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*Date:  March 26, 2015
*Subject:  '''NEPA and the Silencing of Native American Worldviews Environmental Practice'''
*From:  Kurt Dongoski (Via Linda Whetton)
*Link: [[Media:NEPA and the Silencing of Native American Worldviews Environmental Practice 17 36-45 March2015 (1).pdf |NEPA and the Silencing of Native American Worldviews Environmental Practice MARCH 2015 VERSION_17 36-45]]

Revision as of 12:56, 26 March 2015

2014-----2013 -----2012 -----2011 ----- 2010----- 2009


Brent Rhees- UB Regional Director- USBR- PIC.jpg

Tiger Salemadar- PIC.jpg

  • Date: March 25, 2015
  • Subject: Wandering salamander baffles scientists (Lees Ferry)
  • From: AZ Daily Sun - GCWC and Larry Stevens
  • Link: AZ Daily Sun Article- LINK
  • Details: *Last week, volunteers doing restoration work on the banks of the Colorado River above Lees Ferry found an almost foot-long tiger salamander. The amphibians live on the Colorado Plateau above the river, but haven't been seen on the river's banks according to any known records. Larry Stevens, senior ecologist with the Grand Canyon Wildlands Council, found the animal lazing in the shallow water of a marsh bordering the Colorado River last week. “Holy cow," Stevens remembered thinking to himself. “This is an incredibly new find for the Colorado River.”

PIC- USU Spring Runoff Conference-2015.jpg

PIC- 2014 Zuni scope of work and budget Report.jpg

PIC- 2014 Hopi Monitoring Report.jpg

PIC- 2014 Navajo Nation Report.jpg

  • Date: 150211
  • Subject: NPS Monthly fisheries management update call
  • From: NPS (Via Linda Whetton)
  • Link:
  • Details: Invitation to TWG and interested parties

NPS holds a monthly fisheries management update call. There are two purposes for these calls: 1- Provide verbal updates on our (i.e., NPS-led) fisheries management activities to stakeholders, cooperators, agencies, etc., anyone interested is welcome to call in. 2- Coordinate logistics and plans for fisheries activities among cooperators. Trip reports, annual reports, and peer-reviewed publications that the fish program produces are also distributed on a regular basis. NPS also sends these to the 11 Associated Tribes separately. If you would like to get on the mailing list, or would like more information on these calls, please contact Brian Healy at brian_healy@nps.gov<mailto:brian_healy@nps.gov> Thank you.

150209 WGA Drought impacts -PIC.jpg

  • Date: Posted_150209 (Meeting held December 2014)
  • Subject: Drought Impacts & Solutions for Water Supply Management
  • From: Western Governor's Association
  • Link: LINK to Report


Jennifer Gimble- 2014-PIC.jpg

  • Date: 01/06/2015
  • Subject: Jennifer Gimbel Appointment Memo (GCDAMP- Sally Jewell)
  • From: Sally Jewell(via Linda Whetton)
  • Link: 150105 Appointment Memo 15jan05

150105 Program Shirts-PIC.jpg

141216 HFE sandbar- PIC.jpg