ air tour flights expected to increase
- Date: 11/14/2014
- Quagga Mussels officially confirmed in the Colorado River system just below Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell
- The National Park Service confirmed Friday [November 14, 2014]
- Details- Article LINK
- ALSO: AZ Daily News- LINK
- Date: 11/13/2014
- Subject: Deterioration of the Lees Ferry Trout Fishery
- Memo to: Secretary, DOI, GCDAMP
- From: Fishery Representatives- IFFF
- From: Linda Whetton (USBR)
- Subject: HFE 2014 Website- USBR
- Date: 11/07/2014
- This is to let you know the HFE website is up and running. It can be located at:
- HFE Website
- News Article Compilations- HFE 2014
- Subject: NEW Chair for Socioeconomics Ad-Hoc Group (SEAHG)--- Leslie James
- Forum: October TWG meeting -ADWR
- Date: October 29,2014
- Subject: Approval and Recommendation for 2014 High Flow Experiment (HFE)
- Date: 10/24/2014
- Details:141024 HFE approval recommendation Memo
- Finding Durable Foul-Release Coatings to Control Invasive Mussel Attachment Highlighted in Bureau of Reclamation Study
LINK to Video Clip--- USBR Mussels Page
- Jennifer Gimble begins serving as Principal Assistant Secretary Designee (DOI) -Oct 2014
- Additional Information
- Estevan López begans serving as Principal Deputy Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation -Oct 2014
- Additional Information
- From: Anne Castle (Via Linda Whetton)
- Date: 10/06/2014
- Subject: Report and Recommendations Memo from Anne Castle to DOI Secretary Sally Jewell encompassing the outcomes from the three AMWG meetings held in fiscal year 2014
- From: Kurt Dongoske (Pueblo of Zuni)
- Date: 09/30/2014
- Subject: FY2014 Annual Report- Pueblo of Zuni participation in GCDAMP
- Zuni FY2014 GCDAMP Participation Annual Report
- From: DOI
- Date: 09/27/2014
- Subject: 50 Year Anniversary of Power Generation at Glen Canyon Dam-- USBR Invite- WAPA Write-up
- 140927 50 Year Power Generation- CREDA (Leslie James) talk
- 140927 50 Year Power Generation- DOI news release
- Student Video: I AM GLEN CANYON
- From: Transactions of the American Fisheries Society- Carl Walters-- (Via Ted Melis)
- Date: Redistributed_09/26/2014-- Original release-- 02/03/2012
- Subject: Bioenergetics and Population Dynamics of Flannelmouth Sucker and Bluehead Sucker in Grand Canyon as Evidenced by Tag Recapture Observations
- Walters et al. TAFS 2012 Grand Canyon Sucker Assessment- redistributed-140926
- From: Helen Fairley
- Date: 09/16/2014
- Subject: Potential for Glen Canyon Dam release to inundate archeological sites in Grand Canyon
- LINK to Report
- From: National Parks Service -- Brian Healy
- Date: 09/09/2014
- Subject: Translocation of HBC to Grand Canyon Tributaries & Related NN fish control activities: 2011-2013 Report
- LINK to Report
- Date: 08/28/2014
- From: AMWG (Via LWhetton)
- Subject: AMWG discussion on issues concerns and challenges
AMWG discussion on issues concerns and challenges- LINK
- From: USGS (Helen Fairley)-- Via LWhetton
- Date: 08/27/2014
- Subject: USGS Scientific Investigations Report, High-Resolution Topography and Geomorphology of Select Archeological Sites in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Arizona
- USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2014–5126
- Details:]
- Date: 08/27/2014
- Subject: Anne Castle to step down as Secretary of Interior Designee in September 2014
- Details:
- From: Don Barnett
- Date: 08/27/2014
- Subject: Larry Walkoviak retires from the Bureau of Reclamation in September 2014
- Details: 2014-57 Retirement of Larry Walkoviak - Open house Flyer
- From: Linda Whetton
- Date: 08/27/2014
- Subject: Ann Gold retires from the Bureau of Reclamation in September 2014
- Details:
- From: Earth Economics
- Date: 08/27/2014
- Subject: Nature's Value in the Colorado River Basin
- Details: Final Report
- LINK: Quagga Pipe 2013-Video Clip- Courtesy of Salt River Project
- Salt River Project
- Subject: Animation of Quagga Mussels reeking havoc on pipes example
- From: Jan Balsom (NPS)
- Date: 07/23/2014
- Subject: NPS Grand Canyon Video- New Waters-Episode II
- Episode I NPS Grand Canyon Video- New Waters-Episode I -LINK
- From: DOI (Via LWhetton)
- Date: 06/18/2014
- Subject: Once Thought Locally Extinct, Endangered Razorback Suckers Discovered Spawning in Grand Canyon National Park
- Details: LINK
- From: Irrigation Leader- Leslie James
- Date: 06/13/2014
- Subject: The Bottom Line: The Impact of the Endangered Species Act on Glen Canyon Dam Operations and Stakeholders
- Link: 140613 April 2014- The Impact of the ESA on GC Leslie James- LINK
- Details:
- From: USGS
- Date: 06/13/2014
- Subject: River photographs collection- comparisons
- Link: USGS Stanton Repeat Photography
- Details: The Stanton photographs were matched on a series of river trips along the Colorado River starting in 1989.
- From: USFWS
- Date: 05/08/2014
- Subject: Federal Agencies Propose Revised Rules to Improve Implementation of the Endangered Species Act
- Details: 150509 USFWS- ESA- News Release FINAL (1) LINK
Address processes for designating and implementing critical habitat
- From: USGS-GCMRC (Ted Kennedy)-- Via Marianne Crawford
- Date: 05/08/2014
- Subject: Citizen Science in Grand Canyon
- Details: VIDEO LINK
- From: DOI Anne Castle -- Via Berverly Hefferton
- Date: 05/07/2014
- Subject: Budget Memo from Assistant Secretary Anne Castle
- Details: 140507 GCDAMP Triennial Budget and Work Plan- May 7, 2014
- From: USGS (Yackulic, Yard, Korman, and Van Haverbeke)-- Via LWhetton
- Date: 03/06/2014
- Subject: A quantitative life history of endangered humpback chub that spawn in the Little Colorado River: variation in movement, growth, and survival
- Details: ABSTRACT and LINK
- From: USGS (Helen Fairley)-- Via LWhetton
- Date: 03/05/2014
- Subject: Precipitation Variability of the Grand Canyon Region, 1893 through 2009, and Its Implications for Studying Effects of Gullying of Holocene Terraces and Associated Archeological Sites in Grand Canyon, Arizona.
- Details: ABSTRACT ---Open File Report
- From: LWhetton-- Via Randy Van Haverbeke
- Date: 02/28/2014
- Subject: Long-Term Monitoring of an Endangered Desert Fish and Factors Influencing Population Dynamics
- Subject: Mark-Recapture and Fish Monitoring Activities in the LCR in GC from 2000-2013
- Details: Links: LINK Van Haverbeke 2013-- 2013 USFWS FINAL annual Report
- From: DOI
- Date: Feb 2014
- Subject: Grand Canyon Turns 95
- Details: This Week at Interior
- From: AMWG
- Date: 03/21/2014
- Subject: Amy Heuslein retires from the Bureau of Indian Affairs in March 2014
- Details:
- From: USBR
- Date: 02/27/2014
- Subject: Reclamation Commissioner Michael Connor Confirmed as Deputy Secretary of Interior
- Details: LINK
- From: LWhetton- Via AZGF
- Date: 02/21/2014
- Subject: Volunteer Opertunity: LCR Fish Monitoring- Hoop Net Project April 15-25 2014
- Details: 140221 LCR Call for Volunteers Flyer
- From: AMWG
- Date: 2/14/2014
- Subject: John Shields retires from the Wyoming State Engineer's Office February 2014
- Details:
- From: Linda Whetton
- Date: Tue 12/31/2013
- Subject: Dennis Kubly retires from the Bureau of Reclamation on Jan 10, 2014
- Details: