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The Budget Ad Hoc Group Page

Latest Motion

Latest Charge

The Budget Ad Hoc (BAHG) will develop an annual budget recommendation (biennial) for TWG utilizing input from the CRAHG, GCMRC, and BOR. This is to include an initial budget recommendation during the spring TWG meeting and a final recommendation during the summer TWG meeting. The BAHG should also draft an update to Appendix H in the Strategic Plan which describes the current budget process. Originally established November 12, 2003. Re-established June 22, 2009.

TWG Motions Background Information Budget Page

Group Members

Chair: Shane Capron
Members: Melinda Arviso-Ciocco, Jan Balsom, Cliff Barrett, Shane Capron, Kerry Christensen, Marianne Crawford, Kurt Dongoske, Craig Ellsworth, Helen Fairley, Katrina Grantz, Leslie James, John Jordan, Vineetha Kartha, Don Ostler, Clayton Palmer, Ben Reeder, Dave Rogowski, Seth Shanahan, Larry Stevens, Mike Yeatts, Kirk Young


Budget Ad Hoc Group: Consideration of 2018-20 TWP 2-22-2017


I think we have a lot of energy and enthusiasm to begin talking about the FY18-20 TWP. In the body of this email is a Doodle poll. Please provide your input as soon as you can.

Mary Orton is helping me facilitate the BAHG process and will be assisting me at various times over the next few months, both in getting ready for meetings and helping to facilitate some of them. We will try to be careful with the use of her time for those meetings that are most needed.

Below is an initial resource category list for consideration at our first BAHG call. It is based on the ROD resource categories with two additions from the Knowledge Assessment (KA). I propose that we use these categories as the project areas for the next TWP. Please let me know what you think.

We will set up our first BAHG call in March based on your Doodle input. We will have agendas for each call and limit their duration to 2-3 hours max. We can use webinars if that will help our discussions, though in the past those have been troublesome. Once we have received your input we will set up the first call and provide an agenda. We will post the information to the wiki site: http://gcdamp.com/index.php?title=FY18-20_GCMRC_Triennial_Budget_and_Workplan

Talk to you soon! If you have input on what you want to accomplish and how to do that in the BAHG, please email ([email protected]) or call (720.799-3441) me. I would love your input.

Also, please respond to this Doodle poll by COB Tuesday, February 28: http://doodle.com/poll/pz8gissd8v6crz3a. We want to set up probably two (maybe three) BAHG meetings in March, so let me know when you are available.


Draft Program Areas for 2018-20 TWP

Based on ROD Resource Categories (see page 6 of the ROD)

  • Natural Processes: Not used (is an evaluation of above resources as related to “natural” benchmarks)

Meeting Notes



Papers and Presentations



Other Stuff