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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
07:58, 2 November 2016 HBCabundanceEst MSM2016.jpg (file) 256 KB Cellsworth 2016 Adult Humpback Chub Abundance Estimates: Multistate Population Model 1
07:47, 2 November 2016 BrownTrouSizetLeesFerry USGS2016.jpg (file) 318 KB Cellsworth Fall 2016 TWG meeting update, USGS Natal Origins brown trout size classes 1
07:45, 2 November 2016 BrownTroutLeesFerry USGS2016.jpg (file) 213 KB Cellsworth Fall 2016 TWG meeting update, USGS Natal Origins brown trout numbers 1
05:51, 2 November 2016 NO TroutAbundances2016.jpg (file) 390 KB Cellsworth Natal Origins trout abundances update fall TWG 2016 1
04:52, 2 November 2016 (file) 6.65 MB Zebra tailed lizard annual report 1
11:28, 1 November 2016 Science Plan for Alternative D of the LTEMP 10-14-16 draft.docx (file) 59 KB Cellsworth LTEMP Science Plan for Alternative D 10-14-06 draft 1
04:43, 1 November 2016 Nutrients clipart.jpg (file) 64 KB Cellsworth   1
13:24, 28 October 2016 Zigler 1993 SunfishGrowthSurvival.pdf (file) 8.69 MB Cellsworth Zigler. 1993. Growth and Mortality of Larval Sunfish in Backwaters of the Upper Mississippi River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 122:6(6) 1
13:16, 28 October 2016 Lees Ferry pre scoping.pdf (file) 72 KB Cellsworth Scoping for NPS Nonnative Fish Control EA in Lees Ferry 1
12:26, 28 October 2016 Glen Canyon Sloughs & Green Sunfish Control Email Version.pdf (file) 4.11 MB Cellsworth Monitoring and Management of Non-native Fish in Glen Canyon NRA and Grand Canyon NPOctober 2016 Workshop 1
09:43, 28 October 2016 HFE TechTeam Rpt 16oct19.pdf (file) 142 KB Cellsworth Technical Team - Final Recommendation to Implement a Fall 2016 High Flow Experiment at Glen Canyon Dam 1
09:42, 28 October 2016 HFE Leadership Memo 16oct26.pdf (file) 1.19 MB Cellsworth Leadership Memo: Approval of Recommendation for Experimental High-Flow release from Glen Canyon Dam, November 7-12, 2016 1
11:14, 24 October 2016 Zuni2015ColoradoRiverMonitoringReport (2).pdf (file) 16.21 MB   1
11:13, 24 October 2016 Zuni2015ColoradoRiverMonitoringReport (1).pdf (file) 16.21 MB 2015 Tribal Monitoring Report 1
08:59, 21 October 2016 FallSteadyFlowHydrograph.jpg (file) 121 KB Cellsworth Fall Steady Flow Experiment hydrograph Near Shore Ecology NSE 1
07:13, 21 October 2016 LSFthumbnail.jpg (file) 100 KB Cellsworth   1
06:14, 21 October 2016 Finch et al 2015 FSSchubGrowth.pdf (file) 833 KB Cellsworth Finch, C., W.E. Pine III, C.B. Yackulic, M.J. Dodrill, M. Yard, B.S. Gerig, L.G. Coggins, Jr., and J. Korman, 2015, “Assessing Juvenile Native Fish Demographic Responses to a Steady Flow Experiment in a Large Regulated River,” River Research and Applications. doi:10.1002/rra.2893.] 1
12:14, 20 October 2016 TroutManagementFlows (1).jpg (file) 21 KB Cellsworth   1
12:06, 20 October 2016 TroutManagementFlows.jpg (file) 18 KB Cellsworth   1
10:44, 20 October 2016 BugFlowsIcon.jpg (file) 42 KB Cellsworth   1
08:16, 20 October 2016 BrownTrout FGD2016.jpg (file) 1.94 MB Cellsworth A brown trout collected during 2016 trout monitoring below Flaming Gorge dam that ate a 10" stocked rainbow trout. 1
05:25, 20 October 2016 BrownTrout LCR NO 2013.JPG (file) 497 KB Cellsworth Brown trout caught at the LCR during 2013 summer Natal Origins trip 1
04:38, 20 October 2016 BrownTroutLeesFerry2.jpg (file) 70 KB Cellsworth Brown trout in Lees Ferry 1
11:16, 19 October 2016 GrandCanyonTribes.jpg (file) 143 KB Cellsworth   1
07:46, 19 October 2016 LTEMP.jpg (file) 6 KB Cellsworth LTEMP thumbnail 1
13:29, 18 October 2016 BrownTroutLeesFerry.jpg (file) 37 KB Cellsworth Brown trout numbers during AZDGF monitoring. Possible affect of fall HFEs on increasing the prevalence of brown trout in Lees Ferry. 1
07:22, 14 October 2016 Katrina 2016 HFE final 10-13-16.pdf (file) 163 KB Cellsworth Angler's concerns regarding a Fall 2016 High flow experiment (HFE) 1
09:58, 12 October 2016 1 TWP protocol paper TWG Review 10-6-2016 Clean.docx (file) 35 KB Cellsworth TWP protocol paper GCDAMP TRIENNIAL BUDGET AND WORK PLAN PROCESS, October 6, 2016 1
09:06, 4 October 2016 GCD Operating Criteria 1997.pdf (file) 151 KB Cellsworth 1997 Operating Criteria for Glen Canyon Dam in accordance with the Grand Canyon Protection Act of 1992 1
10:02, 3 October 2016 LeesFerryTemperature2015 2016.jpg (file) 74 KB Cellsworth Lees Ferry temperature 2015-2016 1
07:46, 3 October 2016 GreenSunfish2.jpg (file) 64 KB Cellsworth Green sunfish 1
07:43, 3 October 2016 GreenSunfishNest1.jpg (file) 437 KB Cellsworth Green sunfish nest 1
07:40, 3 October 2016 GreenSunfishNest.jpg (file) 22 KB Cellsworth Green sunfish nest 1
07:08, 3 October 2016 Bair 2016 AnglingEconomics.pdf (file) 558 KB Cellsworth Bair, L.S., Rogowski, D.L., and Nehr, C., 2016, Economic Value of Angling on the Colorado River at Lees Ferry: Using Secondary Data to Estimate the Influence of Seasonality: North American Journal of Fisheries Management, no. 6, vo. 36, p. 1229-1239, DOI: 10.1080/02755947.2016.1204388 1
09:03, 23 September 2016 Bluegill overwinter mortality.jpg (file) 39 KB Cellsworth The Effect of Temperature and Food Availability on Size-Specific Overwinter Survival in Age-0 Bluegill. Shoup, D.E., and Wahl, D.H. 2011. Body size, food, and temperature affect overwinter survival of age-0 bluegill. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:1298-1304. 1
08:57, 23 September 2016 LeesFerryDischarge2015 2016.jpg (file) 75 KB Cellsworth Lees Ferry Discharge 2015-2016 1
08:35, 23 September 2016 2012 Paria inputs.jpg (file) 102 KB Cellsworth 2012 Paria River discharge and cumulative sand inputs 1
08:18, 23 September 2016 SloughConnection.jpg (file) 43 KB Cellsworth Figure 1. Two-dimensional streamflow model of predicted water surface extent and depths in Lees Ferry, RM -12 slough showing full connection at modeled flows of 30,000 cfs. (Scott Wright, US Geological Survey, written commun., 2015). 1
07:54, 23 September 2016 2015 Paria inputs.jpg (file) 111 KB Cellsworth 2015 Paria River discharge and cumulative sand inputs 1
07:52, 23 September 2016 2013 Paria inputs.jpg (file) 102 KB Cellsworth 2013 Paria River discharge and cumulative sand inputs 1
06:20, 23 September 2016 2014 Paria inputs.jpg (file) 112 KB Cellsworth 2014 Paria River discharge and cumulative sand inputs 1
09:49, 22 September 2016 Green sunfish RA Sept 30 2015-final.pdf (file) 236 KB Cellsworth Green Sunfish Lepomis cyanellus; Risk Assessment for the Colorado River ecosystem (CRe) Sept 30, 2015 David Ward, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center, Research Fish Biologist 1
11:41, 20 September 2016 BASINWIDENNFSTRATEGYFeb2014.pdf (file) 2.71 MB Cellsworth 2014 Upper Colorado River Basin Nonnative and Invasive Aquatic Species Prevention and Control Strategy by the Nonnative Fish ad hoc Committee 1
10:39, 20 September 2016 Propagule-melissa-2016.pdf (file) 876 KB Cellsworth Consideration of Propagule Size in the Establishment of Nonnative Fish in Reservoirs & Rivers of the UCRB by Patrick J. Martinez Nonnative Fish Coordinator Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program 1
09:27, 20 September 2016 GSF Sloughs Rainstorm Sep-2-2016.jpg (file) 461 KB Cellsworth   1
06:20, 20 September 2016 AdminHistory.jpg (file) 59 KB Cellsworth   1
08:16, 18 August 2016 Aug2016 Information.pdf (file) 1.39 MB Cellsworth August 2016 DOI-DOE Federal Family call on Glen Canyon Operations 1
07:24, 17 August 2016 PlainsKillifish.jpg (file) 30 KB Cellsworth Plains killifish 1
07:23, 17 August 2016 WesternMosquitofish.jpg (file) 38 KB Cellsworth Western mosquitofish 1
07:22, 17 August 2016 RedShiner.jpeg (file) 49 KB Cellsworth Red shiner 1
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