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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
08:13, 12 August 2013 GCDAMP 130806 Flagstaff 0002.JPG (file) 2.06 MB Jthiriot   1
08:13, 12 August 2013 GCDAMP 130806 Flagstaff 0001.JPG (file) 2.19 MB Jthiriot   1
05:28, 2 August 2013 130731 GCMRC New staff Economist.pdf (file) 82 KB Jthiriot   1
15:49, 25 July 2013 Warm water nonnative fish of Grand Canyon- PIC.jpg (file) 248 KB Jthiriot 1
08:40, 25 July 2013 TCP- Definition- PIC.jpg (file) 268 KB Jthiriot   1
04:32, 18 July 2013 Biological Issues with TCD- PIC.jpg (file) 401 KB Jthiriot   1
04:23, 18 July 2013 Life Cycle of whirling disease.jpg (file) 245 KB Jthiriot   1
03:48, 18 July 2013 Thermal Profiles in Lake Powell- Graph.jpg (file) 207 KB Jthiriot   1
03:44, 18 July 2013 Temperature- pre and post dam- GRAPH.jpg (file) 174 KB Jthiriot   1
03:09, 18 July 2013 Particle Sizes- PIC.jpg (file) 121 KB Jthiriot   1
02:53, 18 July 2013 Strategic Plan- Goals.jpg (file) 304 KB Jthiriot   1
06:04, 17 July 2013 GCMRC- Establish- Quote.jpg (file) 89 KB Jthiriot   1
02:48, 17 July 2013 Monitoring- PIC.jpg (file) 16 KB Jthiriot   1
07:28, 16 July 2013 Knowles at DOI on Aug 12.pdf (file) 125 KB Jthiriot   1
03:22, 16 July 2013 GRAPH- GCD levels.jpg (file) 99 KB Jthiriot USGS Graph- State of the Colorado River Ecosystem in Grand Canyon_pg 167 1
05:51, 15 July 2013 Desired Future Conditions- PIC.jpg (file) 331 KB Jthiriot   1
09:48, 11 July 2013 090710 Dissenting Report - TWG FY 2010-11 Work Plan and Budget- Pueblo of Zuni.PDF (file) 102 KB Jthiriot   1
05:47, 11 July 2013 USCODE-2011-title43-chap32A-1.pdf (file) 197 KB Jthiriot   1
09:07, 10 July 2013 Temperature -PIC.jpg (file) 47 KB Jthiriot   1
07:56, 10 July 2013 Invasive Species-PIC.jpg (file) 34 KB Jthiriot   1
05:39, 10 July 2013 Writing- PIC.jpg (file) 29 KB Jthiriot   1
04:24, 10 July 2013 130701 USFW LT monitoring of an endangered fish- Dynamics 082012-JFWM-071.PDF (file) 11.34 MB Jthiriot   1
09:04, 27 June 2013 Diagram- USBR Colorado River Basin Salinity 09.jpg (file) 188 KB Jthiriot   1
11:46, 24 June 2013 2008 controlled flood caused dramatic changes in Glen Canyon food web Slide 37.jpg (file) 160 KB Clperone   1
11:46, 24 June 2013 Fish production does not appreciably change with distance from the dam Slide 24.jpg (file) 161 KB Clperone   1
11:46, 24 June 2013 Invertebrate production exhibits stepped declines downstrea from tributaries Slide 23.jpg (file) 184 KB Clperone   1
11:45, 24 June 2013 Strong turbidity gradient Slide 15.jpg (file) 123 KB Clperone   1
11:45, 24 June 2013 Additions and Remaining Native Fishes Slide 9.jpg (file) 131 KB Clperone   1
11:45, 24 June 2013 Invertebrate additions Slide 8.jpg (file) 143 KB Clperone   1
11:45, 24 June 2013 Invertebrate losses Slide 7.jpg (file) 217 KB Clperone   1
11:45, 24 June 2013 Glen Canyon Dam fundamentally changed the river's physical template Slide 6.jpg (file) 175 KB Clperone   1
07:06, 14 June 2013 PIC- Hiking NPS Brochure.jpg (file) 183 KB Jthiriot   1
05:59, 14 June 2013 USBR FY13-14 Budget Cultural Resources Program -Revised.jpg (file) 335 KB Jthiriot 130614_USBR-GKnowles_Cultural Resources Budget-Revised 1
03:59, 14 June 2013 GRAPH- Basin Study- Power Resources vulnerability.jpg (file) 133 KB Jthiriot Basin Study 2012- USBR- Power Resources vulnerability by year. 1
08:20, 13 June 2013 2013 Issue 7 Spring-13b IBWC Newsline- Message from US Commissioner Drusina.PDF (file) 1.31 MB Jthiriot   1
07:53, 13 June 2013 Memorandum of Agreement Min 319 Final Signed.PDF (file) 449 KB Jthiriot   1
08:45, 6 June 2013 2012 Hualapai doc.pdf (file) 3.25 MB Jthiriot   1
08:54, 5 June 2013 PIC- Signing of Minute 319.jpg (file) 74 KB Jthiriot   1
05:21, 5 June 2013 GRAPH- RBT and HBC numbers by river mile Korman- Yard 2013.jpg (file) 238 KB Jthiriot Korman -Yard 2013_unpublished 1
05:11, 5 June 2013 GRAPH- River alocation by entitiy and year USBR 2012.jpg (file) 248 KB Jthiriot 130330_ JSchmidt- Science Presentation 1
04:45, 5 June 2013 GRAPH- Paria Inputss- by month and year- NPS 120201.jpg (file) 326 KB Jthiriot Paria Inputs -NPS- 2/1/2012 1
04:27, 5 June 2013 GRAPH- Average Sand Inputs- by Month- USGS 082011.jpg (file) 85 KB Jthiriot August 2011 AMWG- Hydrograph presentation- USGS Graph 1
02:56, 5 June 2013 CFMP BA and Appendices FINAL with redactions 5.29.13.pdf (file) 1.69 MB Jthiriot Biological Assessment 1
08:46, 4 June 2013 GRAPH- Tributary Contribution to CR- JSchmidt.jpg (file) 375 KB Jthiriot   1
03:16, 4 June 2013 GTMax Rpt Final.pdf (file) 2.31 MB Jthiriot 130114_ Final Products of 2011 Hydropower Knowledge Assessment and GTMAX model review workshop 1
03:03, 4 June 2013 GTMAX- Screen-PIC.jpg (file) 215 KB Jthiriot   1
09:40, 3 June 2013 130603 USGS Food Base- Scientific Conclusions.jpg (file) 178 KB Jthiriot 130603_USGS Food Base Webinar 1
09:37, 3 June 2013 130603 USGS Food Base- Derived food web metrics.jpg (file) 127 KB Jthiriot 130603_ USGS Food Base Webinar 1
10:42, 29 May 2013 2012 Monitoring Report.pdf (file) 1.96 MB The 2012 Hopi Grand Canyon monitoring report. 1
03:39, 28 May 2013 MAP- CR Basin -Interactive- Western Resources Advocates.jpg (file) 85 KB Jthiriot 1
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