The TWG established the Administrative History Ad Hoc Group in October 2012 with the purpose of gathering information and creating a history of the GCDAMP. The group also felt it would be important to provide a "WIKI" website to serve as a collaborative resource tool to aid managers and to warehouse the program's historical information to assist stakeholders to learn and share knowledge in a user-friendly format.
AMWG Motion: (Proposed by Larry Stevens, seconded by Sam Jansen): AMWG
requests that POAHG, working with Reclamation, GCMRC, and other appropriate
parties, develop and forward to TWG a recommendation with regard to a prospectus that
identifies goals and objectives, scope, lead agency, cost, and funding source(s) for an
RFP for an annotated administrative history of the AMP to document the history of
events, people, sites, issues, and documents that have contributed to adaptive ecosystem
management of the Colorado River ecosystem in relation to Glen Canyon Dam. AMWG
further requests that TWG make a recommendation on the subject to AMWG at the
summer 2011 AMWG meeting.