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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
12:30, 1 February 2017 20170126 overall.jpg (file) 2.87 MB Cellsworth TWG Budget exercise Jan 2017 1
12:28, 1 February 2017 20170126 multiple3.jpg (file) 3.1 MB Cellsworth TWG Budget exercise Jan 2017 1
12:27, 1 February 2017 20170126 multiple2.jpg (file) 3.04 MB Cellsworth TWG Budget exercise Jan 2017 1
12:25, 1 February 2017 20170126 multiple.jpg (file) 3.09 MB Cellsworth TWG Budget exercise Jan 2017 1
12:22, 1 February 2017 20170126 InvasiveFish.jpg (file) 2.94 MB Cellsworth TWG Budget exercise Jan 2017 1
12:20, 1 February 2017 20170126 Hydropower.jpg (file) 2.97 MB Cellsworth TWG Budget exercise Jan 2017 1
12:17, 1 February 2017 20170126 Foodbase.jpg (file) 3.02 MB Cellsworth TWG Budget exercise Jan 2017 1
12:16, 1 February 2017 20170126 Archaeology.jpg (file) 3.37 MB Cellsworth TWG Budget exercise Jan 2017 1
06:23, 1 February 2017 20170126 chub3.jpg (file) 2.98 MB Cellsworth TWG Budget exercise Jan 2017 1
06:22, 1 February 2017 20170126 chub4.jpg (file) 3.05 MB Cellsworth TWG Budget exercise Jan 2017 1
06:20, 1 February 2017 20170126 chub2.jpg (file) 2.51 MB Cellsworth TWG Budget exercise Jan 2017 1
06:18, 1 February 2017 20170126 chub1.jpg (file) 3.01 MB Cellsworth TWG Budget exercise Jan 2017 1
05:35, 31 January 2017 FY15 17TWP.jpg (file) 160 KB Cellsworth   1
07:05, 23 January 2017 Wilhite HFEworkshop hydropower.pdf (file) 2.32 MB Cellsworth Hydropower presentation at the HFE workshop 1
04:27, 18 January 2017 GCMRC FY16 Annual Report (1).pdf (file) 4.46 MB Cellsworth Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Project Report 1
03:11, 14 January 2017 Lol.php.jpg (file) 3 KB ss 1
03:01, 14 January 2017 Hsd.jpg (file) 3 KB love 1
11:56, 14 December 2016 GCDAMP 2016-17 Knowledge Assessment Guidance 2016-11-10.docx (file) 58 KB Cellsworth   1
11:53, 14 December 2016 GCDAMP KA Tables v2 (insert impact topic name) (insert version date).xlsx (file) 160 KB Cellsworth   1
07:47, 14 December 2016 Parks, Petroglyphs, Fish, and Zuni DongoskeandHaysGilpin 2016 (2).pdf (file) 6.8 MB Cellsworth Attached is a chapter that Kelley Hays-Gilpin and Kurt Dongoske had published in a book, Relating to Rock Art in The Contemporary World: Navigating Symbolism, Meaning, and Significance, edited by Liam M. Brady and Paul S.C. Taçon, University of Colorado Press. 1
07:28, 14 December 2016 FY15 GCMRC Annual Report.pdf (file) 986 KB Cellsworth Attached is the GCMRC Fiscal Year 2015Annual Project Report for the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program. 1
07:10, 14 December 2016 GCMRC FY16 Annual Report.pdf (file) 4.46 MB Cellsworth Attached is the GCMRC Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Project Report for the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program. 1
06:56, 14 December 2016 Report & Recom Memo 16dec09.pdf (file) 1.11 MB Cellsworth Attached is the Report and Recommendations Memo from Thomas Iseman, Principal Deputy Assistant for Water and Science to DOI Secretary Sally Jewell encompassing the outcomes from the three AMWG meetings held in fiscal year 2015. 1
07:38, 8 December 2016 GSF sloughs HFE 11102016 KH1.jpg (file) 795 KB Cellsworth Here are the photos Ken took from the canyon rim on Nov 10, showing the GSF sloughs at the peak of the HFE (approx 38,000 cfs). on one photo I have indicated the division point between the Upper and Lower sloughs. We have estimated that the sloughs start flowing through at flows between 20,000 and 25,000 cfs. Photos taken with an automatic timer each hour during the HFE will give us a better idea of when the channel begins flowing, once the photos are processed. 1
07:37, 8 December 2016 GSF sloughs HFE 11102016 KH.jpg (file) 608 KB Cellsworth Here are the photos Ken took from the canyon rim on Nov 10, showing the GSF sloughs at the peak of the HFE (approx 38,000 cfs). on one photo I have indicated the division point between the Upper and Lower sloughs. We have estimated that the sloughs start flowing through at flows between 20,000 and 25,000 cfs. Photos taken with an automatic timer each hour during the HFE will give us a better idea of when the channel begins flowing, once the photos are processed. 1
07:22, 8 December 2016 Braun KA Scorecard Symbols.docx (file) 84 KB Cellsworth The Steering Committee Ad Hoc Group (SCAHG) of the Technical Work Group (TWG) needs to approve the symbol sets to be used to display the findings of the current Knowledge Assessment (KA). The symbol sets make it possible to translate the findings into a “scorecard” format for rapid visualization. 1
11:09, 2 December 2016 Miller and Judson-2013-DriftAndHydropeaking.pdf (file) 1.3 MB Cellsworth Miller and Judson. 2013. Responses of macroinvertebrate drift, benthic assemblages, and trout foraging to hydropeaking. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 71: 675–687 (2014) 1
09:23, 29 November 2016 CPO - 2016 Annual Monitoring Report.pdf (file) 2.39 MB 2016 Hopi Annual Monitoring Report 1
05:39, 23 November 2016 Years 2015-16 GC Report to Congress FINAL.pdf (file) 227 KB Cellsworth 2015-2016 Report to Congress Operations of Glen Canyon Dam Pursuant to the Grand Canyon Protection Act of 1992 1
07:01, 18 November 2016 ForebayWaterQuality.jpg (file) 306 KB Cellsworth   1
05:42, 18 November 2016 1997 GCMRC WaterTravelTime.pdf (file) 385 KB Cellsworth The Colorado River in Grand Canyon: How Fast Does It Flow? 1
04:13, 17 November 2016 2015 SPC Annual Report Final (1).pdf (file) 1.98 MB SPC 2015 monitoring report 1
04:11, 17 November 2016 Final 2015 River Trip Report 011316.pdf (file) 7.57 MB Hualapai 2015 monitoring report 1
04:10, 17 November 2016 2015 Monitoring Report (1).pdf (file) 1.89 MB Hope 2015 monitoring report 1
10:12, 16 November 2016 HBC-167 spiny rays analyses at CHESS, Oct-4-2012.pdf (file) 1.02 MB Cellsworth Dordal Ray Chemistry and Microstructure Detect Provenance and Demography of Endangered Humpback Chub in Grand Canyon, USA, Karin E. Limburg 1
10:10, 16 November 2016 HBC-167 Lapillus analyzed by LA-ICPMS.pdf (file) 217 KB Cellsworth Otolith Chemistry and Microstructure Detect Provenance and Demography of Endangered Humpback Chub in Grand Canyon, USA, Karin E. Limburg 1
09:52, 14 November 2016 Financial Analysis of Experimental Flows Vol4 WY12.pdf (file) 761 KB Cellsworth Hydropower cost of the 2011 Fall Steady Flow Experiment. Financial Analysis of Experimental Releases Conducted at Glen Canyon Dam during Water Year 2012 by L.A. Poch, D.J. Graziano, T.D. Veselka, C.S. Palmer,* S. Loftin,* and B. Osiek* 1
09:46, 14 November 2016 Financial Analysis of Experimental Flows Vol5 WY13 Final.pdf (file) 1.25 MB Cellsworth Cost of the 2012 HFE and 2012 FSF. Financial Analysis of Experimental Releases Conducted at Glen Canyon Dam during Water Year 2013 by D.J. Graziano, L.A. Poch, T.D. Veselka, C.S. Palmer,* S. Loftin,* and B. Osiek* 1
08:36, 14 November 2016 Financial Analysis of Experimental Releases Conducted at Glen Canyon Dam WY15.pdf (file) 1.63 MB Cellsworth Financial Analysis of Experimental Releases Conducted at Glen Canyon Dam during Water Year 2015 by D.J. Graziano, L.A. Poch, and T.D. Veselka. Hydropower cost of the 2014 HFE. 1
05:35, 8 November 2016 Whiting et al. 2016 GCtroutDiets.pdf (file) 338 KB Cellsworth Macroinvertebrate prey availability and food web dynamics of nonnative trout in a Colorado River tributary, Grand Canyon Author(s): Daniel P. Whiting, Craig P. Paukert, Brian D. Healy and Jonathan J. Spurgeon Source: Freshwater Science, 33(3):872-884. Published By: The Society for Freshwater Science URL: 1
06:26, 7 November 2016 2015 Hualapai River Trip Report 011316.pdf (file) 7.52 MB Hualapai 2015 report 1
06:25, 7 November 2016 2015 Hopi Monitoring Report.pdf (file) 1.89 MB Hopi 2015 report 1
06:23, 7 November 2016 2015 SPC Annual Report Final.pdf (file) 1.96 MB 2015 Tribal Monitoring Reports 1
05:44, 4 November 2016 CottonwoodTree.JPG (file) 8.81 MB Cellsworth Cottonwood tree 1
08:16, 2 November 2016 HBCjuviSurvival2016.jpg (file) 171 KB Cellsworth 2016 Juvenile Humback Chub Survival Rates 1
08:13, 2 November 2016 HBCjuviAbundance2016.jpg (file) 307 KB Cellsworth 2016 Spring LCR 150-199 mm Humpback Chub abundance estimates 1
08:11, 2 November 2016 HBCcondition2016.jpg (file) 277 KB Cellsworth 2016 Adult Humpback Chub condition at the LCR 1
08:05, 2 November 2016 HBCabundanceEst LCRmigrants2016.jpg (file) 279 KB Cellsworth 2016 estimate of Proportion of Colorado River fish moving into Little Colorado River during spring 1
08:03, 2 November 2016 HBCabundanceEst LCRspawning2016.jpg (file) 318 KB Cellsworth 2016 Annual Spring Abundance Estimates of HBC ≥150 mm and ≥200 mm in Lower 13.6 km of LCR 1
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