Zebra-Tailed Lizard-ES

From Glen Canyon Dam AMP
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This is a study conducted to translocate Zebra tailed lizards back to the beach area where they had been extirpated on the Hualapai reservation. Prior to the 1983-4 flood event on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, zebra-tailed lizards were common at the Diamond Creek dunes on the Hualapai Reservation. The flood caused river raft operators to drive over the dunes for raft take out and launch. After the flood event (83-4) no more zebra-tailed lizards could be found at the Diamond Creek dunes and they were deemed as extirpated in Grand Canyon. In 2012, Reclamation funded the Hualapai Tribe and Stevens Ecological Consulting to implement a translocation and monitoring effort at the Diamond Creek dunes.




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