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*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2024-02-29-amwg-meeting/20240229-ProjectB-UpdateRiverbedSandbarResponseDamOperationsHFE-508-UCRO.pdf Project B Update and Riverbed and sandbar response to dam operations and high-flow experiments ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2024-02-29-amwg-meeting/20240229-ProjectA-StreamflowWaterQualitySedimentTransportBudgetingColoradoRiverEcosystem-508-UCRO.pdf Project A: Streamflow, Water Quality, and Sediment Transport and Budgeting in the Colorado River Ecosystem ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2024-01-25-twg-meeting/20240125-AnnualReportingMeeting-EffectsDamOperationsVegetationManagementPreservationGeomorphicConditionArchaeologicalSites-508-UCRO.pdf Effects of Reservoirs and Stock Ponds on Surface Water Runoff in the Little Colorado River Basin ]
*[[Media:Sartain_AGU2023_poster_ARM.pdf| Assessing geomorphic change for 454 river km of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, AZ via continuous and high-resolution water surface and bed profiles
*[[Media:Kaplinski_Glen_canyon_flow_model_poster_20240114.pdf| Hydrodynamic modeling of the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and Lees Ferry, Arizona]]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2024-01-25-twg-meeting/20240125-AnnualReportingMeeting-ChannelResponseHighFlowsWesternGrandCanyon-508-UCRO.pdf Channel Response to High Flows in Western Grand Canyon ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2024-01-25-twg-meeting/20240125-AnnualReportingMeeting-ProjectAStreamflowWaterQualitySedimentTransportBudgetingColoradoRiverEcosystem-508-UCRO.pdf Project A: Streamflow, Water Quality, and Sediment Transport and Budgeting in the Colorado River Ecosystem ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg.html#:~:text=Project%20B%20Update%20and%20Riverbed%20and%20sandbar%20response%20to%20dam%20operations%20and%20high%2Dflow%20experiments Project B Update and Riverbed and sandbar response to dam operations and high-flow experiments ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2023-01-26-twg-meeting/20230126-AnnualReportingMeeting-AContinuousHigh-ResolutionProfileRiverbedWaterSurface460-kmColoradoRiverGrandCanyon-508-UCRO.pdf A Continuous High-Resolution Profile of the Riverbed and Water Surface for 460-km of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2023-01-26-twg-meeting/20230126-AnnualReportingMeeting-StreamflowSedimentVegetationDynamics-508-UCRO.pdf Project A: Streamflow, Sediment, and Vegetation Dynamics; Implications for Geomorphic Change in the Colorado River and its Tributaries]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2023-01-26-twg-meeting/20230126-AnnualReportingMeeting-StreamflowWaterQualitySedimentTransportBudgetingColoradoRiverEcosystem-508-UCRO.pdf Project A: Streamflow, Water Quality, and Sediment Transport and Budgeting in the Colorado River Ecosystem]
*[[Media:ARM_salter.pdf| Numerical Modeling of Mud Transport, Storage, and Release on the Colorado River, Arizona]]

Latest revision as of 10:35, 23 August 2024

The Paria River flowing into the mainstem Colorado River‎

Sediment and Geomorphology

Erosion of sandbars (beaches) along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon was first reported in the early 1970s, approximately 10 years after completion of Glen Canyon Dam. Since then, scientific studies have been conducted to monitor changes in sandbars and changes in the amount of sand stored on the bed of the river. One of the outcomes of these studies has been the implementation of flow experiments intended to rebuild eroded sandbars, especially by the release of controlled floods, also called High Flow Experiments, or HFEs, from Glen Canyon Dam. The sediment and geomorphology projects at Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center include the collection and processing of data to provide information needed to conduct controlled floods and to evaluate the outcome of each controlled flood and the long-term effects of controlled floods and normal dam operations on sediment-related resources. [1]

Beginning in 1998, recreational campsite area has also been measured on a subset of the sandbar monitoring sites. Campsite areas are defined as areas that are flat (less than 8 degree slope), smooth (not rocky), and clear of dense vegetation. Monitoring data show that vegetation expansion and sandbar erosion/deposition contribute to reductions in campsite area.

LTEMP Resource Goal for Sediment

Increase and retain fine sediment volume, area, and distribution in the Glen, Marble, and Grand Canyon reaches above the elevation of the average base flow for ecological, cultural, and recreational purposes.

Desired Future Condition for Sediment-Related Resources

High elevation open riparian sediment deposits along the Colorado River in sufficient volume, area, and distribution so as to provide habitat to sustain native biota and desired ecosystem processes
• Nearshore habitats for native fish
• Marsh and riparian habitat for fish (food chain maintenance)
• Cultural resource preservation
• Maintenance of camping beaches



Sediment transport and river discharge

When the discharge of the Colorado River was lower than about 9,000 ft3/s, sand accumulated in the reach in Marble and upper Grand Canyons. At discharges higher than about 9,000 ft3/s, however, sand-transport rates at the Grand Canyon gaging station generally equaled those at the Lees Ferry gaging station, and at discharges higher than about 16,000 ft3/s, sand-transport rates at the Grand Canyon gaging station generally either equaled or exceeded those at the Lees Ferry gaging station. Thus, at discharges greater than about 9,000 ft3/s, sand was either conveyed through or eroded from the reach in Marble and upper Grand Canyons.

As discharges less than 9,000 ft3/s became less common, the discharge of the river became progressively more conducive to the conveyance of sand through or the erosion of sand from Marble and upper Grand Canyons. [2]

Links and Information


Sediment Gages

Sand Mass Balance Reaches in Grand Canyon

Presentations and Papers





















Other Stuff

Flash Flood videos