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The Budget Ad Hoc Group Page

Latest Charge

The Budget Ad Hoc (BAHG) will develop an annual budget recommendation (biennial) for TWG utilizing input from the CRAHG, GCMRC, and BOR. This is to include an initial budget recommendation during the spring TWG meeting and a final recommendation during the summer TWG meeting. The BAHG should also draft an update to Appendix H in the Strategic Plan which describes the current budget process. Originally established November 12, 2003. Re-established June 22, 2009.

TWG Motions Background Information Budget Page

Group Members

Chair: Shane Capron
Members: Melinda Arviso-Ciocco, Jan Balsom, Cliff Barrett, Shane Capron, Kerry Christensen, Marianne Crawford, Kurt Dongoske, Craig Ellsworth, Helen Fairley, Katrina Grantz, Leslie James, John Jordan, Vineetha Kartha, Don Ostler, Clayton Palmer, Ben Reeder, Dave Rogowski, Seth Shanahan, Larry Stevens, Mike Yeatts, Kirk Young



  • Welcome and Introductions (Mary Orton and Shane Capron) (10 mins)
  • Review the agenda and questions/additions/changes (Shane) (10 mins)
  • Review of the GCDAMP budget process and timeline (Table 1 attached) and roles (30 mins)
  1. Use the TWG recommend process
  2. Mary will take and provide meeting notes
  3. Guidelines for discussion
  • Discuss objectives of the BAHG calls prior to April TWG meeting, and after (45 mins)
  1. Draft BAHG Spreadsheet (attached) as framework
  2. Next meeting: begin substance, resource by resource as needed
  3. Initial comments by 3pm on Thursday, sense of direction, including ad hoc input (TAHG, CRAHG, SEAHG)
  • Additional meeting dates?: April 20, 2-4 mountain additional meeting (10 mins)

Meeting in early April (11-14) to review the draft (new doodle), prepare for TWG

  • Level of Detail for GCMRC Draft 1 (April 10): Mike Moran (10 mins)
  • Action Items and wrap up: (5 mins)
  1. Comments on BAHG spreadsheet due Thursday by 3pm mountain
  2. Be ready to walk through first few resources on BAHG #2, discussion and recommendations (add, continue, eliminate, reduce)

Phone Number for ALL Calls: 877-932-7704 Participant Passcode: 8410783#

  • Friday March 10: 2-4 mountain, 1-3 pacific
  • Thursday March 16: 10-12 mountain, (9-11 pacific) Other Native Fish Species (other than HBC), Rainbow Trout Fishery, Nonnative Invasive Species, and Riparian Vegetation
  • Monday March 20: 2-4 mountain, (1-3 pacific) Nutrients, Humpback Chub, Foodbase
  • Thursday March 23: 10-12 mountain (9-11 pacific) Sediment, Socioeconomics, Cultural Resources

Draft Program Areas for 2018-20 TWP

Based on ROD Resource Categories (see page 6 of the ROD)

  • Natural Processes: Not used (is an evaluation of above resources as related to “natural” benchmarks)

Meeting Notes



Documents and Direction

Papers and Presentations



Other Stuff