Group Members
Chair: Shane Capron
Members: Melinda Arviso-Ciocco, John Jordan,
Jan Balsom, Vineetha Kartha,
Cliff Barrett, Don Ostler,
Kerry Christensen, Clayton Palmer,
Marianne Crawford, Ben Reeder,
Kurt Dongoske, Dave Rogowski,
Craig Ellsworth, Seth Shanahan,
Helen Fairley, Larry Stevens,
Katrina Grantz, Mike Yeatts,
Leslie James, Kirk Young,
Carlee Brown, Ryan Mann
Hello, BAHGers!
Here is your call-in number for all the BAHG calls listed below:
Passcode: 8410783#
Upcoming Meetings:
- (Th) July 6, 10a - 12n MDT: Review process, general overview, BOR work plan and budget
- (Th) July 13, 10a - 12n MDT: SAP comments on GCMRC work plan (and BOR if available), Projects A (Streamflow, Water Quality, and Sediment Transport), B (Sandbar and Sediment Storage), and J (Socioeconomic)
- (Th) July 20, 10a - 12n MDT: Projects E (Nutrients and Temperature), F (Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology), and G (Humpback Chub)
- (Th) July 27, 10a - 12n MDT: Projects H (Trout), I (Non-natives), K (Geospatial Science), and L (Overflight)
- (Th) Aug 3, 10a - 12n MDT: Projects C (Riparian Vegetation), D (Vegetation Management for Dunefields, Terraces, and Archaeological Sites), and M (Administration)
2017 Budget Process Timeline (subject to change)
GCDAMP Triennial Budget and Workplan Protocol Paper (10-6-2016)
- March 16: BAHG meeting to discuss Other Native Fish Species (other than HBC), Rainbow Trout Fishery, Nonnative Invasive Species, and Riparian Vegetation
- March 20: BAHG meeting to discuss Nutrients, Humpback Chub, Foodbase
- March 23: BAHG meeting to discuss Sediment, Socioeconomics, Cultural Resources
- April 10: annotated abstracts to TWG (First Draft)
- April 20-21: TWG meeting with feedback
- April 26: TWG member written comments back to GCMRC / Reclamation
- April 28 (9-11 MDT): BAHG meeting (conference call) to discuss TWG comments
- May 9: Suspension of FACA meetings
- July 1: Draft full workplan (Second Draft) to Sound Science and BAHG / TWG, DOI, Tribes
- July 6: Review process, general overview, BOR work plan and budget
- July 13: Science Advisers comments on GCMRC work plan (and BOR if available), GCMRC review Projects A (Streamflow, Water Quality, and Sediment Transport), B (Sandbar and Sediment Storage), and J (Socioeconomic)
- July 20: GCMRC review Projects Projects E (Nutrients and Temperature), F (Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology), and G (Humpback Chub)
- July 27: GCMRC review Projects Projects H (Trout), I (Non-natives), K (Geospatial Science), and L (Overflight)
- August 3: GCMRC review Projects Projects C (Riparian Vegetation), D (Vegetation Management for Dunefields, Terraces, and Archaeological Sites), and M (Administration)
- August 3 (1230-130 MDT): BAHG call to discuss Second Draft
- August 4: BAHG written comments due to GCMRC / Reclamation
- August ??: BAHG and Sound Science meeting (conference call) to review Science Advisers comments
- August 18: Draft (Third / Final Draft) to TWG
- August 24??: BAHG call to discuss Third Draft??
- August ??: GCMRC and Reclamation provide a final draft TWP to the AMWG for their review.
- August 30-31: TWG meeting at GCMRC (Flagstaff) to discuss and approve budget
- September 20-21: AMWG meets (Phoenix/Tempe TBD) to provide input on the GCMRC and Reclamation draft TWP and provide a recommendation to the SOI.
- October 1: Fiscal Year 1 begins under the TWP guidance.
- November 1: Consumer Price Index becomes available.
- Late November: Science and management meeting with DOI and cooperators.
- December: Budget is finalized. USGS produces GCMRC annual project reports document for prior year work.
Documents and Direction
ADHOC Group Information Needs
2017 Meeting Notes
First Draft
BAHG meeting #1
BAHG meeting #2
BAHG meeting #3: Other Native Fish Species (other than HBC), Rainbow Trout Fishery, Nonnative Invasive Species, and Riparian Vegetation
BAHG meeting #4: Nutrients, Humpback Chub, Foodbase
BAHG meeting #5: Sediment, Socioeconomics, Cultural Resources
Second Draft
Papers and Presentations
Other Stuff
Draft Program Areas for 2018-20 TWP
Based on ROD Resource Categories (see page 6 of the ROD)
- Natural Processes: Not used (is an evaluation of above resources as related to “natural” benchmarks)