Modeling Assumptions:
- Macroinvertebrate Production Flows (MPFs) would occur every weekend from May - Aug (34 days, we scheduled July to have the 5th weekend because that how it works out in 2016)
- Weekend flow = minimum flow for the month = weekday minimum flow (see weekly hydrographs on the monthly tabs)
- Hybrid Public Draft monthly volume, ramp rates, or daily change parameters
- Moved weekend water to weekday releases
- Energy prices used in this modeling are for a Saturday, Sunday, and a weekday for May, June, July, and August 2016. These are the energy prices Argonne used in the LTEMP modeling for 2016.
Hybrid Public Draft 8.23 MAF volumes:
- May = 632
- June = 663
- July = 749
- August = 800
Ramp rates: 4,000 up and 2,500 down
Daily change:
- May = 9
- June = 10
- July = 10
- August = 10
Minimum release: 5,000 cfs
Maximum release: 25,000 cfs
Information and Links
LTEMP Experimental Action: Aquatic Resource-Related Experimental Treatments (BA, pages 30-41) [1]
Low steady weekend flows (“Macroinvertebrate Production Flows”) would be conducted to test whether the
flows would increase insect abundance. On an experimental basis, for example,
flows would be held low and steady for two days per week (weekends) from May
through August to attempt to improve the productivity of the aquatic food base,
and increase the diversity and abundance of mayflies (Ephemeroptera), stoneflies
(Plecoptera), and caddisflies (Trichoptera), which are collectively referred to as
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