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Granite Gorge- SJansen.JPG
Benedicto- Poem- Edward Abbey- PIC.jpg

Colorado River Recreation

Sandbars have been used as campsites by river runners and hikers since the first expeditions to the region more than 100 years ago. Because the Colorado River is dominated by bedrock cliffs and steep talus slopes, sandbars provide unique areas along the river that are flat, relatively free of vegetation, easily accessible by river runners, and able to withstand high usage with negligible impact. These campsites continue to be an important part of the recreational experience for the more than 25,000 hikers and river runners that visit the Colorado River corridor each year. [1]

LTEMP Resource Goal for Recreational Experience

Maintain and improve the quality of recreational experiences for the users of the Colorado River Ecosystem. Recreation includes, but is not limited to, flatwater and whitewater boating, river corridor camping, and angling in Glen Canyon.

Desired Future Condition for for Recreation

River Recreation in Grand Canyon National Park
• Stewardship worthy of the Grand Canyon so that it can be passed from generation to generation in as natural condition as possible.
• Provide maximum opportunity to experience the wilderness character of the canyon.
• Wilderness experiences and benefits available in the canyon include solitude, connection to nature, personal contemplation, joy, excitement, the natural sounds and quiet of the desert and river, and extended time periods in a unique environment outside the trappings of civilization.
• A river corridor landscape that matches natural conditions as closely as possible, including extensive beaches and abundant driftwood.
• A river corridor ecosystem that matches the natural conditions as closely as possible, including a biotic community dominated in most instances by native species.
• A dynamic river ecosystem characterized by ecological patterns and processes within their range of natural variability.
• Numerous campable sand bars distributed throughout the canyon.
• Recreational and wilderness experiences minimally affected by research and management activities.
• River flows that continue to be within a range that is reasonably safe, given the inherent risks involved in river recreation.
River Recreation in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
• A quality recreation experience in Glen Canyon.
• Camping beaches suitable for recreational use.
• A setting and ecosystem that is as close to natural conditions as possible.
• Quality river running and angling recreation opportunities.
Blue Ribbon Trout Fishery in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
• A high-quality sustainable recreational trout fishery in the river corridor in GCNRA, while minimizing emigration of non-native fishes.
• Operate Glen Canyon Dam to achieve the greatest benefit to the trout fishery in GCNRA without causing excessive detriment to other resources.
River Corridor Stewardship
• Management of Glen Canyon Dam that is significantly driven by concern for the cultural values and ecological integrity of the river corridor through the Grand Canyon, with preservation and protection considered over the long term (multiple generations).
• A well-informed public, confident that high quality scientific information is being used for best stewardship practices in the CRE.

The Recreation DFCs are meant to describe goals and objectives for human use of the Colorado River Ecosystem (CRE) through GCNRA and the GCNP. They are intended to include not only traditional recreational activities such as whitewater rafting, camping, and fishing, but also such things as educational activities, spiritual engagement, and other appropriate activities and values. Grand Canyon and Glen Canyon offer many ways for people to experience, appreciate, and learn from them, even to those who never visit in person.



CampsiteArea 1998 2014.jpg

Causal factors for loss of campsite area

There were two primary drivers responsible for the net loss in campsite area — (1) increases and decreases in campsite area as a result of deposition and erosion associated with controlled floods and regular dam operations and (2) long-term declines in campsite area due to vegetation encroachment. Gains and losses in campsite area associated with topographic change can cancel each other out, whereas vegetation change, for the most part, only leads to losses in campsite area. In terms of net change, vegetation encroachment contributed to 47 percent of the overall net loss in campsite area, and topographic change contributed to 53 percent of the overall net loss in campsite area.

Controlled floods can lead to increases in campsite area and are currently the only management strategy used to improve campsites along the Colorado River corridor. However, erosion of flood-deposited sandbars during normal dam operations following controlled floods causes these increases in campsite area to be short lived. At the same time, vegetation cover continues to increase, resulting in the progressive decline of campsite area.

One potential strategy to increase campsite area more often is more frequent implementation of controlled floods to build sandbars. This strategy was initiated by the Bureau of Reclamation in 2012 by the adoption of a high-flow experimental protocol. This protocol allows for the implementation of a controlled flood every year, provided there is sufficient sand supplied by the Paria River (Bureau of Reclamation, 2012). Preliminary findings indicate that the protocol is resulting in larger sandbars (Grams and others, 2015). However, there is not always a direct correlation between increases in sandbar size and increases in campsite area. Whether this strategy leads to increases in campsite area that meet the management objectives set forth by the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program for increasing the size of campsite area in critical and noncritical reaches remains uncertain.

Removal of vegetation may be another viable strategy for increasing the size of campsite area. Although most vegetation expansion is occurring in noncritical reaches, these sites tend to be larger in size and more numerous along the river corridor. Physically removing vegetation at these sites would likely accomplish little in terms of increasing recreational carrying capacity, because many of these sites can still accommodate large river groups despite having increases in vegetation cover. Instead, targeting smaller sites in critical reaches and focusing on removal of groundcover shrubs such as arrowweed and camelthorn (and (or) removal of tamarisk that is impacted by tamarisk beetle herbivory) would likely be the most practical and successful vegetation removal strategy. [2]

Critical Reaches

  • Marble Canyon (river miles 9-41)
  • Upper Gorge (river miles 71-114)
  • Muav Gorge (river miles 131-165)

Information and Links

Recreation Projects

Colorado River Runners Oral History Project

The Colorado River Runners Oral History Project is unparalleled within river running communities: though there are many regional organizations, no others have undertaken a project of this scope. GCRG unofficially began collecting oral history interviews in 1990 at “Woman of the River” Georgie White Clark’s 80th birthday party. Since that time, GCRG’s oral history project has produced nearly 100 interviews. Those interviews continue to serve as the centerpiece for each issue of our publication, the Boatman’s Quarterly Review.

Adopt a Beach Project

Implemented in 1996 after the first historic “Flood Flow,” Adopt-a-Beach is a “watch dog” program that allows volunteer guides to keep close tabs on changes to the recreational resource that we depend upon – camping beaches in Grand Canyon. To be specific, this long term photo-matching, beach monitoring effort documents changes in sand deposition on camping beaches along the Colorado River resulting from Glen Canyon Dam flows. The results are disseminated to strategic river managers including Grand Canyon National Park, the Adaptive Management Program, and the Grand Canyon Monitoring & Research Center. Adopt-a-Beach is a fabulous example of a stewardship in action as we endeavor to “take care of our own back yard.” Please check out our extensive photo gallery as well as the Executive Summaries of past AAB reports. Full Reports are available upon request. And contact if you’d like to volunteer! [3]

Presentations and Papers











Bishop Study and River Recreation Preferences

In Bishop et al. (1987; on page 410 of the 30 page report: “Grand Canyon Recreation and Glen Canyon Dam Operations: An Economic Evaluation) fluctuating flows are defined as any operation where the daily flow fluctuation was equal to or more than 10,000 cfs/day. Bishop treated daily flow fluctuations of less than 10,000 cfs/day as “constant flow releases.” Bishop identified that this “10,000 cfs threshold was determined to be the point at which fluctuations begin to be perceptible to recreationists.”

Additionally, Stewart et al.’s (2000) follow-up of the Bishop et al. (1987) study found that angler’s did not identify river level fluctuations, at least under the MLFF operating regime, as an issue. Based on information from Stewart et al (2000) and Bishop et al. (1987), any flow fluctuation below 10,000 cfs/day should be treated the same as a steady flow release.

Other Stuff

Itll blow your hat off- SJansen.jpgGranite Gorge- SJansen.JPGKayaking the CR-PIC.jpg