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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
07:08, 13 July 2016 2016 ModeledRiverTemps.jpg (file) 173 KB Cellsworth Modeled river temperatures for 2016 1
05:30, 13 July 2016 MarbleCanyonDamSite.jpg (file) 1.08 MB Cellsworth Marble Canyon Dam Site 1
09:21, 12 July 2016 BeachErosion.JPG (file) 431 KB Cellsworth Beach at Buck Farm on the Natal Origins trip 1
07:49, 12 July 2016 Slough.jpg (file) 105 KB Cellsworth Green sunfish treatment in Glen Canyon at the slough 1
07:24, 12 July 2016 2015 Recommendations Report Final HFE Tech Team Report 10-15-15.pdf (file) 121 KB Cellsworth   1
07:24, 12 July 2016 2014 Recommendation HFE Memo & PPT 14oct24 PPT.pdf (file) 2.66 MB Cellsworth   1
08:55, 11 July 2016 Zuni2015ColoradoRiverMonitoringReport.pdf (file) 16.21 MB   1
08:46, 11 July 2016 2015 Monitoring Report.pdf (file) 1.89 MB Hopi 2015 monitoring report 1
11:22, 8 July 2016 Financial Analysis of Experimental Flows Vol6 final 9 3 2015.docx (file) 1.84 MB Cellsworth Financial analysis of experimental releases conducted at Glen Canyon Dam during Water Year 2014 (i.e. the 2013 HFE) 1
10:39, 8 July 2016 SMBvsBHS.jpg (file) 51 KB Cellsworth Smallmouth bass eating a bluehead sucker 1
10:11, 8 July 2016 NSE art.jpg (file) 50 KB Cellsworth   1
10:00, 8 July 2016 NSE products.jpg (file) 163 KB Cellsworth Near Shore Ecology (NSE) products 1
10:00, 8 July 2016 NSE findings.jpg (file) 137 KB Cellsworth Near Shore Ecology (NSE) findings 1
09:59, 8 July 2016 NSE overview.jpg (file) 150 KB Cellsworth Near Shore Ecology (NSE) overview 1
07:14, 7 July 2016 HBC Monitoring above Lower Atomizer Falls 2016 Trip Report.pdf (file) 232 KB Cellsworth Chute Falls Spring 2016 humpback chub sampling trip report by USFWS 1
07:13, 7 July 2016 Lower LCR Spring 2016 Trip Report.pdf (file) 334 KB Cellsworth Lower LCR Spring 2016 humpback chub sampling trip report by USFWS 1
10:12, 24 June 2016 HFE type.jpg (file) 52 KB Cellsworth HFE number or type 1
10:07, 24 June 2016 HFE decision tree.jpg (file) 113 KB Cellsworth HFE decision tree 1
07:54, 24 June 2016 CoreMonitoringPlan 02-18-11 (1).pdf (file) 982 KB Cellsworth 2011 Core Monitoring Plan 1
07:41, 24 June 2016 2005 Core Monitoring Information Needs.docx (file) 17 KB Cellsworth 2005 Core Monitoring Information Needs 1
07:38, 24 June 2016 2004 GCDAMP Goals&PriorityQuestions.docx (file) 13 KB Cellsworth 2004 Goals and Priority Questions 1
06:17, 24 June 2016 2003-08 Information Needs Action Taken by AMWG.doc (file) 494 KB Cellsworth 2003-08 Information Needs, Actions taken by AMWG 1
06:11, 24 June 2016 Strategic Science Questions.docx (file) 18 KB Cellsworth Strategic Science Questions 1
06:08, 24 June 2016 Science Advisors Information Needs.docx (file) 11 KB Cellsworth Science Advisors Information Needs 1
06:06, 24 June 2016 Research Information Needs.docx (file) 26 KB Cellsworth Research information needs 1
06:03, 24 June 2016 2012 Core Research Questions.doc (file) 211 KB Cellsworth 2012 Core Research Questions 1
05:35, 24 June 2016 Strategic Science Plan FY07-11 (1).pdf (file) 411 KB Cellsworth FY07-11 Strategic Science Plan 1
11:56, 23 June 2016 WaterQuality.jpg (file) 18 KB Cellsworth Water Quality thumbnail 1
11:53, 23 June 2016 Socioeconomics.jpg (file) 55 KB Cellsworth Socioeconomics thumbnail 1
05:25, 21 June 2016 1948 2006 MainstemTemp.jpg (file) 140 KB Cellsworth Pre-dam and post-dam mainstem river temperatures 1
05:23, 21 June 2016 TroutRemoval.jpg (file) 128 KB Cellsworth Trout removal with the natural decline in the trout population 1
05:21, 21 June 2016 RBT BT piscivory.jpg (file) 139 KB Cellsworth Comparison in the piscivory rates between brown trout and rainbow trout 1
05:20, 21 June 2016 TroutFlows.jpg (file) 153 KB Cellsworth Trout population responds to changes in releases from Glen Canyon Dam 1
05:18, 21 June 2016 HBCcondition drift.jpg (file) 34 KB Cellsworth Declines in humpback chub condition with declines in drift concentrations 1
06:12, 16 June 2016 PEP+biologists.JPG (file) 1.97 MB Cellsworth 2009 Fish PEP participants - photo 1
06:09, 16 June 2016 PEP FishResponses.pdf (file) 185 KB Cellsworth Responses to Monitoring Questions for the 2009 Fish PEP 1
06:07, 16 June 2016 PEP FishMonitoring.pdf (file) 121 KB Cellsworth Draft Summary of Recommendations - Fish Monitoring 1
06:05, 16 June 2016 PEP Review responses to questions June 17 draft.doc (file) 61 KB Cellsworth Responses to Monitoring Questions for the 2009 Fish PEP 1
06:03, 16 June 2016 PEP Review recommendations 090616.docx (file) 21 KB Cellsworth Summary of Recommendations for the 2009 Fish PEP 1
06:00, 16 June 2016 PEP responses.pdf (file) 191 KB Cellsworth GCMRC Responses to Monitoring Questions for the 2009 Fish PEP 1
05:54, 16 June 2016 PEP recommendations.pdf (file) 127 KB Cellsworth 2009 Fish PEP Draft Summary of Recommendations 1
05:52, 16 June 2016 PEP ppt 2009.pdf (file) 481 KB Cellsworth 2009 Fish PEP ppt 1
05:49, 16 June 2016 PEP Briefing Document.doc (file) 106 KB Cellsworth 2009 Fish PEP briefing document 1
05:46, 16 June 2016 Monotoring and Research Plan 2009.pdf (file) 3.62 MB Cellsworth 2007-11 Monitoring and Research Plan 1
05:39, 16 June 2016 Matthew overview CMINwsNatFish.doc (file) 50 KB Cellsworth 2009-Core Monitoring Information Needs Workshop for Stakeholders - Native Fish 1
05:37, 16 June 2016 GCMRC response.pdf (file) 684 KB Cellsworth 2010-11 AMP Fish Monitoring: Incorporating Protocol Review 1
12:58, 15 June 2016 GCDAMP FY16 Fisheries PEP Prospectus 2016-06-10 draft.docx (file) 30 KB Cellsworth 2016 Fish PEP Prospectus 1
12:54, 15 June 2016 Fish PEP report final Sept 30 09 (1).pdf (file) 341 KB Cellsworth 2009 Fish PEP final report 1
12:53, 15 June 2016 Fish PEP report final Sept 30 09.pdf (file) 341 KB Cellsworth 2009 Fish PEP final report 1
12:47, 15 June 2016 CMINwsNatFish.doc (file) 48 KB Cellsworth 2009 Core Monitoring Information Needs - Native Fish 1
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