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04:46, 9 August 2016 GCDAMP Continuity and Strategic Direction memo 2016.pdf (file) 3.45 MB July 8, 2016 memo from Jennifer Gimbel on GCDAMP continuity and strategic direction. 1
07:54, 8 August 2016 A local perspective on the Lees Ferry trout fishery.docx (file) 121 KB A local perspective on the Lees Ferry trout fishery. By Terry Gunn, owner of Lees Ferry Anglers and Cliff Dwellers Lodge 1
11:40, 5 August 2016 DO Temp 2014HFE.docx (file) 360 KB How the 2014 HFE and other types of operations affect water quality parameters such as dissolved oxygen (DO) and temperature below Glen Canyon Dam. 1
05:58, 28 July 2016 2016 Fish PEP Agenda.docx (file) 18 KB 2016 fish pep agenda 1
07:35, 27 July 2016 GCDAMP FY16 Fisheries PEP Prospectus final.pdf (file) 417 KB 2016 Fish PEP prospectus (final) 1
07:08, 27 July 2016 Lf10-trout-leesferry.jpg (file) 38 KB   1
12:23, 26 July 2016 TMFs2012.jpg (file) 137 KB A proposal for TMFs in 2012 1
12:03, 26 July 2016 TMFsOptionB.jpg (file) 76 KB Trout management flows option b 1
12:02, 26 July 2016 TMFsOptionA.jpg (file) 75 KB Trout management flows option a 1
12:01, 26 July 2016 TMFsBackground.jpg (file) 70 KB Trout management flows tmfs background 1
10:40, 26 July 2016 RainbowTrout1.jpg (file) 17 KB Rainbow Trout 1
10:40, 26 July 2016 BrownTrout1.jpg (file) 19 KB Brown Trout 1
10:15, 26 July 2016 BugflowHydrograph.jpg (file) 29 KB Bugflow hydrograph 1
09:50, 26 July 2016 FoodbaseDiversity.jpg (file) 69 KB Foodbase diversity Glen Canyon 1
09:25, 26 July 2016 P1020356.JPG (file) 4.9 MB Caddisfly hatch below Parker Dam 1
11:38, 25 July 2016 SpeckledDace.jpg (file) 40 KB speckled dace 1
11:38, 25 July 2016 RoundtailChub.jpg (file) 43 KB roundtail chub 1
11:37, 25 July 2016 FlannelmouthSucker.jpg (file) 37 KB flannelmouth sucker 1
11:36, 25 July 2016 BlueheadSucker.jpg (file) 37 KB bluehead sucker 1
11:03, 25 July 2016 Colorado-pikeminnow-large (1).jpg (file) 68 KB Colorado pikeminnow 1
11:02, 25 July 2016 ColoradoPikeminnow distribution (1).jpg (file) 153 KB Colorado pikeminnow map 1
11:01, 25 July 2016 Razorback-large (1).jpg (file) 84 KB razorback sucker 1
11:00, 25 July 2016 Razorback distribution (1).jpg (file) 151 KB razorback sucker distribution map 1
10:59, 25 July 2016 Bonytail distribution (1).jpg (file) 151 KB bonytail chub map 1
10:58, 25 July 2016 Bonytail-large (1).jpg (file) 63 KB bonytail chub 1
11:33, 20 July 2016 AMPorganization.jpg (file) 115 KB Figure 1. Organizational components of the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program. 1
08:44, 15 July 2016 MonopolyMan.jpg (file) 11 KB   1
12:40, 14 July 2016 AMPplanning.jpg (file) 195 KB AMP collaborative science planning and implementation process 1
07:15, 14 July 2016 Fig4IntergratedCoreMonitoringProgram.jpg (file) 209 KB   1
11:52, 13 July 2016 GCDExperimentalFlows.jpg (file) 44 KB Figure 5. Continuous discharge record for the Colorado River at Lees Ferry for 1980 through 2009. The observations used to construct this record are at 15-minute intervals. Post-dam floods, experimental flows, and high-flow experiments (HFEs) are indicated. Modified from Topping and others (2003). 1
11:51, 13 July 2016 GCDFlowRecord.jpg (file) 46 KB Figure 3. Continuousdischarge record for the Colorado River at Lees Ferry (river mile 0) for 1921 through 2009. With the exception of the first 2 years, the observations used to construct this record are at intervals of 30 minutes or less. Closure of Glen Canyon Dam and post-dam floods and high-flow experiments (HFEs) are indicated. Modified from Topping and others (2003). 1
08:05, 13 July 2016 2000LSSFhydrograph.jpg (file) 105 KB The 2000 LSSF hydrograph 1
07:08, 13 July 2016 2016 ModeledRiverTemps.jpg (file) 173 KB Modeled river temperatures for 2016 1
05:30, 13 July 2016 MarbleCanyonDamSite.jpg (file) 1.08 MB Marble Canyon Dam Site 1
09:21, 12 July 2016 BeachErosion.JPG (file) 431 KB Beach at Buck Farm on the Natal Origins trip 1
07:49, 12 July 2016 Slough.jpg (file) 105 KB Green sunfish treatment in Glen Canyon at the slough 1
07:24, 12 July 2016 2015 Recommendations Report Final HFE Tech Team Report 10-15-15.pdf (file) 121 KB   1
07:24, 12 July 2016 2014 Recommendation HFE Memo & PPT 14oct24 PPT.pdf (file) 2.66 MB   1
11:22, 8 July 2016 Financial Analysis of Experimental Flows Vol6 final 9 3 2015.docx (file) 1.84 MB Financial analysis of experimental releases conducted at Glen Canyon Dam during Water Year 2014 (i.e. the 2013 HFE) 1
10:39, 8 July 2016 SMBvsBHS.jpg (file) 51 KB Smallmouth bass eating a bluehead sucker 1
10:11, 8 July 2016 NSE art.jpg (file) 50 KB   1
10:00, 8 July 2016 NSE products.jpg (file) 163 KB Near Shore Ecology (NSE) products 1
10:00, 8 July 2016 NSE findings.jpg (file) 137 KB Near Shore Ecology (NSE) findings 1
09:59, 8 July 2016 NSE overview.jpg (file) 150 KB Near Shore Ecology (NSE) overview 1
07:14, 7 July 2016 HBC Monitoring above Lower Atomizer Falls 2016 Trip Report.pdf (file) 232 KB Chute Falls Spring 2016 humpback chub sampling trip report by USFWS 1
07:13, 7 July 2016 Lower LCR Spring 2016 Trip Report.pdf (file) 334 KB Lower LCR Spring 2016 humpback chub sampling trip report by USFWS 1
10:12, 24 June 2016 HFE type.jpg (file) 52 KB HFE number or type 1
10:07, 24 June 2016 HFE decision tree.jpg (file) 113 KB HFE decision tree 1
07:54, 24 June 2016 CoreMonitoringPlan 02-18-11 (1).pdf (file) 982 KB 2011 Core Monitoring Plan 1
07:41, 24 June 2016 2005 Core Monitoring Information Needs.docx (file) 17 KB 2005 Core Monitoring Information Needs 1
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