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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
10:29, 14 November 2017 BarrettCliff May15.m4a (file) 34.59 MB Cellsworth Cliff Barrett Administrative History interview 2017 1
10:28, 14 November 2017 Barrett, Cliff 5-15-2017 Annotated Oral History.xlsx (file) 16 KB Cellsworth Cliff Barrett Administrative History interview 2017 1
10:25, 14 November 2017 Cliff Barrett timestamped transcript.docx (file) 169 KB Cellsworth Cliff Barrett Administrative History interview 2017 1
09:54, 14 November 2017 ZebraTailedLizard.jpg (file) 59 KB Cellsworth   1
08:01, 14 November 2017 2012zebratail annualreport final.docx (file) 2.23 MB 2012 ZTL 1
08:00, 14 November 2017 (file) 6.2 MB 2012 Zebra Tail report 2015 Zebra Tail report 1
10:12, 3 November 2017 GCDAMP Administrative History Project Year 1 Report.pdf (file) 308 KB Cellsworth First year performance report for the GCDAMP administrative history project (CESU Cooperative Agreement R16AC00095). This is for fiscal year ending Sept 30, 2017. 1
07:50, 1 November 2017 CFMP.jpg (file) 103 KB Cellsworth   1
06:41, 31 October 2017 ForebayTemp 2000 2016.jpg (file) 180 KB Cellsworth   1
06:40, 31 October 2017 ForebayDO 2000 2016.jpg (file) 258 KB Cellsworth   1
06:12, 31 October 2017 Jones 2001 Final report PEP GCMRC IWQP.pdf (file) 185 KB Cellsworth Final report of the Protocol Evaluation Panel for the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center Integrated Water Quality Program (IWQP) 1
12:49, 30 October 2017 Hering and Wildman Final Report to Bureau of Rec.pdf (file) 343 KB Cellsworth Hering and Wildman. A study of the dynamics of phosphorus associated with suspeneded and deposited sediments in the Colorado River delta, Lake Powell, Utah. 1
06:44, 30 October 2017 T-Rex.png (file) 86 KB Cellsworth   1
12:07, 27 October 2017 Johnson 1981 Oxygen depleted waters Lake Powell.pdf (file) 318 KB Cellsworth Johnson and Page. 1981. Oxygen depleted waters: Origin and distribution in Lake Powell, Utah - Arizona. Proceedings of the Symposium on surface water impediments. American Society of Civil Engineers, NY. 1
11:54, 27 October 2017 Waddell 1993 Reconnaissance study of trace elements water sediment biota Lake Powell.pdf (file) 814 KB Cellsworth Waddell and Wiens. 1993. Reconnaissance study of trace elements in water, sediment, and biota of Lake Powell. 1
11:08, 27 October 2017 Williams Projecting Temp.pdf (file) 3.68 MB Cellsworth Williams, N.T., 2007, Projecting Temperature in Lake Powell and the Glen Canyon Dam Tailrace. Proceedings of the Colorado River Basin Science and Resource Management Symposium 1
10:16, 27 October 2017 Lake Powell CE-QUAL-W2 review final (1).pdf (file) 97 KB Cellsworth ERM’s review of the Lake Powell CE-QUAL-W2 Model 1
10:10, 27 October 2017 Reynolds1974.pdf (file) 1,019 KB Cellsworth Reynolds and Johnson. 1974. Major element geochemistry of Lake Powell. Lake Powell Research Project Bulletin #5. 1
06:15, 27 October 2017 Water Quality Prospectus Final 9-15-2017.docx (file) 63 KB Cellsworth 2017 Water Quality PEP Prospectus 1
06:14, 27 October 2017 GCMRC QW Review Agenda - Oct 2017 Final.docx (file) 13 KB Cellsworth 2017 Water Quality PEP Agenda 1
05:16, 23 October 2017 2017Zebratail.AnnualReport (1).pdf (file) 6.38 MB Zebra lizard annual report 1
10:17, 17 October 2017 2017 AMWG Charter.pdf (file) 521 KB Cellsworth AMWG Charter (2017) 1
12:38, 16 October 2017 2017Zebratail.AnnualReport.pdf (file) 6.38 MB Cellsworth Annual report for the 2017 zebra-tailed lizard monitoring at Diamond Creek. 1
12:03, 16 October 2017 Yackulic brown trout workshop Risks-for posting.pdf (file) 1.25 MB Cellsworth Brown trout workshop presentation: Risks 1
12:02, 16 October 2017 Kennedy brown trout workshop root causes for posting.pdf (file) 1.8 MB Cellsworth Brown trout workshop presentation: Root Causes 1
12:00, 16 October 2017 Bair Brown Trout workshop management options-for posting.pdf (file) 977 KB Cellsworth Brown trout workshop presentation: Management Options 1
05:01, 3 October 2017 2017 Glen Canyon Operating Criteria Signed.pdf (file) 251 KB Cellsworth Operating Criteria for Glen Canyon Dam in accordance with the Grand Canyon Protection Act of 1992 and the Record of Decision for the Glen Canyon Dam Long-Term Experimental and Management Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement, December 2016 1
11:31, 22 September 2017 Brown Trout White Paper 2017-09-21 Final for Workshop.pdf (file) 1.88 MB Cellsworth Brown Trout below Glen Canyon Dam: A Preliminary Analysis of Risks and Options; Final Pre-Workshop Version; September 21, 2017 1
08:25, 22 September 2017 CRI LGC Aug 17 (1).docx (file) 18 KB Cellsworth MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT July 2017: Razorback Sucker Research & Monitoring Work - Lower Grand Canyon & Colorado River 1
08:23, 22 September 2017 CRI LGC July 17 (1).docx (file) 18 KB Cellsworth MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT July 2017: Razorback Sucker Research & Monitoring Work - Lower Grand Canyon & Colorado River 1
08:20, 22 September 2017 CRI LGC 15 FINAL.docx (file) 12.09 MB Cellsworth Razorback Sucker Xyrauchen texanus Research and Monitoring in the Colorado River Inflow Area of Lake Mead and the Lower Grand Canyon, Arizona and Nevada 2015 FINAL ANNUAL REPORT 1
08:13, 22 September 2017 2017 Razorback Sucker Science Panel Review Final 4-2017.pdf (file) 975 KB Cellsworth Three-Year Review of Razorback Sucker Xyrauchen texanus Research in Grand Canyon and Colorado River Inflow to Lake Mead: A Science Panel Report 1
06:14, 8 September 2017 LetterToNPS-planning.pdf (file) 111 KB Cellsworth Letter from Brent Rhees, Acting Secretary's Designee, to NPS regarding a 2017 brown trout workshop. 1
11:46, 10 August 2017 Bright Angel Creek Brown Trout Control 2016-17 Season Report08082017 FINAL.pdf (file) 512 KB Cellsworth   1
11:45, 10 August 2017 Bright Angel Creek Brown Trout Control 2015-16 Season Report08092017 FINAL.pdf (file) 432 KB Cellsworth   1
04:23, 4 August 2017 AeolianSand.jpg (file) 279 KB Cellsworth East et. al. 2016. Conditions and processes affecting sand resources at archeological sites in the Colorado River corridor below Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1
09:51, 24 July 2017 GCDAMP SAP-In-Document Annotation Review of GCMRC FY18-20 Triennial Plan Draft of May 2017 (2017-06-06).docx (file) 4.26 MB Cellsworth   1
09:47, 24 July 2017 GCDAMP SAP Review of GCMRC FY18-20 Triennial Plan Draft of May 2017 (2017-06-09).pdf (file) 435 KB Cellsworth   1
07:41, 24 July 2017 Dibble etal 2017 Bioelectrical impedance analysis physiological condition.pdf (file) 1.22 MB Cellsworth Does Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Accurately Estimate the Physiological Condition of Threatened and Endangered Desert Fish Species? Kimberly L. Dibble , Michael D. Yard , David L. Ward & Charles B. Yackulic 1
07:16, 24 July 2017 Budget AdHoc Group Call notes 7-6-17.docx (file) 18 KB Cellsworth   1
06:57, 24 July 2017 GCDAMP SAP Review (2017-07-24) of Reclamation FY18-20 Triennial Plan Draft of June 30 2017.pdf (file) 422 KB Cellsworth GCDAMP Science Advisors Executive Coordinator Review of Reclamation FY18-20 Triennial Plan Draft of June 30, 2017 1
06:13, 24 July 2017 Budget AdHoc Group Call notes 7 13 2017.docx (file) 21 KB Cellsworth   1
04:54, 24 July 2017 Dibble et al. 2015 Ecological Applications3.pdf (file) 874 KB Cellsworth Flow management and fish density regulate salmonid recruitment and adult size in tailwaters across western North America KIMBERLY L. DIBBLE, CHARLES B. YACKULIC, THEODORE A. KENNEDY, AND PHAEDRA BUDY 1
11:04, 27 June 2017 27495 priv.php.jpg (file) 11 KB asd 1
12:20, 21 June 2017 Sacred Sites MOU - 5 Dec 12 (1).pdf (file) 361 KB Cellsworth Memorandum of Understanding Among the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Energy, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Regarding Interagency Coordination and Collaboration for the Protection of Indian Sacred Sites 1
07:58, 21 June 2017 2012 HBC Havasu translocation plan.pdf (file) 959 KB Cellsworth Humpback Chub Translocation to Havasu Creek, Grand Canyon National Park Implementation and Monitoring Plan Natural Resource Report NPS/GRCA/NRR—2012/586 1
07:39, 21 June 2017 1980 GCD Transfer of Functions BOR WAPA.pdf (file) 4.56 MB Cellsworth 1980 memo Transfer of Functions and Property at Glen Canyon Dam from Reclamation to WAPA 1
07:36, 21 June 2017 97-SLC-0333 BOR Glen Canyon Dam Operating Agmt.pdf (file) 773 KB Cellsworth 1997 OPERATING AGREEMENT ASSOCIATED WITH GLEN CANYON DAM OPERATING CRITERIA 1
05:43, 6 June 2017 CriticalReaches.jpg (file) 107 KB Cellsworth Figure 1. Locations of the three critical reaches in Grand Canyon National Park (after Thompson and others 1997). 1
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