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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
12:07, 21 May 2014 DIAGRAM- Vegetation comp by elevation-II- USGS.jpg (file) 145 KB Jthiriot   1
12:06, 21 May 2014 DIAGRAM- Vegetation comp by elevation- USGS.jpg (file) 135 KB Jthiriot   1
10:57, 21 May 2014 MAP- Critical Habitat for Squawfish.jpg (file) 128 KB Jthiriot   1
10:55, 21 May 2014 MAP- Critical Habitat for Razorback Sucker.jpg (file) 137 KB Jthiriot   1
10:52, 21 May 2014 MAP- Critical Habitat for HBC.jpg (file) 117 KB Jthiriot   1
10:49, 21 May 2014 MAP- Critical Habitat for Bonytail Chub.jpg (file) 118 KB Jthiriot   1
06:00, 20 May 2014 130325 AHAHG Mtg- Quick Notes.pdf (file) 174 KB Jthiriot   1
05:56, 20 May 2014 140509 AHAHG Mtg- Quick Notes - PRINT.pdf (file) 387 KB Jthiriot   1
05:11, 19 May 2014 HBC-Kurt- PIC.jpg (file) 144 KB Jthiriot   1
05:00, 17 May 2014 How CA Got its shape- PIC.jpg (file) 69 KB Jthiriot   1
05:52, 16 May 2014 150516 USGS Fact Sheet photo of Grand Canyon.jpg (file) 208 KB Jthiriot   1
05:17, 16 May 2014 GRAPH- Fish and Invertabrate assemblige.jpg (file) 251 KB Jthiriot   1
05:09, 16 May 2014 MAP- Colorado River -GCDAMP-SCOPE.jpg (file) 30 KB Jthiriot   1
05:09, 14 May 2014 SNWA Slide- Return Flow Credit- DIAGRAM.jpg (file) 159 KB Jthiriot   1
04:21, 14 May 2014 Flyaround.mp4 (file) 5.68 MB Jthiriot Video Clip 1
07:53, 13 May 2014 2012 AZGF- River Changed Article- PIC.jpg (file) 254 KB Jthiriot   1
07:32, 13 May 2014 040513 AZGF- Fishing Pic.jpg (file) 105 KB Jthiriot   1
07:06, 13 May 2014 SO12 Stewart.pdf (file) 11.75 MB Arizona Game and Fish Wildlife Views article titled "A Changing Grand Canyon: Can high flows help?" Published October 2012. 1
06:55, 13 May 2014 12-15 Lees Ferry Jan-Feb 2012 Views (1).pdf (file) 7.14 MB Arizona Game and Fish Wildlife Views Article titled "Tight Lines at Lees Ferry". Published February 2012 1
09:01, 12 May 2014 140512 GCMRC-TWP- draft.pdf (file) 4.42 MB Jthiriot Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center Triennial Budget and Work Plan Prospectus-- Fiscal Years 2015-2017 1
07:54, 12 May 2014 UB Presence of Invasive aquatic species by decade.jpg (file) 303 KB Jthiriot   1
07:50, 12 May 2014 UCRC Presence of Invasives by decade- Graph.pdf (file) 1.23 MB Jthiriot Invasive Species 1
07:29, 12 May 2014 150512 USGS-Water Quality MAP.jpg (file) 113 KB Jthiriot Water Quality stations above Lake Powell 1
06:59, 12 May 2014 140507 319 Slide- USBR.jpg (file) 193 KB Jthiriot   1
11:00, 9 May 2014 2014 4 TWG budget overview-GCMRC.PDF (file) 12.66 MB Jthiriot GCMRC-2014 Budget 1
07:20, 9 May 2014 150509 USFWS- ESA- News Release FINAL (1).pdf (file) 221 KB Jthiriot Address processes for designating and implementing critical habitat 1
04:24, 9 May 2014 140507 GCDAMP Triennial Budget and Work Plan7May14.pdf (file) 2.82 MB Jthiriot Budget Memo from Assistant Secretary Anne Castle- May 7, 2014 1
04:08, 9 May 2014 Vermillion Video- Fishing (1).jpg (file) 167 KB Jthiriot   1
04:04, 9 May 2014 140508 USGS-YouTube Citizen Science in Grand Canyon.jpg (file) 95 KB Jthiriot The 7 min video titled, "Citizen Science in Grand Canyon" describes the ecology of the Colorado River, and how the citizen science insect monitoring project I started in 2012 is leading to a deeper understanding of this unique ecosystem. The ultimate pur 1
10:01, 5 May 2014 CAP Infographic-Municipal.jpg (file) 99 KB Vkartha Municipal 1
09:23, 5 May 2014 CAP Infographic-Groundwater.jpg (file) 130 KB Vkartha Groundwater 1
09:22, 5 May 2014 CAP Infographic-Usage (1).jpg (file) 104 KB Vkartha Water Use 1
09:20, 5 May 2014 CAP Infographic-Usage.jpg (file) 173 KB Vkartha Water Use 1
09:03, 5 May 2014 Arizona Water Budget 1.jpg (file) 1.12 MB Vkartha Water Budget 1
05:22, 1 May 2014 Tamarix Tree- PIC.jpg (file) 41 KB Jthiriot   1
10:34, 30 April 2014 Waterplanning.jpg (file) 73 KB Vkartha Water Planning 1
10:24, 30 April 2014 Conservation (1).jpg (file) 32 KB Vkartha Conservation 1
09:40, 30 April 2014 Planning.jpg (file) 73 KB Vkartha planning 1
09:09, 30 April 2014 River.jpg (file) 43 KB Vkartha Colorado River. 1
08:30, 30 April 2014 PopulationAZ.png (file) 76 KB Vkartha PopulationAZ 1
07:55, 30 April 2014 Population.png (file) 47 KB Vkartha population 1
07:18, 30 April 2014 Quagga Surface Tests.jpg (file) 218 KB Jthiriot   1
07:14, 30 April 2014 Quagga Pic (1).JPG (file) 15 KB Jthiriot   1
04:29, 25 April 2014 Generating Unit Flyaround- video clip USBR.jpg (file) 92 KB Jthiriot Video Clip 1
04:37, 22 April 2014 Turbidity USGS PIC.jpg (file) 120 KB Jthiriot Turbidity PIC 1
07:20, 15 April 2014 Grand Canyon 140415 POAHG-PIC.jpg (file) 255 KB Jthiriot Aug 2012 POAHG presentation- Sam Jensen 1
05:53, 15 April 2014 River Basin 140415- PIC-II.jpg (file) 87 KB Jthiriot   1
05:53, 15 April 2014 River Basin 140415- PIC.jpg (file) 108 KB Jthiriot   1
05:52, 15 April 2014 Colorado River 140415- PIC.jpg (file) 123 KB Jthiriot   1
05:52, 15 April 2014 Colorado River Allocations SNWA- PIC.jpg (file) 148 KB Jthiriot SNWA Slide 1
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