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== '''Triennial Budget and Work Plan -- Fiscal Years 2021-2023''' ==  
== '''Triennial Budget and Work Plan -- Fiscal Years 2021-2023''' ==  
The Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program (GCDAMP) is an advisory process wherein protection, management, and improvement of Colorado River resources downstream from Glen Canyon Dam are considered in planning dam operations. The Grand Canyon Protection Act (GCPA) of 1992 directs the Secretary of the Interior (the Secretary) to establish and implement long-term monitoring and research programs to ensure that Glen Canyon Dam is operated “… in such a manner as to protect, mitigate adverse impacts to, and improve the values for which Grand Canyon National Park and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area were established….”. The 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Operation of Glen
Canyon Dam (U.S. Department of the Interior, 1995) recommended creation of a federal advisory committee to advise the Secretary on adaptive management for operations of the dam. The Record of Decision (ROD) for the 1995 EIS, which was signed in October 1996, created this federal advisory committee. The charter of the Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG) that implements the GCDAMP was signed in January 1997. Many stakeholders who are members of the AMWG also participate at a technical level in the Technical Work Group (TWG). The TWG formulates recommendations about research and monitoring for consideration by the AMWG. A new Long Term Experimental and Management Plan (LTEMP) EIS was completed in 2016 and an associated ROD was signed on December 15, 2016 (U.S. Department of the Interior, 2016a, b). The LTEMP ROD reaffirms continuation of the GCDAMP, AMWG and TWG and specifies new experimental flow and non-flow actions and compliance requirements for the operations of Glen Canyon Dam until 2037.
In fiscal years 2021, 2022, and 2023 (FY2021-23), the GCMRC and its cooperators will continue to undertake monitoring and research activities, as outlined in this Triennial Work Plan (TWP), that will respond to the legal requirements of GCPA and the recently approved LTEMP and will monitor the status and trends of natural, cultural, and recreational resources of the Colorado River between the forebay of Glen Canyon Dam and the western boundary of Grand Canyon National Park. This segment of the Colorado River is administratively termed the Colorado River ecosystem (CRe) which is defined as “the Colorado River mainstem corridor and interacting resources in associated riparian and terrace zones, located primarily from the forebay of Glen Canyon Dam to the western boundary of Grand Canyon National Park...” (US Department of the Interior, 2016a). All activities to be conducted by GCMRC in the CRe for FY2021-23 are described in this TWP. [[Media:GCMRC TWP2021-23 AMWGReviewDraft July29.pdf| [1] ]]
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==Project A: Streamflow, Water Quality, and Sediment Transport and Budgeting in the Colorado River Ecosystem==
The primary linkage between Glen Canyon Dam operations and the characteristics of the
physical, biological, and cultural resources of the Colorado River ecosystem (CRe) downstream
from Glen Canyon Dam is through the stage, discharge, water quality, and sediment transport of
the Colorado River. This project makes and interprets the basic measurements of these
parameters at locations throughout the CRe. The data collected by this project are used to
implement the High-Flow Experiment (HFE) Protocol (i.e., trigger and design HFE
hydrographs), to evaluate the reach-scale sand mass-balance response to the HFE Protocol (U.S.
Department of Interior, 2011; Grams and others, 2015), and to evaluate the downstream effects
of releases conducted under the Long-Term Experimental and Management Plan (LTEMP)
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016a, b).
The data collected by this project are also used by many of the other physical, ecological, and
socio-cultural projects funded by the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program
(GCDAMP). In addition to supporting the LTEMP sediment goal, the basic data collected by this
project supports the following nine LTEMP goals: aquatic food base, archaeological and cultural
resources, humpback chub, hydropower and energy, invasive fish species, natural processes,
rainbow trout fishery, recreational experience, and riparian vegetation. Most of the project funds
support basic data collection at USGS gaging stations, with the remainder funding data
interpretation. Roughly 64% of the proposed budget covers basic data collection, with the
remaining 36% supporting salaries for serving the data and for interpretive work (i.e.,
publications). The funds requested under this proposal cover ~75% of the costs required to
collect data at the network of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) gaging stations used by this
project. An additional $203,000 to support this network is provided directly to the USGS
Arizona Water Science Center from funds appropriated by Congress for the USGS, the Bureau
of Reclamation, and the Bureau of Land Management, and from funds provided by the Arizona
Department of Environmental Quality (AZDEQ), the Navajo Nation, and Peabody Energy.
Project A is designed to provide measurements of stage (i.e., water-surface elevation), discharge
(i.e., streamflow), water quality, and suspended sediment at sufficiently high temporal
resolutions (~15-minute) to resolve changes in these parameters and to allow accurate
determination of suspended-sediment loads for use in sediment budgeting (Grams and others,
2019; Topping and others, in press). The proposed monitoring under this project is similar to that
conducted over the last 18 years. Work conducted under the previous workplan, currently
provisionally accepted at the Journal of Geophysical Research pending minor revision, indicates
that sand storage in the channel and sandbars of the CRe is not likely sustainable unless tributary
sand inputs remain well above average and dam releases remain slightly below average. The
work proposed in this current workplan is therefore that required to address this important
==Project B: Sandbar and Sediment Storage Monitoring and Research==
The purposes of this project are to: 1) track the effects of individual HFEs on sandbars and
campsites (funded), 2) monitor the cumulative effect of successive HFEs and intervening dam
operations on sandbars (funded) and sand conservation (partially funded), 3) investigate the
interactions between dam operations, sand transport, and channel dynamics (funded as Project
O.2), and 4) develop predictive models for streamflow and sandbar changes that can be used for
evaluating dam operations scenarios (not funded).
One of the stated goals in the Record of Decision (ROD) for the LTEMP (U.S. Department of
the Interior, 2016) is to "increase and retain fine sediment volume, area, and distribution...for
ecological, cultural, and recreational purposes." Expectations of improved deposition on
sandbars and conservation of sediment were among the criteria used in the selection of the
preferred alternative. One of the central components of the selected alternative is the continued
implementation of HFEs for building sandbars. The LTEMP extended the program initiated with
the Environmental Assessment for Development and Implementation of a Protocol for HighFlow Experimental Releases from Glen Canyon Dam (HFE Protocol; U.S. Department of the
Interior, 2011) which asked the question, "Can sandbar building during HFEs exceed sandbar
erosion during periods between HFEs, such that sandbar size can be increased and maintained
over several years?" In other words, does the volume of sand aggraded into eddies and onto
sandbars during controlled floods exceed the volume eroded from sandbars during intervening
dam operations? In addition, condition-dependent experiments were included in the preferred
alternative, with objectives related to sandbar building and sediment conservation. Project B
includes elements that are designed to evaluate whether the sediment-related goals of the
LTEMP are met (partially funded), provide the information that is needed to proceed with or
abort LTEMP experimental activities (funded), evaluate the effectiveness of implemented
experiments (funded), and develop predictive models for future planning efforts (not funded).
The sandbar monitoring program described here was outlined in the LTEMP Science Plan and
provides the data required to answer the fundamental question of the HFE Protocol and LTEMP
by monitoring changes in sandbars over many years, including a period that contains several
controlled floods. The program is a continuation of the monitoring implemented in previous
work plans and is based on annual measurements of sandbars, using conventional topographic
surveys supplemented with daily measurements of sandbar change using ‘remote cameras’ that
autonomously and repeatedly take photographs. These annual measurements and daily
photographs are included in Project Element B.1 (funded). Because these long-term monitoring
sites represent only a small proportion of the total number of sandbars in Marble and Grand
canyons, Project Element B.2 (partially funded) includes periodic measurements of nearly all
sandbars within individual 50 to 130 km sediment budget reaches (see Project A for description
of sediment budget reaches).
The other critical information that is needed to evaluate the outcome of the HFE Protocol and the
LTEMP is the change in total sand storage in long river reaches. HFEs build sandbars by
redistributing sand from the low-elevation portion of the channel to sandbars in eddies and on the
banks. The sand available for deposition is the sand that is in storage on the channel bed, which
is the sum of the sand contributed by the most recent tributary inputs, any sand that may have
accumulated since Glen Canyon Dam (GCD) was completed, and any sand that remains from the
pre-dam era. The goal of the HFE Protocol is to accomplish sandbar building by mobilizing only
the quantity of sand most recently contributed by the Paria River, thereby preventing depletion of
pre-dam era sand. For this reason, conservation of sand was one of the criteria used to evaluate
and select the preferred alternative in the LTEMP ROD. Measured trends in sand storage along
the channel bed combined with trends in exposed sandbars will provide the necessary
information on which to base future decisions about dam operations and other potential
management options. If sand storage is maintained or increased, we expect the response to future
HFEs to be similar or better than that observed following recent HFEs. In contrast, depletions of
fine sediment in the active channel are potentially irreversible if sand supply from tributaries is
consistently less than downstream transport. This situation would threaten the long-term ability
to maintain sandbars. These long-term trends are measured in Project Element B.2 (partially
funded), which includes two channel mapping campaigns. In 2021, we propose collecting a
baseline map for the segment between RM 87 and RM 166, which has never been mapped. In
2023, we propose making a repeat map in Upper Marble Canyon to collect data that will be used
in the 10-year assessment of LTEMP to be completed in future work plans, however this field
work is not supported in the current project budget. Project Element B.3 includes work on the
control network in support of this project, the remote sensing overflight project, and other work
plan projects.
Project B also includes two research components and several experimental components. The first
research component is proposed to investigate river channel adjustment to HFEs and
redistribution of reservoir delta sediment on the Colorado River within the CRe in western Grand
Canyon. This project was initially proposed as Project Element B.4 but is now included in this
draft of the work plan as Project Element O.2 (experimental fund). Project Element B.5 (not
funded) is a modeling project to produce flow models that predict the inundation extent and flow
velocities for dam operations and HFEs in Marble Canyon and improve capabilities for
predicting sandbar response to dam operations. Although this element is not supported in the
current budget, we will attempt to make progress on modeling objectives if other funding sources
are found. Project Element B.6 (experimental fund) describes studies that will be conducted to
monitor and evaluate the condition-dependent experiments that affect sandbars and sediment
resources, including extended duration HFEs, proactive spring HFEs, and variations in HFE
downramp rate.
==Project C: Riparian Vegetation Monitoring and Research==
Riparian vegetation affects physical processes and biological interactions along the river channel
downstream of GCD in ways that are integrally linked to flow regime. Reduced peak flows and
increased base flows resulting from GCD operations have promoted riparian vegetation
expansion close to the river (Sankey and others, 2015), but favor some species over others. Daily
fluctuating flows have been shown to decrease germination and growth of riparian plants
(Bejarano and others, 2020; Gorla and others, 2015) and is likely impacting the species
composition in the CRe. Flow patterns designed to enhance other important resources, such as
HFE’s, have a collateral impact on riparian vegetation cover and composition (Kennedy and
Ralston, 2011; Ralston, 2011; Rood and others, 2005). Changes to species proportions and cover
result in altered ecosystem functions, since riparian plant species differ in their structure (e.g.,
tall trees vs. short grasses), morphological traits (thorns, leaf size), and function (shade, soil
stabilizer) (Butterfield and others, 2020; Merritt and Bateman, 2012). Through vegetation
changes, dam operations can impact wildlife habitat (Ralston, 2005), sediment scour and
deposition (Butterfield and others, 2020), visitor experience (Hadley and others, 2018), cultural
resources (Cook and others, 2019), and many other natural processes.
The purpose of this project is to monitor the status and trends of riparian vegetation, examine
mechanisms behind trends in riparian vegetation change as they relate to LTEMP flows, and
apply existing and new knowledge to LTEMP vegetation management. The four elements of this
project assess riparian vegetation status in the CRe (Element C.1, partially funded), test
mechanisms by which flow regime impacts species of interest (Element C.2, fully funded),
synthesize data to anticipate changes to vegetation (Element C.3, fully funded), and assist nonflow management actions directed by the LTEMP (Elements C.2, C.3, C.4; fully funded, Figure
1). For a description of budget cuts to Project C, see section 8. Elements and Activities Proposed,
but not Funded in the Work Plan.
==Project D: Effects of Dam Operations and Vegetation Management for Archaeological Sites==
The construction and subsequent 50+ years of operation of GCD has profoundly altered the
downstream aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem of the Colorado River corridor in lower Glen
Canyon, Marble Canyon, and Grand Canyon. Among many effects, dam construction and
operation have affected geomorphic processes responsible for the formation and preservation of
the Holocene age, fluvially-derived sediment deposits in which numerous archaeological sites
and other resources of cultural importance are embedded. The affected archaeological resources
are valued not only for their information potential to archaeologists, but also as the homes and
resting places of the ancestors of several Native American Tribes who reside in the region today.
They are also valued as tangible records of indigenous peoples’ tenure in this landscape.
Other resources of cultural value in the CRe include the plants that grow on the Holocene
deposits, the birds that nest in the vegetation, the reptiles and mammals that inhabit the riparian
zone, as well as the myriad kinds of aquatic life that live in the river. This project focuses
specifically on studying and documenting the dam’s effects to the terrestrial riparian
environment of the CRe and its associated archaeological resources, while recognizing the
linkages this work has for other culturally valued resources as well.
During the past three decades, researchers affiliated with the USGS and various academic
institutions have monitored and researched GCD effects on cultural resources in the CRe,
including specifically the dam’s physical effects on archaeological sites. While it is recognized
and acknowledged that the dam and its operation are not the only sources of change affecting the
CRe and associated archaeological sites, this project focuses on researching and monitoring dam
effects, in keeping with the mandates of the Grand Canyon Protection Act (GCPA).
Furthermore, while it is also recognized and acknowledged that Native American Tribes
affiliated with Grand Canyon view the effects of dam operations as being broader than just
physical impacts to the ecosystem, and they believe that dam effects can potentially include
impacts to traditional spiritual values as well as indigenous societies more generally, this project
focuses on impacts which are amenable to investigation by scientific methods, with the
understanding that those impacts which are not amenable to scientific investigation are best
identified and addressed by the specifically-affected cultures at risk.
From a physical perspective, GCD has reduced downstream sediment supply to the Colorado
River by about 95% in the reach upstream of the Little Colorado River confluence and by about
85% downstream of the confluence (Topping and others, 2000). Operation of the dam for
hydropower generation has additionally altered the flow regime of the river in Grand Canyon,
largely eliminating pre-dam low flows (i.e., below 5,000 ft3/s) that historically exposed large
areas of bare sand (U.S. Department of the Interior, 2016a; Kasprak and others, 2018). At the
same time, the combination of elevated low flows coupled with the elimination of large,
regularly-occurring spring floods in excess of 70,000 ft3/s has led to widespread riparian
vegetation encroachment along the river, further reducing the extent of bare sand (U.S.
Department of the Interior, 2016a; Sankey and others, 2015). Kasprak and others (2018) report
that the areal coverage of bare sand has decreased by 45% since 1963 due to vegetation
expansion and inundation by river flows. Kasprak and others (2018) forecast that the areal
coverage of bare sand in the river corridor will decrease an additional 12% by 2036.
The changes in the flow regime, reductions in river sediment supply and bare sand, and the
proliferation of riparian vegetation have affected the condition and physical integrity of
archaeological sites and resulted in erosion of the upland landscape surface by reducing the
transfer (termed “connectivity”) of sediment from the active river channel (e.g., sandbars) to
terraces and other river sediment deposits in the adjoining landscape (U.S. Department of
Interior, 2016a; Draut and Rubin, 2006, 2008; Draut and others, 2008, 2010; Draut, 2012; East
and others, 2016, 2017; Kasprak and others, 2018; Sankey and others, 2018a, b; Cook and
others, 2019). Many archaeological sites and other evidence of past human activity are now
subject to accelerated degradation due to reductions in sediment connectivity under current dam
operations and riparian vegetation expansion which are tied to regulated flow regimes (U.S.
Department of the Interior, 2016a; East and others, 2016, 2017; Cook and others, 2019).
The GCD Long-Term Experimental and Management Plan Environmental Impact Statement
(LTEMP EIS) predicts that conditions for achieving the goal of preservation for archaeological
resources, termed “preservation in place,” will be enhanced as a result of implementing the
selected alternative (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016a). HFEs are one component of the
selected alternative that will be used to resupply sediment to sandbars in Marble and Grand
canyons, which in conjunction with targeted vegetation removal, is expected to resupply more
sediment via wind transport to archaeological sites, depending on site-specific riparian
vegetation and geomorphic conditions. However, HFEs have been shown to directly erode
terraces that contain archaeological sites in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (GLCA; East
and others, 2016; U.S. Department of Interior, 2016a).
HFEs have also been shown by Sankey and others (2018b) to rebuild or maintain sandbars that
provide sand to resupply aeolian dunefields containing archaeological sites throughout Marble
and Grand canyons. Aeolian dunefields were resupplied with sand at deposition of rates of 2-8
cm per year from HFE deposits in half of the flood-site instances monitored after the 2012, 2013,
2014, and 2016 HFEs (Sankey and others, 2018b). Sankey and others (2018b) also found
evidence for cumulative increases in sediment resupply of dunefields when annual HFEs are
conducted consistently in consecutive years.
==Project E: Controls on Ecosystem Productivity: Nutrients, Flow, and Temperature==
Aquatic primary production is an important energy source for riverine food webs, converting
sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into simple carbohydrates via photosynthesis. In the Colorado
River downriver of Glen Canyon Dam, fish are food limited (Cross and others, 2011) and energy
(carbon) produced within the river is a preferred food source relative to energy from tributaries
and riparian inputs (Wellard Kelly and others, 2013). Aquatic primary production, and the
aquatic insect community this production supports, is the main source of fish production in Glen
Canyon throughout the year (Cross and others, 2011). Primary producers (specifically diatoms)
are also a preferred food source downstream, although the role of non-algal (tributary/terrestrial)
carbon sources can also be an important driver of the food availability during flood pulses such
as occur during monsoon season (Cross and others, 2011; Wellard Kelly and others, 2013; Sabo
and others, 2018).
There are several lines of evidence that link both nutrient concentrations and primary
productivity to higher trophic levels throughout the Colorado River. Outside of periods when
tributaries are flooding for extended periods, the availability of aquatic insect drift and the
condition of native fish are positively related to seasonal rates of gross primary production (GPP)
near the LCR, highlighting the important role for aquatic primary production even 120 km
downstream of the dam (Deemer, 2020). Primary production at Diamond Creek (235 km
downstream of the dam) also appears linked to juvenile production of flannelmouth suckers, the
most common species in this area, further highlighting the importance of in situ production to
fish communities in the western canyon (Yackulic, 2020). While total primary production is not
significantly related to metrics of fish production in Glen Canyon, the availability of phosphorus
(P), an important limiting nutrient, is correlated with chlorophyll a, a metric of diatom and other
non-macrophyte-based primary production. Furthermore, P predicts rainbow trout recruitment
better than flow-based metrics used to predict recruitment for the LTEMP EIS (U.S. Department
of Interior, 2016; Yackulic, 2020).
Understanding the controls on Colorado River primary production is an important step towards
better managing the aquatic food base. Disentangling the drivers of both rates and types of
riverine primary production, and their link back to fish production, is particularly challenging
given interactive and delayed effects and given different levels of information on the potential
drivers. For example, monsoonal storm pulses that place temporary light availability constraints
on rates of primary production (Hall and others, 2015) may also be delivering significant
amounts of phosphorus to the mainstem. In a second example, at times of high phosphorus
outflow from Glen Canyon Dam, elevated production of a dominant food source, diatoms, may
suppress macrophyte production (via shading) obscuring the link between overall productivity
and higher trophic levels.
This project aims to disentangle some of these drivers by combining the highly resolved longterm
information about riverine turbidity, silt and clay concentrations, solar inputs, discharge,
and gross primary productivity (via continuous oxygen and temperature measurements – data
that are collected as parts of the Interagency Lake Powell Water Quality Monitoring project
(Appendix 1), Project A.2, and Project E) with improved additional information about
phosphorus, gas transfer and the relative role of diatoms in affecting whole river production
(Elements E.1 and E.2). Project E is designed to capture and link changes in productivity to
changes in bottom-up drivers such as light, flow, and nutrients and to further develop links
between these bottom-up drivers and higher trophic levels.
Key to linking primary production to higher trophic levels is developing a better understanding
of how much production is required to meet fish metabolic demands. This understanding will
help us to develop ecosystem models that incorporate data collected at multiple trophic levels
(Element E.3). Element E.3 involves both laboratory work and ecosystem modeling. Laboratory
work will quantify the standard and active metabolic rates of the dominant native fishes in the
ecosystem (i.e., humpback chub and flannelmouth sucker). Past bioenergetics work done in the
2000s (Petersen and Paukert, 2005; Paukert and Petersen, 2007) assumed humpback chub had
metabolism like other Gila spp. because it has never been directly measured in humpback chub.
However, recent observations in both the lab and the field suggest that humpback chub may have
abnormally low metabolisms that enable them to persist through periods of food shortage (e.g.,
Dibble and others, 2017). By estimating these standard and active metabolic rates and absolute
fish population abundances for Colorado River reaches, we can determine how much carbon
(i.e., energy) is being consumed and how this relates to the amount of carbon produced by
primary production through an ecosystem model.
==Project F: Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology==
The primary focus of Project F is continuation of long-term monitoring needed to track
ecosystem response to “Bug Flows” and other LTEMP experiments. Research by our group has
demonstrated that the scarcity of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from the Colorado River is
partly due to acute mortality of insect eggs arising from hourly changes in discharge associated
with hydropower generation (Figure 1). In May–August 2018–2020, Glen Canyon Dam
operations were experimentally modified to try to increase the production and diversity of
aquatic insects in the CRe. These experimental Bug Flows involved hourly flow fluctuations for
hydropower generation during weekdays, coupled with steady, low flows on weekends to reduce
aquatic insect egg desiccation and mortality. In FY2021-23, our group will track ecosystem
response to the Bug Flows experiment and other ongoing or potential management actions using
citizen science monitoring of aquatic insects (F.1), monitoring of invertebrate drift (F.1 and F.2),
monitoring of invertebrate communities in Bright Angel Creek in response to fisheries
management actions (F.3), through diet and stable isotope analysis of fish feeding habits (F.4),
and through monitoring and research associated with spring flow disturbances (O.1).
Research and monitoring of invertebrates described in Project F also provides essential context
and data that are used by other projects. For example, invertebrate monitoring data are used by
Project E (controls on ecosystem productivity) to identify the extent to which changing nutrient
levels are propagating up through the food web. Invertebrate monitoring data also aid
interpretation of seasonal and annual trends in humpback chub (Project G) and rainbow trout
(Project H), because aquatic invertebrates represent the food base for both species of fish. Project
F also integrates and uses data from other projects, particularly Project A (streamflow, water
quality, and sediment transport), to identify how changing environmental conditions affect
invertebrate populations.
==Project G: Humpback Chub Population Dynamics throughout the Colorado River Ecosystem==
During FY2021-23, we will continue monitoring activities mandated by the 2016 Biological
Opinion (BiOp; USFWS, 2016) associated with the LTEMP EIS (U.S. Department of the
Interior, 2016), while focusing research on improving our understanding of abundance and the
drivers of humpback chub population dynamics throughout the lower CRe. In the proposed
budget, mark-recapture research in western Grand Canyon (G.6) would cease in FY2023,
making it less likely that we would determine drivers of chub dynamics there (missing an
opportunity to learn about this population while it is still thriving and potentially failing to meet a
conservation measure). However, the TWG recommended that this project be funded in FY2023
by prioritizing savings and carry-over for continuation of Project Element G.6.
The LCR-spawning portion of the population has been a stronghold for humpback chub since
emplacement of Glen Canyon Dam in the 1960s. This portion of the population experienced a
decline in the late 1990s and early 2000s but has been stable or increasing ever since then
(Coggins and others, 2006; Van Haverbeke and others, 2013; Yackulic and others, 2018).
However, monitoring of juvenile fish indicates the LCR-spawning portion of the population has
displayed decreased juvenile production since 2012. As a result, we expect adult abundance to
decline in the near term; however, the magnitude of this decline is less certain (Figure 1).
During FY2021-23, we will continue to estimate juvenile production and test hypotheses
regarding drivers of juvenile production. We will also continue to resolve our understanding of
how rainbow trout, temperature, turbidity, and food limitation drive growth, survival, and fish
condition in the mainstem Colorado River.
For many decades, humpback chub that spawned in the LCR formed the vast majority of the
overall CRe population. Since 2014, however, the catch of humpback chub in western Grand
Canyon has been increasing (Van Haverbeke and others, 2017) and it is likely a larger portion of
the overall CRe population is now found in western Grand Canyon. While our understanding of
the drivers of the LCR population has matured in recent years following intensive demographic
studies, we lack a similar understanding for the western Grand Canyon. Available data suggests
that recent increases may be driven by only a few years of high juvenile production. During this
workplan, we will continue studies of chub demography in the western Grand Canyon, which
will allow us to determine baseline rates of growth and survival and allow us to estimate
abundance in this expanding population segment. We are optimistic that we will continue to
learn about drivers of juvenile production and overall chub vital rates with an ultimate goal of
developing predictive models for chub in the western Grand Canyon that are similar to the ones
used in the LTEMP EIS for chub that spawn in the LCR.
To satisfy BiOp Conservation Measures, test hypotheses about drivers, and estimate adult
abundance, we will monitor humpback chub in the LCR-spawning population by sampling the
LCR and juvenile chub monitoring (JCM-east) reach in the Colorado River (G.2, G.3) in all
years. We also will monitor the western Grand Canyon population via continuation of mark
recapture in the Fall Canyon reach (JCM-west) during all three years, if funding can be made
available for FY2023 (G.6), allowing us to continue to meet an objective listed in the BiOp
Conservation Measures. Maintaining JCM-west is particularly important because we will be
discontinuing seining trips (not funded, G.8) in all years of the workplan.
Extensive sampling via the aggregation sampling (G.5) will continue in all 3 years, albeit with
less effort in FY2022 than originally proposed. Mark-recapture data from these trips will be
supplemented with data from autonomous passive integrated transponder (PIT) tag antennas,
such as the LCR multiplexer cross-channel array (MUX) in the LCR and portable antennas, as
these technologies have proven effective at detecting larger adults which are often difficult to
capture using other methods such as hoop netting and electrofishing (G.4). Lastly, since models
developed under the previous workplan suggest that Chute Falls translocations help augment the
LCR-spawning adult population, we propose continuation of Chute Falls translocations and
monitoring by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS; G.7). We do not currently plan to
analyze otoliths from incidental mortalities of age-0 fish collected over the last few years in the
LCR to improve understanding of hatch dates, which would have helped us understand the
degree to which LCR hydrology effect juvenile production. Data collected from the abovementioned
field efforts will be analyzed to help learn more about humpback chub life history and
to guide management efforts (G.1).
==Project H: Salmonid Research and Monitoring==
The LTEMP (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016) provides the necessary long-term framework
for assessing specific operations at Glen Canyon Dam (GCD), as well as other types of
management actions conceived during and implemented over the next 20-year period. For this
reason, the Salmonid Research and Monitoring Project was developed having the long view,
with a means to revise and respond to unanticipated and emerging risks (e.g., brown trout). The
study design described in the previous work plan remains relevant for the same management
questions posed in the LTEMP, and likely, other work plans developed in the future. As such,
this type of experimental approach is appropriate for understanding large and complex
ecosystems, particularly when quantifying trout population dynamics. Clearly, population
responses are sometimes confounded by extrinsic factors (e.g., nutrients, see Project E) that act
independent of flows or because of multiple management actions that have been applied
concurrently within a given year (e.g., 2018 ‘Bug Flows’ and fall HFEs).
These circumstances make it difficult for resolving cause and effect relationships in a timely
fashion. Although monitoring programs (e.g., Project Element H.1) are important for
documenting long-term population trends and characteristics such as catch-per-unit-effort, size
distribution, and occurrence and trends, monitoring as a sole method of data collection is not an
effective approach in time or cost for determining causation, particularly when quantifying and
separating out effects from complex interactions that occur among multiple factors (e.g., flow,
fish density, nutrients). In order to study multiple flow treatments and avoid potential
confounding factors, we propose to continue using a seasonal sampling design described in the
FY2018-20 Triennial Work Plan (TWP) with spatial replication to assess trout responses to
experimental flows and other factors within and across years (Project Element H.2).
However, due to budget constraints in the FY2021-23 TWP, we initially proposed decreasing
sampling effort from three Trout Reproductive and Growth Dynamics (TRGD) sub-reaches to
one sub-reach per trip starting in FY2022. Stakeholders raised concerns in the June 23-24, 2020
GCDAMP TWG Meeting about this approach and the loss of information related to the
increasing brown trout population. The TWG requested a revision of the work plan in their
motion to the AMWG, stating they: “Propose AGFD and GCMRC look to integrate work efforts
to allow for an additional TRGD site to be monitored. Cost estimate for going from 1 TRGD to 2
TRGD sites is approximately 67,000.” To accommodate this request from GCDAMP
Stakeholders, (Arizona Game and Fish Department) AGFD and GCMRC are currently in
discussions that will continue over this 3-year work plan to integrate the two programs to the
extent practicable, knowing that both programs will need to compromise to attain this goal given
the budget allotted in the FY2021-23 TWP for trout monitoring and research. Since an integrated
study design will be developed and tested based on discussions over the next year or so, we have
kept the narratives and budgets for Project Elements H.1 and H.2 separate in the final draft of
this work plan for the sake of clarity. Additional details on our initial approach to better integrate
these programs while retaining some of the study objectives for each program are outlined in
Section 5.4.
As a goal, protection of the endangered humpback chub near the LCR is one of the highest
priorities of the GCDAMP, but a concurrent priority is to maintain a high-quality rainbow trout
sport fishery upstream from Lees Ferry in Glen Canyon. As such, rainbow trout were an
important component in the development of LTEMP for GCD operations, and thus were a major
consideration in the flow decisions in the selected alternative in the LTEMP ROD (U.S.
Department of Interior, 2016b). Yet, high trout abundance is not the only factor that limits
humpback chub abundance at the LCR (e.g., temperature, prey, and turbidity) (Yackulic, 2018),
as a population has survived multiple periods of high trout abundance (1998-2001, 2008-2009,
2011-2014, 2017-2019) (Coggins and others, 2011; Korman and Yard, 2020).
Trout Management Flows (TMFs) proposed in the LTEMP were designed to limit rainbow trout
recruitment and dispersal out of Lees Ferry (Korman and others, 2011a; Korman and others,
2011b; Korman and others, 2016; Yard and others, 2016) with a goal of maintaining the balance
between the sport fishery and the humpback chub population downstream. However, ecosystems
are dynamic and there has been a large increase in brown trout recruitment upstream from Lees
Ferry over the past few years (2015-2019).
Given this new development, it is unclear whether the expansion of brown trout will disrupt the
balance between salmonids and endangered native fishes downstream, the rainbow trout fishery
in Glen Canyon, and the degree to which flow manipulations can be used to manage rainbow and
brown trout.
A major component of the proposed study elements, described herein, focus on how
experimental flows will influence recruitment, growth, survival, and dispersal of rainbow trout in
Glen and Marble canyons. However, management of the rainbow trout fishery cannot occur in a
vacuum given the recent increase of brown trout in Glen Canyon. Small numbers of brown trout
have been present in the canyon since the dam was built (Minckley, 1991), but have increased
following a time period associated with frequent fall HFEs (Runge and others, 2018). It is
currently unclear whether this flow relationship is causal or coincidental, but research is needed
to further examine if the proposed flow manipulations help or hinder the expansion of brown
Other aspects of the flow regime and non-flow factors can also explain recent increases in brown
trout. These include increases in macrophyte abundance due to reductions in diel variation in
flow starting in the early 1990s (McKinney and others, 1999), and warmer water temperatures
due to low reservoir elevations from the persistent 21st century drought may provide a
physiological advantage for brown trout as an apex predator (Korman and others, in review).
However, good comparative studies of temperature tolerances made between rainbow trout and
brown trout are uncommon, and at best thermal differences are nuanced (e.g., prey availability
and prey size).
Brown trout are superior competitors in other tailwater systems and typically are not stocked past
their initial introduction (Dibble, unpublished data), and are known to be voracious predators of
small-bodied native fishes (Yard, 2011). It is therefore prudent and necessary to not only
evaluate the effect of experimental flows on rainbow trout, but also to examine how brown trout
populations may respond to such flow manipulations. Furthermore, competitive interactions
between brown trout and rainbow trout may impact each other’s survival and recruitment rates.
Good growth and condition of rainbow trout occurred in late 2016 and 2017, which contributed
to high rainbow trout recruitment in 2017, and its likely downstream movement. The only year
since 2015 without a substantive catch of age-1 brown trout occurred in 2017, which was also
the year with elevated recruitment of rainbow trout. Therefore, it is possible that a larger or
healthier population of rainbow trout could help keep the brown trout population in Glen Canyon
in check. It could be that higher levels of rainbow trout spawning in winter and spring of 2017
reduced recruitment of brown trout by redd (i.e., spawning bed) superimposition or other
competitive effects (Scott and Irvine, 2000; Nomoto and others, 2010).
Thus, policies aimed at reducing rainbow trout recruitment in Glen Canyon have the potential to
backfire if they inadvertently lead to an increase in brown trout abundance. A better
understanding of the interaction between rainbow and brown trout in Glen Canyon is therefore
critical, and a major aim of the revisions made in the proposed work plan, herein.
==Project I: Warm-water Native and Nonnative Fish Monitoring and Research==
Maintaining self-sustaining native fish populations within the Colorado River and minimizing
the presence and expansion of aquatic invasive species are two specific resource goals outlined
in the LTEMP EIS and associated BiOp for the operation of Glen Canyon Dam (U.S.
Department of Interior, 2016a, b). These two resource goals are closely linked together in that
introduced warm-water fish are largely incompatible with Colorado River native fish (Marsh and
Pacey, 2005; Minckley and Marsh, 2009). Introduced warm-water sport fish prey upon juvenile
native fish, and once established, can cause rapid disappearance of native fish (Moyle and others,
1986). In both the upper and lower Colorado River Basins, warm-water predatory fish are
implicated in the lack of recruitment and subsequent population declines in native fish (Mueller,
2005; Martinez and others, 2014). Control methods are typically the most cost effective and
successful when invasions are detected early (Leung and others, 2002; Dawson and Kolar, 2013).
A robust monitoring program increases the likelihood that a new invasion will be detected early
and that management actions can be taken to control pest species.
Long-term monitoring allows the ability to detect trends and test hypotheses in regard to
temporal variation in fish populations, but its strength also lies in the ability to interpret and
detect unexpected trends or surprises (Lindenmayer and others, 2010; Dodds and others, 2012;
Melis and others, 2015). When designed properly, a long-term monitoring program is a powerful
tool for quantifying the status and trends of key resources, understanding system dynamics in
response to stressors, and investigating the efficacy of alternative management actions. Without
long-term monitoring, science-based decisions for fisheries management are often not possible
(Walters, 1986). This project will continue long-term, standardized monitoring conducted by
Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD) throughout the Colorado River from Lees Ferry
(RM 0) to Pearce Ferry (RM 281) for the combined purposes of tracking the status of native fish
as well as identifying new invasive aquatic species. This is the only project that tracks all native
and nonnative fishes throughout the length of the Colorado River in the project area.
AGFD will conduct one spring system-wide fish monitoring trip in FY2021, one trip in FY2022, and
two trips in FY2023 from Lees Ferry to Diamond Creek using electrofishing, angling and hoop
netting. For the monitoring that takes place in the Fall downstream from Diamond Creek, AGFD will
only monitor the last 15 miles of river upstream from Pearce Ferry (3 nights of sampling in each
year) because of budget constraints and the need to reduce logistics costs. Other fish monitoring
efforts which focus on humpback chub (Project G), and monitoring of small bodied fished
conducted by the NPS downstream of Bright Angel Creek (funded by the Bureau of Reclamation
outside of the GCDAMP also provide important additional detection information of new invasive
aquatic species, and all of these efforts together provide a robust monitoring program to track
changes in native fishes and detect new problematic invasive aquatic species.
Water levels in Lake Powell have decreased in recent years because of ongoing drought. This
causes warm surface waters to be entrained into the penstocks and released downstream. While
warmer water provides better thermal conditions for native Colorado River fishes, it also
increases the likelihood that warm-water introduced fishes will become established and
negatively impact populations of native fishes. Management and removal of invasive aquatic
species can be difficult once a species becomes established because problems typically become
large in scale quickly and few effective tools are available for managing aquatic invasive species
(Dawson and Kolar, 2013).
This creates the need to both detect invasive species early and understand which species pose the
greatest threats so that efforts can be prioritized. Assessing the risks posed by existing or new
warm-water invasive fish provides managers with the scientific information needed to make
decisions about what management activities are warranted. Hilwig and Andersen (2011),
compiled a literature review of the potential risks posed by individual species, but those risks
need to be validated and quantified based on existing environmental conditions, species
abundances, and expected future conditions in the LCR and CRe. In previous work plans risks
related to rainbow and brown trout were evaluated (FY2016-17) as well risks posed by other
invasive warm-water fishes (FY2018-20). Channel catfish and green sunfish were identified as
two invasive species that pose particularly high risks to Colorado River native fish (Ward, 2020).
In surveys conducted in FY2018-20, channel catfish were found to exist in higher abundance
within the LCR than previously known, with a majority of the fish being large in size, averaging
408 mm (Figure 1). There are no catfish species native to the Colorado River, therefore native
Colorado River fishes did not evolve mechanisms to avoid catfish predation. Native fishes are
particularly vulnerable to predation by catfish predators (Ward and Figiel, 2013), especially
under turbid conditions (Ward and Vaage, 2019).
Green sunfish were also identified as a particularly high-risk species because of their aggressive
nature, high piscivory and known ability to rapidly colonize new environments and displace
native fish (Ward, 2015). In this workplan we propose to focus specifically on quantifying the
risks posed by these two species.
Laboratory studies will be conducted to quantify size specific predation risk from channel catfish
and green sunfish. These laboratory studies in conjunction with abundance estimates for channel
catfish from the LCR, will allow managers to determine if invasive catfish present more or less
of a predation threat to juvenile chub than predation by trout or other warm-water predators.
This information gives context from which to evaluate potential management actions such as
mechanical removal and will ensure that any future aquatic invasive species removal efforts are
focused only on those species that pose the highest threat to humpback chub populations.
In addition to evaluating the risks posed by invasive fishes we will also continue to evaluate the
risks posed by infestation of Asian fish tapeworm (Bothriocephalus acheilognathi) in humpback
chub. Asian fish tapeworm is an invasive species that infests warm-water cyprinid fish. Asian
fish tapeworm monitoring took place in 2005 and 2006 and has occurred annually at a low level
within the LCR since 2015.
Additional monitoring will continue in this work plan to evaluate the prevalence of Asian fish
tapeworm in humpback chub inhabiting the mainstem Colorado River as identified in the 2016
BiOp. Asian fish tapeworm has been identified as one of six potential threats to the continued
existence of endangered humpback chub (USFWS, 2002). It is potentially fatal to new host
species (Hoffman and Schubert, 1984).
Asian fish tapeworm was first documented in the LCR in Grand Canyon in 1990 (Minckley,
1996) and was hypothesized to be a cause of long-term declines in condition of adult humpback
chub from the LCR (Meretsky and others, 2000). Monitoring Asian fish tapeworm infestation in
humpback chub in the mainstem Colorado River in addition to the LCR will provide a baseline
context and relative risk assessment with which to evaluate the potential impacts of this invasive
parasite on humpback chub populations.
In the FY2018-20 Triennial Work Plan (TWP) we identified the need to develop a new tool to
detect rare nonnative species invasions prior to population expansion. Responding quickly to
invasions before populations become large and established is the least expensive and most
effective way to control invasive species (Leung and others, 2002). Early detection tools are in
the process of being developed to detect the presence of rare species and their spatial extent
across a riverscape at a molecular level (Schwartz and others, 2007; Carim and others, 2016a). In
aquatic environments, fish shed cellular material into the water via reproduction and feces that
can persist in the environment for several weeks. This cellular material can be collected via water
sample and environmental DNA (eDNA) extracted from cells collected in the environment in
which an organism lives, rather than directly from animals themselves.
Since the quantity of eDNA in a sample scales with fish biomass, relative abundance metrics can
be calculated (Klymus and others, 2015). This approach can have higher sensitivity relative to
traditional sampling methods, since hoop nets and standard electrofishing may not detect rare
species at the early stages of invasion (e.g., smallmouth bass), species that may not be
susceptible to capture (e.g., channel catfish), or species residing in deeper areas outside of the
range of standard methods. Molecular analyses can also be associated with lower costs than
traditional staff-heavy sampling methods, since a filtered water sample is all that is needed
(Carim and others, 2016a). As such, this tool lends itself nicely to answering questions in the
Grand Canyon related to both the presence and distribution of rare nonnative species and is a
critical first step in early detection so that management actions can be targeted to prevent spread.
We used seed money in the FY2018-20 TWP in combination with funding from the USBR and
USFWS to commence a project to collect eDNA samples at 300 spatially distributed sites
throughout the Colorado River, at tributary junctions, and in Lakes Mead and Powell. This trip
was scheduled to launch in May 2020 but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and
closure of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon in spring 2020. This sampling may be postponed
to June 2020 or rescheduled entirely to May 2021.
In the FY2021-23 TWP, we propose to use data on any nonnative species detections from the
2020 eDNA sampling trip to target reaches where problematic nonnative species detections
occur. The objective of this second sampling trip is twofold: 1) determine whether invasive
species of interest have geographically expanded; and 2) determine whether relative abundance
has increased (or decreased) in the interim time period. This information will be used to help the
NPS implement strategies that respond to new or expanded invasions, should they occur.
==Project J: Socioeconomic Research==
Project J contains research elements that collect and integrate socioeconomic information with
data and predictive models from ongoing long-term physical and biological monitoring and
research led by the USGS GCMRC. The project elements improve the ability of GCDAMP
resource managers and stakeholders to evaluate management actions and prioritize monitoring
and research. This project involves three interrelated socioeconomic research elements that
address novel resource management challenges and build on research in the FY2018-20 TWP
(Bureau of Reclamation, and U.S. Geological Survey, 2017):
*The development and integration of predictive biological and physical models with economic metrics to evaluate and prioritize monitoring of, and research on, resources downstream of Glen Canyon Dam (GCD), including the anticipated success (or lack thereof) of proposed flow experiments in the LTEMP EIS (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016a) (Element 1);
*The design, implementation, and monitoring of the impacts of an incentivized harvest program to reduce brown trout abundance in Lees Ferry (Element 2); and
*The survey of recreational angler and whitewater boater’s preferences for flow attributes, in accordance with GCD maintenance and LTEMP EIS experimental flows (Element 3).
The proposed project elements address the LTEMP Record of Decision (ROD) (U.S. Department
of Interior, 2016b) resource goals related to humpback chub, sediment, invasive fish, and
hydropower, as specified in Section 4.
==Project K: Geospatial Science, Data Management and Technology==
A crucial component of any long-term adaptive management program is the proper management
and accessibility of its data resources necessary for measuring the status, trends, and
experimental results related to the program’s objectives. The data collected through the USGS
GCMRC are a vital resource used to determine the status of the natural resources identified
through the GCDAMP and to make timely decisions on dam operations. The primary purpose of
this project is to provide high-level support to GCDAMP-funded science efforts in the
disciplines of geospatial science, data management, database administration, and emerging
information technologies.
Shifts in the geospatial and information technology industries are pushing the boundaries on how
data can be managed and made accessible to outside entities. Much of this change is driven by
advances in technology—from improved sensors for monitoring the Earth, to increased digital
data storage capacity, to newer computer systems designed for processing large data sets more
efficiently, and to the greater emphasis of the “Internet of Things” where the reliance of webbased technologies have revolutionized our world.
A common thread for the different aspects of this project is to continue to advance GCMRC’s
ability to leverage many of these new technologies for the benefit of the GCMRC, the science
projects described within this work plan, and the larger GCDAMP. While some of the work
elements described within this project discuss the use of newer technologies and methods for
managing, analyzing and providing access to the Center’s data resources, the concepts that this
work serves are not new and have been part of the GCDAMP since the beginning. By
standardizing our data resources, streamlining workflows and leveraging new technologies, we
can fulfill these important needs of the program more efficiently, and ultimately, for much lower
costs than would occur if each project were instead left to develop their own closed systems.
Work performed within this project makes it possible to share important information about
trends in resources of the CRe to the GCDAMP through web-based, interactive tools and
mapping products, allowing the GCDAMP to make better informed, time-sensitive decisions on
experimental and management actions under the 2016 LTEMP and the (ROD (U.S. Department
of Interior, 2016a, b).
==Project L: Overflight Remote Sensing in Support of GCDAMP and LTEMP==
This project seeks to acquire high-resolution multispectral imagery and a digital surface model
(DSM) of the Colorado River and riparian area from the forebay of Glen Canyon Dam
downstream to Lake Mead, and along the major tributaries to the Colorado River. The proposed
schedule for this data collection mission is in May 2021, during the first year of the FY2021-23
TWP. The data sets derived from remote sensing overflights (Table 1 and Figure 1) have proven
to be extremely valuable to most of the research projects conducted by GCMRC over the past
two decades. Importantly, scientific research which relied heavily on these data were the basis
for the 2016 LTEMP (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016a). Data derived from the 2021
overflights will be used in the LTEMP ROD implementation process (U.S. Department of
Interior, 2016b).
GCMRC’s Scientific Monitoring Plan in support of LTEMP, notes that the ROD “calls for a
comprehensive, decadal-scale assessment of the impact of dam operations on sandbar resources
and on the status of humpback chub” (VanderKooi and others, 2017). Given that the most recent
overflight was previously conducted in 2013, and given the physical, geographic and logistical
constraints of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, system-wide remotely-sensed data are
necessary to complement ground-based data collection and assist with the GCMRC’s efforts to
effectively assess these impacts for the entire river ecosystem over decadal time frames. The
imagery and derivative data products from overflight remote sensing are used either directly or
indirectly by every science project proposed in this TWP to address every resource goal of the
While this proposed work is discussed within the context of the FY2021-23 TWP, the nature and
justifications for conducting the overflight are directed at the GCMRC’s ability to respond to and
deliver information for the LTEMP implementation process that tracks decadal-scale changes to
resources system-wide. As such, the overflight is a scientific effort that has both an immediate
and a longer-term payoff; future LTEMP studies will require similar information that can be
effectively derived from remotely-sensed data acquired over coming decades. For these reasons,
this project is mission critical to successfully inform the GCDAMP on performance of the
==Project M: Leadership, Management, and Support==
The Leadership, Management, and Support budget covers salaries for a budget analyst, librarian,
a part-time library assistant, three members of the logistics support staff, as well as leadership
and management personnel for GCMRC. Leadership and management personnel salaries include
those for the GCMRC Chief and Deputy Chief as well as half the salary for one Principal
Investigator and half the salary for one data specialist. Most of the travel and training costs for
administrative personnel are included in this project as well as the cost of GCMRC staff to travel
to AMWG and TWG meetings. Cooperator funding is for support of the Partners in Science
Program with Grand Canyon Youth. Operating expenses include:
#GSA vehicle costs including monthly lease fees, mileage costs, and any costs for accidents and damage;
#DOI vehicle costs including gas, maintenance, and replacements costs;
#GCMRC’s Information Technology equipment costs; and
#A $20,000 annual contribution to the equipment and vehicles working capital fund.
==Project N: Hydropower Monitoring and Research==
The LTEMP (U.S. Department of the Interior, 2016a) states that the objective of the hydropower
and energy resource goal is to, “maintain or increase Glen Canyon Dam (GCD) electric energy
generation, load following capability, and ramp rate capability, and minimize emissions and
costs to the greatest extent practicable, consistent with improvement and long-term sustainability
of downstream resources.” Project N will identify, coordinate, and collaborate with external
partners on monitoring and research opportunities associated with operational experiments at
GCD designed to meet hydropower and energy resource objectives, as stated in the LTEMP EIS
and its ROD (U.S. Department of the interior, 2016a, b), and guided by the memorandum
(Guidance Memo) from the Secretary's Designee, dated August 14, 2019 (Petty, 2019).
Operational experiments include proposed experiments in the LTEMP EIS (U.S. Department of
Interior, 2016b), and other identified operational scenarios at GCD to improve hydropower and
energy resources, while consistent with improvement and long-term sustainability of other
downstream resources. Project N will prioritize research associated with operational experiments
at GCD designed to meet hydropower and energy resource objectives. Project N will also
conduct monitoring and research of proposed experiments in the LTEMP EIS and consider
impacts on hydropower and energy as part of the experimental design. Coordinated project
implementation and development will occur between Reclamation, Western Area Power
Administration (WAPA), and other collaborators to utilize and build on existing hydropower and
energy models and data, specifically those from Appendix K in the LTEMP EIS (U.S.
Department of Interior, 2016b).
==[http://gcdamp.com/index.php?title=GCDAMP_FLAHG_Page Project O]==
The purpose of Project O is to evaluate whether a spring-timed disturbance flow will improve
resources in the Colorado River Ecosystem (CRe). The proposed spring-timed disturbance flow
is not to be confused with the sediment-triggered High Flow Experiments (HFEs), which are one
of the principal experimental flows recognized in the Long-Term Experimental and Management
Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement (LTEMP FEIS; U.S. Department of Interior, 2016a)
and its associated Record of Decision (LTEMP ROD; U.S. Department of Interior, 2016b). The
cornerstone of this project is a potential test of a spring disturbance flow hydrograph developed
by the FLow Ad Hoc Group (FLAHG). The FLAHG hydrograph is a direct outgrowth of the
group’s December 2019 charge, which states the FLAHG shall work: with GCMRC to evaluate opportunities for conducting higher spring releases that
may benefit high value resources of concern to the GCDAMP (recreational beaches,
aquatic food base, rainbow trout fishery, hydropower, humpback chub and other
native fish, cultural resources, and vegetation), fill critical data gaps, and reduce
scientific uncertainties. As a starting point, the FLAHG shall consider the benefits of
and opportunities for conducting higher spring releases within power plant capacity.
The proposed hydrograph is a 5-day low flow necessary for maintenance on Glen Canyon Dam
(GCD) followed by a 4.5-day high flow pulse within base operations constraints specified by the
ROD (Figure 1). This combination of desiccation at low flows followed by scour at higher flow
is hypothesized to disturb benthic habitats to a much greater extent than either the low or higher
flow alone (Kennedy and others 2020).
The hydrograph developed and recommended by the FLAHG will be used to evaluate whether a
spring-timed disturbance flow enhances resources in the CRe. The FLAHG hydrograph may also
be used to: 1) evaluate whether an extended period of low flows in the spring windy season,
followed by a pulse flow, enhances transport of sand to inland dunefields and archaeological
sites (Project Element O.3); 2) track physiological responses of key riparian plant species and
identify how physiological responses to flows may favor some riparian plant species over others
(Project Element O.4); 3) evaluate native and invasive fish response (Project Elements O.6 and
O.7); 4) estimate the impact of a low flow disturbance to recreational angling (Project Element
O.8), hydropower (Project Element O.9), and sandbars and campsites (Project Element O.10);
and 5) use of decision support tools to help synthesize findings and identify logical next steps in
adaptive management experimentation (Project Element O.11; note that funding for O.11 is
being sought from a different source than other project elements, see Budget Justifications).
The period of work for this project will be two fiscal years that begin in the fiscal year the spring
disturbance flow is implemented. For planning purposes here, we define these as Year 1 and
Year 2. In Year 1 this project seeks funding mainly from the C.5 Experimental Management
Fund. Note that Reclamation retains decision-making authority for the allocation of funds from
the C.5 Experimental Management Fund. In Year 2 we will seek funding from TWP carryover
funds from prior years, or through annual review of the TWP, or through other Reclamation
considerations (see Budget Tables in Budget Justifications). Requests to support Project O
through the Experimental Management Fund should be considered in context with other requests
from the Experimental Management Fund (i.e. including, but not limited to Projects A.4, B.6.1-
5, and J.3).
As with LTEMP flow experiments, the process to plan and implement the spring disturbance
flow would involve evaluation of resource conditions and expected effects by the Glen Canyon
Technical Team followed by Glen Canyon Leadership Team consideration. Research and
monitoring proposed herein may change if conditions warrant. The decision of whether to
implement the spring disturbance flow will be made by the Secretary of the Interior or their
==Appendix 1. Lake Powell Water Quality Monitoring==
GCMRC has an existing five-year agreement with the Bureau of Reclamation (IA R18PG00108)
to continue Lake Powell water quality monitoring through calendar year 2022.
The Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center (GCMRC) will be continuing its long-term
water-quality monitoring program of Lake Powell reservoir. This program has been in existence
since 1965 and United States Geological Survey (USGS) has conducted the monitoring program
since 1996. The monitoring program measures water-quality conditions in the forebay and
tailwater of the reservoir monthly and throughout the entire reservoir on a quarterly basis. Water
temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen; pH, redox potential, chlorophyll
florescence and turbidity are measured throughout the water column at 30 sites, with samples of
major ionic constituents , nutrients, dissolved organic carbon, phytoplankton, and zooplankton
being collected at selected sites. Physical and Chemical information from this program was
published-as USGS Data Series Report DS-471. An updated revision to this report is currently in
review. All information from this program is stored in the Water Quality Database (WQDB).
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*[http://gcdamp.com/index.php?title=GCDAMP_Budget GCDAMP Budget and Workplan Page]
*[http://gcdamp.com/index.php?title=GCDAMP_Budget GCDAMP Budget and Workplan Page]
*[http://gcdamp.com/index.php?title=GCDAMP_BAHG_Page Budget AdHoc Group Page]
*[http://gcdamp.com/index.php?title=GCDAMP_BAHG_Page Budget AdHoc Group Page]
*[http://gcdamp.com/index.php?title=GCDAMP_FLAHG_Page FLAHG Page]
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*[http://gcdamp.com/images_gcdamp_com/e/ec/GCMRC_ANNUAL_REPORT_FY2021-FINAL_508.pdf GCMRC FY21 Annual Project Report]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/pdfs/20201216-ReportRecomendationsSecretaryInterior-508-UCRO.pdf DOI approval letter of the FY21-23 TWP]
*[[Media:GCMRC TWP2021-23 December2 2020 ApprovedBySecretary.pdf| FY21-23 TWP Final (Approved by Secretary)]]
*[[Media:1-GCMRC TWP2021-23 SEPT-FINAL-v3.pdf| FY21-23 TWP Final Draft for AMP review (Sept 2020)]]
*[http://gcdamp.com/index.php?title=GCDAMP_FLAHG_Page Project O]
*[[Media:GCMRC TWP2021-23 AMWGReviewDraft July29.pdf| GCMRC FY21-23 TWP AMWG Draft (July 2020)]]
*[[Media:2020.07.29 - GCDAMP 21-23 TWP - Reclamation (1).pdf| Reclamation FY21-23 TWP AMWG Draft (July 2020)]]
*[[Media:GCMRC Preliminary TWP-April2020-Final.pdf| GCMRC FY21-23 TWP First Draft (April 2020)]]
*[[Media:2020.04.02 - Reclamation - Preliminary TWP21-23 - April2020.pdf| Reclamation FY21-23 TWP First Draft (April 2020)]]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2016-10-18-twg-meeting/Attach_09b.pdf GCDAMP Triennial Budget and Work Plan Process (Updated October 19, 2016)]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2016-10-18-twg-meeting/Attach_09b.pdf GCDAMP Triennial Budget and Work Plan Process (Updated October 19, 2016)]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2017-04-20-twg-meeting/Attach_04b.pdf Conservation Measures Extracted from the Nov. 28, 2016 USFWS LTEMP Biological Opinion]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2017-04-20-twg-meeting/Attach_04b.pdf Conservation Measures Extracted from the Nov. 28, 2016 USFWS LTEMP Biological Opinion]
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*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2022-08-18-amwg-meeting/20220818-TWGBudgetMotion-Presentation-508-UCRO.pdf Technical Work Group Budget Motion ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2022-08-18-amwg-meeting/20220818-BudgetMotionJune2022TWG-FINAL.pdf June 2022 TWG Budget Motion ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2022-08-18-amwg-meeting/20220818-AMWGFY23BudgetRecommendationLanguage-508-UCRO.pdf AMWG FY23 Budget Recommendation Language ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2022-06-16-twg-meeting/20220616-GCMRCFY2023BudgetOverview-508-UCRO.pdf GCMRC FY2023 Budget Overview ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2022-06-16-twg-meeting/20220616-GCDAMPFY23BudgetWorkPlanReclamation-508-UCRO.pdf GCDAMP FY23 Budget and Work Plan: Reclamation ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2022-05-18-amwg-meeting/20220518-GCDAMPFY23-BudgetWorkPlan-Reclamation-508-UCRO.pdf GCDAMP FY23 Budget and Work Plan: Reclamation ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2022-05-18-amwg-meeting/20220518-GCMRCFY2023BudgetOverview-508-UCRO.pdf GCMRC FY2023 Budget Overview ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2021-08-19-amwg-meeting/20210819-FY2022ProposedBudgetWorkPlanReclamation-508-UCRO.pdf Fiscal Year 2022 Proposed Budget and Work Plan – Reclamation ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2021-06-17-twg-meeting/20210617-RecommendationBAHGFY2022BudgetWorkPlan-508-UCRO.pdf Recommendation from the Budget Ad Hoc Group for the Fiscal Year 2022 Budget and Work Plan ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2021-05-19-amwg-meeting/20210519-ProposedFY2022BudgetWorkPlan-Presentation-508-UCRO.pdf Proposed Fiscal Year 2022 Budget and Work Plan ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2021-05-19-amwg-meeting/20210519-FY21PrioritiesUpdate-508-UCRO.pdf Fiscal Year 2021 Priorities Update ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2021-05-19-amwg-meeting/20210519-GCDAMPFY22BudgetWorkPlanReclamation-508-UCRO.pdf GCDAMP Fiscal Year 2022 Budget and Work Plan: Reclamation ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2021-05-19-amwg-meeting/20210519-Three-YearFederalAppropriationsProcess-Presentation-508-UCRO.pdf Three-Year Federal Appropriations Process ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2021-04-14-twg-meeting/20210414-GCMRCFY2022BudgetOverview-508-UCRO.pdf GCMRC Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Overview ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2021-04-14-twg-meeting/20210414-GCDAMPFY22BudgetWorkPlanReclamation-508-UCRO.pdf GCDAMP FY22 Budget and Work Plan: Reclamation ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2020-08-20-amwg-meeting/20200820-GCMRCFiscalYear21-23TriennialWorkplanBudget%E2%80%934thDraft-508-UCRO.pdf GCMRC FY 2021-23 Triennial Workplan and Budget – 4th Draft ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2020-08-20-amwg-meeting/20200820-GCDAMP21-23BudgetandWorkplan.pdf GCDAMP Fiscal Year 2021-2023 Triennial Budget and Work Plan : Reclamation]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2020-08-20-amwg-meeting/20200820-GCDAMP21-23BudgetandWorkplan.pdf Triennial Budget and Work Plan Fiscal Year 2021-2023]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2020-06-24-twg-meeting/20200624-ScienceAdvisorExternalReview2ndDraftTWPFY21-23-508-UCRO.pdf Science Advisors Review of the 2nd draft GCMRC 2021-2023 Work Plan ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2020-06-24-twg-meeting/20200624-ExternalReviewFY2021-23TriennialPlanDraftMay19-2020-508-UCRO.pdf External Review of Fiscal Year 2021-23 Triennial Plan Draft of May 19, 2020 ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2020-06-24-twg-meeting/20200624-DraftReclamationFY2021-23TWP-508-UCRO.pdf Draft Fiscal Year 2021-23 Triennial Budget and Work Plan (Reclamation): Development & Comments ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2020-06-24-twg-meeting/20200634-DraftFY2021-23-TriennialBudgetWorkPlanGCMRC-508-UCRO.pdf GCMRC Fiscal Year 2021-23 Triennial Workplan and Budget – 3rd Draft ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2020-05-20-amwg-meeting/20200520-AMWG-BudgetIntro-508-UCRO.pdf GCMRC FY 2021-23 Triennial Workplan and Budget – Budget introduction presentation ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2020-05-20-amwg-meeting/20200520-AMWG-GCMRC-FY-2021-23TriennialWorkplanBudget%E2%80%932nd%20Draft-508-UCRO.pdf GCMRC FY 2021-23 Triennial Workplan and Budget – 2nd Draft ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2020-04-15-twg-meeting/20200415-GCMRCFY2021-23TriennialWorkplanBudget%E2%80%93FirstDraft-508-UCRO.pdf Preliminary GCDAMP Fiscal Year 2021-23 Triennial Workplan and Budget presentation ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2020-02-12-amwg-meeting/20200212-ReclamationBudgetProcess-Presentation-508-UCRO.pdf Reclamation Budget Process ]
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/amwg/2020-02-12-amwg-meeting/20200212-TriennialBudgetWorkPlanFY21-23-Presentation-508-UCRO.pdf Triennial Budget and Work Plan Fiscal Year 2021-23 – Budget introduction presentation ]
Line 180: Line 1,022:
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#cedff2; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3b0bf; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;"> TWG Budget Preliminary List Exercise </h2>
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#cedff2; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3b0bf; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;"> 2021-2023 Triennial Budget and Work Plan Motions </h2>
The Technical Work Group recommends that the Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG)
recommend for approval to the Secretary of Interior, the Fiscal Year 2023 budget as shown on the
budget worksheets presented to the Technical Work Group (TWG) on June 15, 2022; furthermore, as
funds become available, the Technical Work Group recommends those funds are used to fund the work
items listed below in priority order:
Priority 1 – Given the historic release temperatures from Glen Canyon Dam and the possibility of invasive
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#cedff2; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3b0bf; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;"> 2020 BAHG meeting notes </h2>
fish establishment in the Colorado River ecosystem (CRE) with the potential to harm Endangered Species
Act listed fish and the rainbow trout fishery, the Department of Interior should prioritize funds, including
the use of the Reclamation C.6 Native Fish Conservation Contingency Fund and the C.5 Experimental
Management Fund, and prioritize activities such as evaluation of operational alternatives or other CRE
management and monitoring, to address this concern. These activities might require budgetary
adjustments. Such actions will be coordinated with the TWG and AMWG. The Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive
Management Program sees the potential establishment of nonnative fish as an emergency situation that
warrants swift and decisive mitigation action.
'''First Draft'''
Priority 2 – Continue Project Element G.6, Juvenile Chub Monitoring-West
BAHG meeting #1
Priority 3 – Continue sampling at two sub-reaches for Project Element H.2, Experimental Flow Assessment of Trout Recruitment
Priority 4 – Begin the Grand Canyon portion of the water quality synthesis requested by the Adaptive Management Work Group at their February 9-10, 2022 meeting
BAHG meeting #2
Priority 5 – Investigate an aquatic vegetation removal pilot project in Lees Ferry to reduce brown trout habitat
Priority 6 – Continue two monitoring trips for Project Element C.1, Ground-based Riparian Vegetation Monitoring
BAHG meeting #3: Other Native Fish Species (other than HBC), Rainbow Trout Fishery, Nonnative Invasive Species, and Riparian Vegetation
Priority 7 – Continue Project Element B.5, Streamflow and Sandbar Modeling
In addition, should an emergency arise that would require budgetary adjustment, the TWG is notifying
the AMWG that we may make necessary budgetary recommendations at a later date.
Motion made by Kelly Burke, GCWC,
Seconded by Erik Stanfield, Navajo Nation,
To adopt the motion as written above on 6/16/2022.
The motion was approved by consensus.
BAHG meeting #4: Nutrients, Humpback Chub, Foodbase
Developed and Approved Budget Recommendation to TWG The Budget Ad Hoc Group (BAHG) recommends that the Technical Work Group (TWG) recommend to the Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG), the Triennial Work Plan and Budget FY2021-2023 as revised by the BAHG during their meeting on May 27, 2021. All proposed projects will be considered as appropriate sources of funding (e.g. TWP carryover funds from prior years or through annual review of the TWP or other Reclamation considerations) become available. Revisions include addition of a Dissolved Oxygen Risk Assessment to be completed by Reclamation in 2022. In addition, the proposed revisions include the following prioritized list of GCMRC projects, as described in the attached spreadsheets dated May 27, 2021:
# JCM-West (2023)
# Additional TRGD Site (2023)
# Aquatic Vegetation Removal Pilot in Lees Ferry (202?) (Subject to additional proposal detail and completion of compliance requirements.)
# Project O.11 and Bug Flow Review. (Additional proposal detail requested following Science Advisor review.)
# Project O.1 (2022)
# Project O.2 (2022) [https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2021-06-17-twg-meeting/20210617-RecommendationBAHGFY2022BudgetWorkPlan-508-UCRO.pdf]
Motion made by Kevin Dahl, seconded by Larry Stevens, and approved by consensus
The TWG recommends that the AMWG recommend for approval to the Secretary
of Interior the Triennial Work Plan and Budget FY 2021-2023 as provided to the
TWG on June 23, 2020 and as requested to be revised by the TWG during their
meeting on June 23 and 24, 2020.
Revisions requested by the TWG on June 23 and 24, 2020:
# Include the GCMRC B.4 work element in the budget ($58,000 for first 2 years and $64,000 for year 3).
# Remove and/or reduce GCMRC D.2 (approximately $39,000 in year 1, $36,000 in year 2, and $54,000 in year 3) and GCMRC D.3 (approximately $28,000 in year 1, $29,000 in year 2, and $0 in year 3).
# Include Havasu Creek and LCR-mouth gage in GCMRC A.1 at 17,000/year.
# Please change GCMRC Project N verbiage (Pg 294) from “For example, modeling a change in ramp rates to maintain or improve the hydropower and recreational resource objectives is a possible application of GCMRC Project N.” to: “For example, modeling a change in ramp rates to improve the hydropower resource objective is a possible application of Project N.”
# In accordance with direction provided by the AMWG as described in the FLAHG charge, include a project and/or project element to support the FLAHG charge, and provide funding if necessary.
# Remove Reclamation B.4, TWG Chair reimbursement (25,000 for FY 2021)
# Propose AGFD and GCMRC look to integrate work efforts to allow for an additional TRGD site to be monitored. Cost estimate for going from 1 TRGD to 2 TRGD sites is approximately 67,000.
# Prioritize the use of available, unprogrammed and unspent funds from FY 2020, 2021 and 2022 towards funding GCMRC G.6 (JCM-West) in 2023.[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2020-06-24-twg-meeting/20200624-TWGMotionsActionItems-508-UCRO.pdf]
BAHG meeting #5: Sediment, Socioeconomics, Cultural Resources
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#cedff2; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3b0bf; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;"> BAHG meeting notes </h2>
'''Second Draft'''
*[https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/amp/twg/2022-06-16-twg-meeting/20220616-BAHGNotesFY23Calls-508-UCRO.pdf BAHG notes for FY23 calls ]
'''Science Advisors Review'''
*[[Media:BAHG_Call_1_Guidance_Priorities.docx| BAHG Call #1: Discussion of Priorities and Areas of Emphasis]]
*[[Media:BAHG_Call_2_HumpbackChub_Nutrients_WaterQuality_Sediment.docx| BAHG Call #2: Humpback Chub, Nutrients, Water Quality, Sediment]]
*[[Media:BAHG_Call_3_Foodbase_RBT_NativeFish_Nonnatives.docx| BAHG Call #3: Foodbase, Rainbow Trout Fishery, Other Native Fish Species (other than HBC), and Nonnative Invasive Species]]
*[[Media:BAHG-ProjectF.pdf| Slides for Foodbase]]
*[[Media:BAHG_Call_4_Riparian_Cultural_Tribal_Socio_Rec_Hydro_OverflightGIS.docx| BAHG Call #4: Riparian Vegetation, Cultural Resources, Tribal Resources, Socioeconomics, Recreation, Hydropower, Overflight Remote Sensing and GIS]]
*[[Media:Workplan_BAHG_2.28.2020.pdf| Slides for Socioeconomics, Recreation, Hydropower]]
*[[Media:2020_04_16_TWG_budget_comments.docx| April TWG meeting budget discussion notes]]
*[[Media:BAHG Call 5 Trout GIS Native Nonnative notes.docx| BAHG Call #5: Rainbow (and Brown) Trout Fishery, GIS, Other Native Fish Species (other than HBC), and Nonnative Invasive Species]]
*[[Media:BAHG_Call_6_Tribal_Cultural_Veg_Socio_Rec_Hydro_Overflight.docx| BAHG Call #6: Tribal and Cultural Resources, Riparian Vegetation, Overflight Remote Sensing, Socioeconomics, Recreation, Hydropower]]
*[[Media:BAHG_Call_7_Chub_Nutrients_WQ_Foodbase_Sediment.docx| BAHG Call #7: Humpback Chub, Nutrients and Water Quality, Foodbase, and Sediment]]
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#cedff2; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3b0bf; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;"> 2020 Budget Process Timeline (subject to change)
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#cedff2; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3b0bf; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;"> 2019-20 Budget Process Timeline (subject to change)
*October 21: TWG meeting
*October 21-22: TWG meeting
*October 21-January 14: Complete Knowledge Assessment (KA)
*October 21-January 14: Complete Knowledge Assessment (KA)
*October 21-December 20: GCMRC to prepare annual report
*October 21-December 20: GCMRC to prepare annual report
*December 20: Annual Report due to TWG
*December 20: Annual Report due to TWG
*January 14: Annual Reporting and TWG meeting to review budget and provide initial guidance to GCMRC and Reclamation
*January 13-15: Annual Reporting and TWG meeting to review budget and provide initial guidance to GCMRC and Reclamation
*January 20-March 18: GCMRC/Rec. to prepare TWP Initial Draft; meet with tribes, Federal Family, and cooperators for input
*January 20-March 18: GCMRC/Rec. to meet with tribes and Federal Family for input and prepare TWP Initial Draft
*February 6, 11am-noon (MST): BAHG call with GCMRC to discuss priorities and areas of emphasis
*February 6, 11am-noon (MST): BAHG call with GCMRC to discuss guidance, priorities, and areas of emphasis, sustainable funding: how to absorb increase in overhead and CPI increases,
*February 12: AMWG meeting to discuss initial priorities and DOI and Federal family input
*February 12-13: AMWG meeting to discuss initial priorities and DOI and Federal family input
*March 3, 1-3pm (MST): BAHG call with GCMRC to discuss priorities and areas of emphasis post-AMWG  
*February 20, 1-4pm (MST): BAHG call to discuss 1st draft: Humpback Chub, Nutrients, Water Quality, Sediment
*March 18: TWP 1st Draft (abstracts) due to DOI and Designee
*February 25, 1-4pm (MST): BAHG call to discuss 1st draft:  Foodbase, Rainbow Trout Fishery, Other Native Fish Species (other than HBC), and Nonnative Invasive Species 
*February 28, 8am-noon (MST): BAHG call to discuss 1st draft: Tribal and Cultural Resources, Riparian Vegetation, Socioeconomics, Recreation, Hydropower, Overflight  Remote Sensing and GIS
*March 3, 1-3pm (MST): BAHG call with GCMRC to discuss priorities and areas of emphasis post-AMWG
*March 17: TWP Initial Draft (collection of abstracts) due to DOI and Designee  
*March 18-April 22: DOI/Designee review/comment period
*March 18-April 22: DOI/Designee review/comment period
*April 1: TWP 1st draft (abstracts) due to TWG, BAHG, Science Advisors
*April 2: TWP Initial Draft due to TWG (BAHG/SA too)
*April 1-April 22: TWG/BAHG/SA review/comment period
*April 2-April 22: TWG/BAHG/SA review/comment period
*April 15: TWG meeting to consider draft TWP, including anticipated funding sources
*April 15-16: TWG meeting to consider draft TWP, including anticipated funding sources
*April 20, 1-4pm (MDT): BAHG call to discuss 1st draft Rainbow Trout Fishery, Other Native Fish Species (other than HBC), and Nonnative Invasive Species
*April 17, 1-4 pm (MST/AZ): BAHG call to discuss 1st draft:, GIS, Rainbow Trout Fishery, Other Native Fish Species (other than HBC), and Nonnative Invasive Species  
*April 21, 1-4pm (MDT): BAHG call to discuss 1st draft Humpback Chub, Nutrients, Water Quality, Foodbase
*April 20, 1-4 pm (MST/AZ): BAHG call to discuss 1st draft: Tribal and Cultural Resources, Riparian Vegetation, Socioeconomics, Recreation, Hydropower, Overflight Remote Sensing
*April 22, 1-5pm (MDT): BAHG call to discuss 1st draft Sediment, Tribal and Cultural Resources, Riparian Vegetation, Socioeconomics, Recreation, Hydropower
*April 21, 1-4 pm (MST/AZ): BAHG call to discuss 1st draft:  Humpback Chub, Nutrients and Water Quality, Foodbase, and Sediment
*April 23-May 18: GCMRC/Rec. to prepare TWP 2nd Draft
*April 23-May 18: GCMRC/Rec. to prepare TWP 2nd Draft
*May 18: TWP 2nd draft due to BAHG, Science Advisors, DOI agencies, and tribes
*May 18: TWP 2nd Draft (full document) due to BAHG/SA/DOI/tribes
*May 20: AMWG webinar
*May 20: AMWG webinar
*May 20-June 6: BAHG/SA review comment period
*May 20-June 8: TWG/BAHG/SA review comment period
*June 2, 1-4pm (MDT): BAHG call to discuss 2nd Draft Rainbow Trout Fishery, Other Native Fish Species (other than HBC), and Nonnative Invasive Species
*June 8 - June 22: GCMRC/Rec. prepare TWP 3rd draft
*June 3, 1-4pm (MDT): BAHG call to discuss 2nd Draft Humpback Chub, Nutrients, Water Quality, Foodbase
*June 16, 12-3pm (AZ/PDT), 1-4pm (MDT): BAHG call - SA presentation, discuss with GCMRC/Rec. on how issues identified in 2nd draft were resolved, identify any issues that would block a BAHG recommendation to the TWG
*June 4, 1-5pm (MDT): BAHG call to discuss 2nd Draft Sediment, Tribal and Cultural Resources, Riparian Vegetation, Socioeconomics, Recreation, Hydropower
*June 17, 12-2pm (AZ/PDT), 1-3 (MDT): BAHG call - develop recommendation to the TWG
*June 8, 1-4pm (MDT): BAHG call - SA presentation, identify any issues that would block a recommendation to the TWG
*June 22: TWP 3rd draft due to TWG
*June 8 - June 19: GCMRC/Rec. prepare TWP 3rd draft
*June 23-24: TWG meeting to provide a budget recommendation to the AMWG
*June 15, 1-4pm (MDT): BAHG call - discuss with GCMRC/Rec. on how issues identified in 2nd draft were resolved, develop recommendation to the TWG
*June 19: TWP 3rd draft due to TWG
*June 23: TWG meeting to provide a recommendation to the AMWG
*June 23-July 29: GCMRC/Rec. prepare Final Draft
*June 23-July 29: GCMRC/Rec. prepare Final Draft
*July 29: TWP Final Draft due to AMWG
*July 29: TWP Final Draft due to AMWG
*July 29-August 19: AMWG review/comment period
*July 29-August 19: AMWG review/comment period
*August 19: AMWG meeting to provide a recommendation to the SOI
*August 19-20: AMWG meeting to provide a budget recommendation to the SOI
*September: SOI reviews the budget and work plan
*September: SOI reviews the budget and work plan
*October: Fiscal Year begins under the TWP guidance
*October: Fiscal Year begins under the new TWP guidance
*November: Consumer Price Index becomes available. Science and management meeting with DOI and cooperators
*November: Consumer Price Index becomes available. Science and management meeting with DOI and cooperators
*December: Budget is finalized.
*December: Budget is finalized

Latest revision as of 17:51, 10 January 2023

FY21 23 cover.JPG

Triennial Budget and Work Plan -- Fiscal Years 2021-2023

The Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program (GCDAMP) is an advisory process wherein protection, management, and improvement of Colorado River resources downstream from Glen Canyon Dam are considered in planning dam operations. The Grand Canyon Protection Act (GCPA) of 1992 directs the Secretary of the Interior (the Secretary) to establish and implement long-term monitoring and research programs to ensure that Glen Canyon Dam is operated “… in such a manner as to protect, mitigate adverse impacts to, and improve the values for which Grand Canyon National Park and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area were established….”. The 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Operation of Glen Canyon Dam (U.S. Department of the Interior, 1995) recommended creation of a federal advisory committee to advise the Secretary on adaptive management for operations of the dam. The Record of Decision (ROD) for the 1995 EIS, which was signed in October 1996, created this federal advisory committee. The charter of the Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG) that implements the GCDAMP was signed in January 1997. Many stakeholders who are members of the AMWG also participate at a technical level in the Technical Work Group (TWG). The TWG formulates recommendations about research and monitoring for consideration by the AMWG. A new Long Term Experimental and Management Plan (LTEMP) EIS was completed in 2016 and an associated ROD was signed on December 15, 2016 (U.S. Department of the Interior, 2016a, b). The LTEMP ROD reaffirms continuation of the GCDAMP, AMWG and TWG and specifies new experimental flow and non-flow actions and compliance requirements for the operations of Glen Canyon Dam until 2037.

In fiscal years 2021, 2022, and 2023 (FY2021-23), the GCMRC and its cooperators will continue to undertake monitoring and research activities, as outlined in this Triennial Work Plan (TWP), that will respond to the legal requirements of GCPA and the recently approved LTEMP and will monitor the status and trends of natural, cultural, and recreational resources of the Colorado River between the forebay of Glen Canyon Dam and the western boundary of Grand Canyon National Park. This segment of the Colorado River is administratively termed the Colorado River ecosystem (CRe) which is defined as “the Colorado River mainstem corridor and interacting resources in associated riparian and terrace zones, located primarily from the forebay of Glen Canyon Dam to the western boundary of Grand Canyon National Park...” (US Department of the Interior, 2016a). All activities to be conducted by GCMRC in the CRe for FY2021-23 are described in this TWP. [1]

Long-term Experimental and Management Plan (LTEMP)
The LTEMP provides the basis for decisions that identify management actions and experimental options that will provide a framework for adaptively managing Glen Canyon Dam operations over the next 20 years
LTEMP Science Plan
The LTEMP Science Plan describe a strategy by which monitoring and research data in the natural and social sciences will be collected, analyzed, and provided to DOI, its bureaus, and to the GCDAMP in support of implementation of LTEMP.
Core Monitoring Plan
The GCMRC Core Monitoring Plan (CMP) describes the consistent, long-term, repeated measurements using scientifically accepted protocols to measure status and trends of key resources to answer specific questions. Core monitoring is implemented on a fixed schedule regardless of budget or other circumstances (for example, water year, experimental flows, temperature control, stocking strategy, nonnative control, etc.) affecting target resources.
Monitoring and Research Plan
The GCMRC Monitoring and Research Plan (MRP) specifies (1) core monitoring activities, (2) research and development activities, and (3) long-term experimental activities consistent with the strategies and priorities established in this SSP to be conducted over the next 5 years to address some of the strategic science questions associated with AMWG priority questions.
Budget and Workplan
The GCMRC Triennial Work Plan (TWP) identifies the scope, objectives, and budget for monitoring and research activities planned for a 3-year period. When completed, the triennial work plan will be consistent with the MRP.

FY 2021-2023 Triennial Budget and Work Plan

Project A: Streamflow, Water Quality, and Sediment Transport and Budgeting in the Colorado River Ecosystem

The primary linkage between Glen Canyon Dam operations and the characteristics of the physical, biological, and cultural resources of the Colorado River ecosystem (CRe) downstream from Glen Canyon Dam is through the stage, discharge, water quality, and sediment transport of the Colorado River. This project makes and interprets the basic measurements of these parameters at locations throughout the CRe. The data collected by this project are used to implement the High-Flow Experiment (HFE) Protocol (i.e., trigger and design HFE hydrographs), to evaluate the reach-scale sand mass-balance response to the HFE Protocol (U.S. Department of Interior, 2011; Grams and others, 2015), and to evaluate the downstream effects of releases conducted under the Long-Term Experimental and Management Plan (LTEMP) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016a, b).

The data collected by this project are also used by many of the other physical, ecological, and socio-cultural projects funded by the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program (GCDAMP). In addition to supporting the LTEMP sediment goal, the basic data collected by this project supports the following nine LTEMP goals: aquatic food base, archaeological and cultural resources, humpback chub, hydropower and energy, invasive fish species, natural processes, rainbow trout fishery, recreational experience, and riparian vegetation. Most of the project funds support basic data collection at USGS gaging stations, with the remainder funding data interpretation. Roughly 64% of the proposed budget covers basic data collection, with the remaining 36% supporting salaries for serving the data and for interpretive work (i.e., publications). The funds requested under this proposal cover ~75% of the costs required to collect data at the network of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) gaging stations used by this project. An additional $203,000 to support this network is provided directly to the USGS Arizona Water Science Center from funds appropriated by Congress for the USGS, the Bureau of Reclamation, and the Bureau of Land Management, and from funds provided by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (AZDEQ), the Navajo Nation, and Peabody Energy. Project A is designed to provide measurements of stage (i.e., water-surface elevation), discharge (i.e., streamflow), water quality, and suspended sediment at sufficiently high temporal resolutions (~15-minute) to resolve changes in these parameters and to allow accurate determination of suspended-sediment loads for use in sediment budgeting (Grams and others, 2019; Topping and others, in press). The proposed monitoring under this project is similar to that conducted over the last 18 years. Work conducted under the previous workplan, currently provisionally accepted at the Journal of Geophysical Research pending minor revision, indicates that sand storage in the channel and sandbars of the CRe is not likely sustainable unless tributary sand inputs remain well above average and dam releases remain slightly below average. The work proposed in this current workplan is therefore that required to address this important conclusion.

Project B: Sandbar and Sediment Storage Monitoring and Research

The purposes of this project are to: 1) track the effects of individual HFEs on sandbars and campsites (funded), 2) monitor the cumulative effect of successive HFEs and intervening dam operations on sandbars (funded) and sand conservation (partially funded), 3) investigate the interactions between dam operations, sand transport, and channel dynamics (funded as Project O.2), and 4) develop predictive models for streamflow and sandbar changes that can be used for evaluating dam operations scenarios (not funded).

One of the stated goals in the Record of Decision (ROD) for the LTEMP (U.S. Department of the Interior, 2016) is to "increase and retain fine sediment volume, area, and distribution...for ecological, cultural, and recreational purposes." Expectations of improved deposition on sandbars and conservation of sediment were among the criteria used in the selection of the preferred alternative. One of the central components of the selected alternative is the continued implementation of HFEs for building sandbars. The LTEMP extended the program initiated with the Environmental Assessment for Development and Implementation of a Protocol for HighFlow Experimental Releases from Glen Canyon Dam (HFE Protocol; U.S. Department of the Interior, 2011) which asked the question, "Can sandbar building during HFEs exceed sandbar erosion during periods between HFEs, such that sandbar size can be increased and maintained over several years?" In other words, does the volume of sand aggraded into eddies and onto sandbars during controlled floods exceed the volume eroded from sandbars during intervening dam operations? In addition, condition-dependent experiments were included in the preferred alternative, with objectives related to sandbar building and sediment conservation. Project B includes elements that are designed to evaluate whether the sediment-related goals of the LTEMP are met (partially funded), provide the information that is needed to proceed with or abort LTEMP experimental activities (funded), evaluate the effectiveness of implemented experiments (funded), and develop predictive models for future planning efforts (not funded). The sandbar monitoring program described here was outlined in the LTEMP Science Plan and provides the data required to answer the fundamental question of the HFE Protocol and LTEMP by monitoring changes in sandbars over many years, including a period that contains several controlled floods. The program is a continuation of the monitoring implemented in previous work plans and is based on annual measurements of sandbars, using conventional topographic surveys supplemented with daily measurements of sandbar change using ‘remote cameras’ that autonomously and repeatedly take photographs. These annual measurements and daily photographs are included in Project Element B.1 (funded). Because these long-term monitoring sites represent only a small proportion of the total number of sandbars in Marble and Grand canyons, Project Element B.2 (partially funded) includes periodic measurements of nearly all sandbars within individual 50 to 130 km sediment budget reaches (see Project A for description of sediment budget reaches).

The other critical information that is needed to evaluate the outcome of the HFE Protocol and the LTEMP is the change in total sand storage in long river reaches. HFEs build sandbars by redistributing sand from the low-elevation portion of the channel to sandbars in eddies and on the banks. The sand available for deposition is the sand that is in storage on the channel bed, which is the sum of the sand contributed by the most recent tributary inputs, any sand that may have accumulated since Glen Canyon Dam (GCD) was completed, and any sand that remains from the pre-dam era. The goal of the HFE Protocol is to accomplish sandbar building by mobilizing only the quantity of sand most recently contributed by the Paria River, thereby preventing depletion of pre-dam era sand. For this reason, conservation of sand was one of the criteria used to evaluate and select the preferred alternative in the LTEMP ROD. Measured trends in sand storage along the channel bed combined with trends in exposed sandbars will provide the necessary information on which to base future decisions about dam operations and other potential management options. If sand storage is maintained or increased, we expect the response to future HFEs to be similar or better than that observed following recent HFEs. In contrast, depletions of fine sediment in the active channel are potentially irreversible if sand supply from tributaries is consistently less than downstream transport. This situation would threaten the long-term ability to maintain sandbars. These long-term trends are measured in Project Element B.2 (partially funded), which includes two channel mapping campaigns. In 2021, we propose collecting a baseline map for the segment between RM 87 and RM 166, which has never been mapped. In 2023, we propose making a repeat map in Upper Marble Canyon to collect data that will be used in the 10-year assessment of LTEMP to be completed in future work plans, however this field work is not supported in the current project budget. Project Element B.3 includes work on the control network in support of this project, the remote sensing overflight project, and other work plan projects.

Project B also includes two research components and several experimental components. The first research component is proposed to investigate river channel adjustment to HFEs and redistribution of reservoir delta sediment on the Colorado River within the CRe in western Grand Canyon. This project was initially proposed as Project Element B.4 but is now included in this draft of the work plan as Project Element O.2 (experimental fund). Project Element B.5 (not funded) is a modeling project to produce flow models that predict the inundation extent and flow velocities for dam operations and HFEs in Marble Canyon and improve capabilities for predicting sandbar response to dam operations. Although this element is not supported in the current budget, we will attempt to make progress on modeling objectives if other funding sources are found. Project Element B.6 (experimental fund) describes studies that will be conducted to monitor and evaluate the condition-dependent experiments that affect sandbars and sediment resources, including extended duration HFEs, proactive spring HFEs, and variations in HFE downramp rate.

Project C: Riparian Vegetation Monitoring and Research

Riparian vegetation affects physical processes and biological interactions along the river channel downstream of GCD in ways that are integrally linked to flow regime. Reduced peak flows and increased base flows resulting from GCD operations have promoted riparian vegetation expansion close to the river (Sankey and others, 2015), but favor some species over others. Daily fluctuating flows have been shown to decrease germination and growth of riparian plants (Bejarano and others, 2020; Gorla and others, 2015) and is likely impacting the species composition in the CRe. Flow patterns designed to enhance other important resources, such as HFE’s, have a collateral impact on riparian vegetation cover and composition (Kennedy and Ralston, 2011; Ralston, 2011; Rood and others, 2005). Changes to species proportions and cover result in altered ecosystem functions, since riparian plant species differ in their structure (e.g., tall trees vs. short grasses), morphological traits (thorns, leaf size), and function (shade, soil stabilizer) (Butterfield and others, 2020; Merritt and Bateman, 2012). Through vegetation changes, dam operations can impact wildlife habitat (Ralston, 2005), sediment scour and deposition (Butterfield and others, 2020), visitor experience (Hadley and others, 2018), cultural resources (Cook and others, 2019), and many other natural processes.

The purpose of this project is to monitor the status and trends of riparian vegetation, examine mechanisms behind trends in riparian vegetation change as they relate to LTEMP flows, and apply existing and new knowledge to LTEMP vegetation management. The four elements of this project assess riparian vegetation status in the CRe (Element C.1, partially funded), test mechanisms by which flow regime impacts species of interest (Element C.2, fully funded), synthesize data to anticipate changes to vegetation (Element C.3, fully funded), and assist nonflow management actions directed by the LTEMP (Elements C.2, C.3, C.4; fully funded, Figure 1). For a description of budget cuts to Project C, see section 8. Elements and Activities Proposed, but not Funded in the Work Plan.

Project D: Effects of Dam Operations and Vegetation Management for Archaeological Sites

The construction and subsequent 50+ years of operation of GCD has profoundly altered the downstream aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem of the Colorado River corridor in lower Glen Canyon, Marble Canyon, and Grand Canyon. Among many effects, dam construction and operation have affected geomorphic processes responsible for the formation and preservation of the Holocene age, fluvially-derived sediment deposits in which numerous archaeological sites and other resources of cultural importance are embedded. The affected archaeological resources are valued not only for their information potential to archaeologists, but also as the homes and resting places of the ancestors of several Native American Tribes who reside in the region today. They are also valued as tangible records of indigenous peoples’ tenure in this landscape. Other resources of cultural value in the CRe include the plants that grow on the Holocene deposits, the birds that nest in the vegetation, the reptiles and mammals that inhabit the riparian zone, as well as the myriad kinds of aquatic life that live in the river. This project focuses specifically on studying and documenting the dam’s effects to the terrestrial riparian environment of the CRe and its associated archaeological resources, while recognizing the linkages this work has for other culturally valued resources as well.

During the past three decades, researchers affiliated with the USGS and various academic institutions have monitored and researched GCD effects on cultural resources in the CRe, including specifically the dam’s physical effects on archaeological sites. While it is recognized and acknowledged that the dam and its operation are not the only sources of change affecting the CRe and associated archaeological sites, this project focuses on researching and monitoring dam effects, in keeping with the mandates of the Grand Canyon Protection Act (GCPA). Furthermore, while it is also recognized and acknowledged that Native American Tribes affiliated with Grand Canyon view the effects of dam operations as being broader than just physical impacts to the ecosystem, and they believe that dam effects can potentially include impacts to traditional spiritual values as well as indigenous societies more generally, this project focuses on impacts which are amenable to investigation by scientific methods, with the understanding that those impacts which are not amenable to scientific investigation are best identified and addressed by the specifically-affected cultures at risk.

From a physical perspective, GCD has reduced downstream sediment supply to the Colorado River by about 95% in the reach upstream of the Little Colorado River confluence and by about 85% downstream of the confluence (Topping and others, 2000). Operation of the dam for hydropower generation has additionally altered the flow regime of the river in Grand Canyon, largely eliminating pre-dam low flows (i.e., below 5,000 ft3/s) that historically exposed large areas of bare sand (U.S. Department of the Interior, 2016a; Kasprak and others, 2018). At the same time, the combination of elevated low flows coupled with the elimination of large, regularly-occurring spring floods in excess of 70,000 ft3/s has led to widespread riparian vegetation encroachment along the river, further reducing the extent of bare sand (U.S. Department of the Interior, 2016a; Sankey and others, 2015). Kasprak and others (2018) report that the areal coverage of bare sand has decreased by 45% since 1963 due to vegetation expansion and inundation by river flows. Kasprak and others (2018) forecast that the areal coverage of bare sand in the river corridor will decrease an additional 12% by 2036. The changes in the flow regime, reductions in river sediment supply and bare sand, and the proliferation of riparian vegetation have affected the condition and physical integrity of archaeological sites and resulted in erosion of the upland landscape surface by reducing the transfer (termed “connectivity”) of sediment from the active river channel (e.g., sandbars) to terraces and other river sediment deposits in the adjoining landscape (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016a; Draut and Rubin, 2006, 2008; Draut and others, 2008, 2010; Draut, 2012; East and others, 2016, 2017; Kasprak and others, 2018; Sankey and others, 2018a, b; Cook and others, 2019). Many archaeological sites and other evidence of past human activity are now subject to accelerated degradation due to reductions in sediment connectivity under current dam operations and riparian vegetation expansion which are tied to regulated flow regimes (U.S. Department of the Interior, 2016a; East and others, 2016, 2017; Cook and others, 2019). The GCD Long-Term Experimental and Management Plan Environmental Impact Statement (LTEMP EIS) predicts that conditions for achieving the goal of preservation for archaeological resources, termed “preservation in place,” will be enhanced as a result of implementing the selected alternative (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016a). HFEs are one component of the selected alternative that will be used to resupply sediment to sandbars in Marble and Grand canyons, which in conjunction with targeted vegetation removal, is expected to resupply more sediment via wind transport to archaeological sites, depending on site-specific riparian vegetation and geomorphic conditions. However, HFEs have been shown to directly erode terraces that contain archaeological sites in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (GLCA; East and others, 2016; U.S. Department of Interior, 2016a).

HFEs have also been shown by Sankey and others (2018b) to rebuild or maintain sandbars that provide sand to resupply aeolian dunefields containing archaeological sites throughout Marble and Grand canyons. Aeolian dunefields were resupplied with sand at deposition of rates of 2-8 cm per year from HFE deposits in half of the flood-site instances monitored after the 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2016 HFEs (Sankey and others, 2018b). Sankey and others (2018b) also found evidence for cumulative increases in sediment resupply of dunefields when annual HFEs are conducted consistently in consecutive years.

Project E: Controls on Ecosystem Productivity: Nutrients, Flow, and Temperature

Aquatic primary production is an important energy source for riverine food webs, converting sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into simple carbohydrates via photosynthesis. In the Colorado River downriver of Glen Canyon Dam, fish are food limited (Cross and others, 2011) and energy (carbon) produced within the river is a preferred food source relative to energy from tributaries and riparian inputs (Wellard Kelly and others, 2013). Aquatic primary production, and the aquatic insect community this production supports, is the main source of fish production in Glen Canyon throughout the year (Cross and others, 2011). Primary producers (specifically diatoms) are also a preferred food source downstream, although the role of non-algal (tributary/terrestrial) carbon sources can also be an important driver of the food availability during flood pulses such as occur during monsoon season (Cross and others, 2011; Wellard Kelly and others, 2013; Sabo and others, 2018).

There are several lines of evidence that link both nutrient concentrations and primary productivity to higher trophic levels throughout the Colorado River. Outside of periods when tributaries are flooding for extended periods, the availability of aquatic insect drift and the condition of native fish are positively related to seasonal rates of gross primary production (GPP) near the LCR, highlighting the important role for aquatic primary production even 120 km downstream of the dam (Deemer, 2020). Primary production at Diamond Creek (235 km downstream of the dam) also appears linked to juvenile production of flannelmouth suckers, the most common species in this area, further highlighting the importance of in situ production to fish communities in the western canyon (Yackulic, 2020). While total primary production is not significantly related to metrics of fish production in Glen Canyon, the availability of phosphorus (P), an important limiting nutrient, is correlated with chlorophyll a, a metric of diatom and other non-macrophyte-based primary production. Furthermore, P predicts rainbow trout recruitment better than flow-based metrics used to predict recruitment for the LTEMP EIS (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016; Yackulic, 2020).

Understanding the controls on Colorado River primary production is an important step towards better managing the aquatic food base. Disentangling the drivers of both rates and types of riverine primary production, and their link back to fish production, is particularly challenging given interactive and delayed effects and given different levels of information on the potential drivers. For example, monsoonal storm pulses that place temporary light availability constraints on rates of primary production (Hall and others, 2015) may also be delivering significant amounts of phosphorus to the mainstem. In a second example, at times of high phosphorus outflow from Glen Canyon Dam, elevated production of a dominant food source, diatoms, may suppress macrophyte production (via shading) obscuring the link between overall productivity and higher trophic levels.

This project aims to disentangle some of these drivers by combining the highly resolved longterm information about riverine turbidity, silt and clay concentrations, solar inputs, discharge, and gross primary productivity (via continuous oxygen and temperature measurements – data that are collected as parts of the Interagency Lake Powell Water Quality Monitoring project (Appendix 1), Project A.2, and Project E) with improved additional information about phosphorus, gas transfer and the relative role of diatoms in affecting whole river production (Elements E.1 and E.2). Project E is designed to capture and link changes in productivity to changes in bottom-up drivers such as light, flow, and nutrients and to further develop links between these bottom-up drivers and higher trophic levels.

Key to linking primary production to higher trophic levels is developing a better understanding of how much production is required to meet fish metabolic demands. This understanding will help us to develop ecosystem models that incorporate data collected at multiple trophic levels (Element E.3). Element E.3 involves both laboratory work and ecosystem modeling. Laboratory work will quantify the standard and active metabolic rates of the dominant native fishes in the ecosystem (i.e., humpback chub and flannelmouth sucker). Past bioenergetics work done in the 2000s (Petersen and Paukert, 2005; Paukert and Petersen, 2007) assumed humpback chub had metabolism like other Gila spp. because it has never been directly measured in humpback chub. However, recent observations in both the lab and the field suggest that humpback chub may have abnormally low metabolisms that enable them to persist through periods of food shortage (e.g., Dibble and others, 2017). By estimating these standard and active metabolic rates and absolute fish population abundances for Colorado River reaches, we can determine how much carbon (i.e., energy) is being consumed and how this relates to the amount of carbon produced by primary production through an ecosystem model.

Project F: Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology

The primary focus of Project F is continuation of long-term monitoring needed to track ecosystem response to “Bug Flows” and other LTEMP experiments. Research by our group has demonstrated that the scarcity of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from the Colorado River is partly due to acute mortality of insect eggs arising from hourly changes in discharge associated with hydropower generation (Figure 1). In May–August 2018–2020, Glen Canyon Dam operations were experimentally modified to try to increase the production and diversity of aquatic insects in the CRe. These experimental Bug Flows involved hourly flow fluctuations for hydropower generation during weekdays, coupled with steady, low flows on weekends to reduce aquatic insect egg desiccation and mortality. In FY2021-23, our group will track ecosystem response to the Bug Flows experiment and other ongoing or potential management actions using citizen science monitoring of aquatic insects (F.1), monitoring of invertebrate drift (F.1 and F.2), monitoring of invertebrate communities in Bright Angel Creek in response to fisheries management actions (F.3), through diet and stable isotope analysis of fish feeding habits (F.4), and through monitoring and research associated with spring flow disturbances (O.1).

Research and monitoring of invertebrates described in Project F also provides essential context and data that are used by other projects. For example, invertebrate monitoring data are used by Project E (controls on ecosystem productivity) to identify the extent to which changing nutrient levels are propagating up through the food web. Invertebrate monitoring data also aid interpretation of seasonal and annual trends in humpback chub (Project G) and rainbow trout (Project H), because aquatic invertebrates represent the food base for both species of fish. Project F also integrates and uses data from other projects, particularly Project A (streamflow, water quality, and sediment transport), to identify how changing environmental conditions affect invertebrate populations.

Project G: Humpback Chub Population Dynamics throughout the Colorado River Ecosystem

During FY2021-23, we will continue monitoring activities mandated by the 2016 Biological Opinion (BiOp; USFWS, 2016) associated with the LTEMP EIS (U.S. Department of the Interior, 2016), while focusing research on improving our understanding of abundance and the drivers of humpback chub population dynamics throughout the lower CRe. In the proposed budget, mark-recapture research in western Grand Canyon (G.6) would cease in FY2023, making it less likely that we would determine drivers of chub dynamics there (missing an opportunity to learn about this population while it is still thriving and potentially failing to meet a conservation measure). However, the TWG recommended that this project be funded in FY2023 by prioritizing savings and carry-over for continuation of Project Element G.6. The LCR-spawning portion of the population has been a stronghold for humpback chub since emplacement of Glen Canyon Dam in the 1960s. This portion of the population experienced a decline in the late 1990s and early 2000s but has been stable or increasing ever since then (Coggins and others, 2006; Van Haverbeke and others, 2013; Yackulic and others, 2018). However, monitoring of juvenile fish indicates the LCR-spawning portion of the population has displayed decreased juvenile production since 2012. As a result, we expect adult abundance to decline in the near term; however, the magnitude of this decline is less certain (Figure 1). During FY2021-23, we will continue to estimate juvenile production and test hypotheses regarding drivers of juvenile production. We will also continue to resolve our understanding of how rainbow trout, temperature, turbidity, and food limitation drive growth, survival, and fish condition in the mainstem Colorado River.

For many decades, humpback chub that spawned in the LCR formed the vast majority of the overall CRe population. Since 2014, however, the catch of humpback chub in western Grand Canyon has been increasing (Van Haverbeke and others, 2017) and it is likely a larger portion of the overall CRe population is now found in western Grand Canyon. While our understanding of the drivers of the LCR population has matured in recent years following intensive demographic studies, we lack a similar understanding for the western Grand Canyon. Available data suggests that recent increases may be driven by only a few years of high juvenile production. During this workplan, we will continue studies of chub demography in the western Grand Canyon, which will allow us to determine baseline rates of growth and survival and allow us to estimate abundance in this expanding population segment. We are optimistic that we will continue to learn about drivers of juvenile production and overall chub vital rates with an ultimate goal of developing predictive models for chub in the western Grand Canyon that are similar to the ones used in the LTEMP EIS for chub that spawn in the LCR.

To satisfy BiOp Conservation Measures, test hypotheses about drivers, and estimate adult abundance, we will monitor humpback chub in the LCR-spawning population by sampling the LCR and juvenile chub monitoring (JCM-east) reach in the Colorado River (G.2, G.3) in all years. We also will monitor the western Grand Canyon population via continuation of mark recapture in the Fall Canyon reach (JCM-west) during all three years, if funding can be made available for FY2023 (G.6), allowing us to continue to meet an objective listed in the BiOp Conservation Measures. Maintaining JCM-west is particularly important because we will be discontinuing seining trips (not funded, G.8) in all years of the workplan. Extensive sampling via the aggregation sampling (G.5) will continue in all 3 years, albeit with less effort in FY2022 than originally proposed. Mark-recapture data from these trips will be supplemented with data from autonomous passive integrated transponder (PIT) tag antennas, such as the LCR multiplexer cross-channel array (MUX) in the LCR and portable antennas, as these technologies have proven effective at detecting larger adults which are often difficult to capture using other methods such as hoop netting and electrofishing (G.4). Lastly, since models developed under the previous workplan suggest that Chute Falls translocations help augment the LCR-spawning adult population, we propose continuation of Chute Falls translocations and monitoring by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS; G.7). We do not currently plan to analyze otoliths from incidental mortalities of age-0 fish collected over the last few years in the LCR to improve understanding of hatch dates, which would have helped us understand the degree to which LCR hydrology effect juvenile production. Data collected from the abovementioned field efforts will be analyzed to help learn more about humpback chub life history and to guide management efforts (G.1).

Project H: Salmonid Research and Monitoring

The LTEMP (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016) provides the necessary long-term framework for assessing specific operations at Glen Canyon Dam (GCD), as well as other types of management actions conceived during and implemented over the next 20-year period. For this reason, the Salmonid Research and Monitoring Project was developed having the long view, with a means to revise and respond to unanticipated and emerging risks (e.g., brown trout). The study design described in the previous work plan remains relevant for the same management questions posed in the LTEMP, and likely, other work plans developed in the future. As such, this type of experimental approach is appropriate for understanding large and complex ecosystems, particularly when quantifying trout population dynamics. Clearly, population responses are sometimes confounded by extrinsic factors (e.g., nutrients, see Project E) that act independent of flows or because of multiple management actions that have been applied concurrently within a given year (e.g., 2018 ‘Bug Flows’ and fall HFEs).

These circumstances make it difficult for resolving cause and effect relationships in a timely fashion. Although monitoring programs (e.g., Project Element H.1) are important for documenting long-term population trends and characteristics such as catch-per-unit-effort, size distribution, and occurrence and trends, monitoring as a sole method of data collection is not an effective approach in time or cost for determining causation, particularly when quantifying and separating out effects from complex interactions that occur among multiple factors (e.g., flow, fish density, nutrients). In order to study multiple flow treatments and avoid potential confounding factors, we propose to continue using a seasonal sampling design described in the FY2018-20 Triennial Work Plan (TWP) with spatial replication to assess trout responses to experimental flows and other factors within and across years (Project Element H.2). However, due to budget constraints in the FY2021-23 TWP, we initially proposed decreasing sampling effort from three Trout Reproductive and Growth Dynamics (TRGD) sub-reaches to one sub-reach per trip starting in FY2022. Stakeholders raised concerns in the June 23-24, 2020 GCDAMP TWG Meeting about this approach and the loss of information related to the increasing brown trout population. The TWG requested a revision of the work plan in their motion to the AMWG, stating they: “Propose AGFD and GCMRC look to integrate work efforts to allow for an additional TRGD site to be monitored. Cost estimate for going from 1 TRGD to 2 TRGD sites is approximately 67,000.” To accommodate this request from GCDAMP Stakeholders, (Arizona Game and Fish Department) AGFD and GCMRC are currently in discussions that will continue over this 3-year work plan to integrate the two programs to the extent practicable, knowing that both programs will need to compromise to attain this goal given the budget allotted in the FY2021-23 TWP for trout monitoring and research. Since an integrated study design will be developed and tested based on discussions over the next year or so, we have kept the narratives and budgets for Project Elements H.1 and H.2 separate in the final draft of this work plan for the sake of clarity. Additional details on our initial approach to better integrate these programs while retaining some of the study objectives for each program are outlined in Section 5.4.

As a goal, protection of the endangered humpback chub near the LCR is one of the highest priorities of the GCDAMP, but a concurrent priority is to maintain a high-quality rainbow trout sport fishery upstream from Lees Ferry in Glen Canyon. As such, rainbow trout were an important component in the development of LTEMP for GCD operations, and thus were a major consideration in the flow decisions in the selected alternative in the LTEMP ROD (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016b). Yet, high trout abundance is not the only factor that limits humpback chub abundance at the LCR (e.g., temperature, prey, and turbidity) (Yackulic, 2018), as a population has survived multiple periods of high trout abundance (1998-2001, 2008-2009, 2011-2014, 2017-2019) (Coggins and others, 2011; Korman and Yard, 2020).

Trout Management Flows (TMFs) proposed in the LTEMP were designed to limit rainbow trout recruitment and dispersal out of Lees Ferry (Korman and others, 2011a; Korman and others, 2011b; Korman and others, 2016; Yard and others, 2016) with a goal of maintaining the balance between the sport fishery and the humpback chub population downstream. However, ecosystems are dynamic and there has been a large increase in brown trout recruitment upstream from Lees Ferry over the past few years (2015-2019).

Given this new development, it is unclear whether the expansion of brown trout will disrupt the balance between salmonids and endangered native fishes downstream, the rainbow trout fishery in Glen Canyon, and the degree to which flow manipulations can be used to manage rainbow and brown trout.

A major component of the proposed study elements, described herein, focus on how experimental flows will influence recruitment, growth, survival, and dispersal of rainbow trout in Glen and Marble canyons. However, management of the rainbow trout fishery cannot occur in a vacuum given the recent increase of brown trout in Glen Canyon. Small numbers of brown trout have been present in the canyon since the dam was built (Minckley, 1991), but have increased following a time period associated with frequent fall HFEs (Runge and others, 2018). It is currently unclear whether this flow relationship is causal or coincidental, but research is needed to further examine if the proposed flow manipulations help or hinder the expansion of brown trout.

Other aspects of the flow regime and non-flow factors can also explain recent increases in brown trout. These include increases in macrophyte abundance due to reductions in diel variation in flow starting in the early 1990s (McKinney and others, 1999), and warmer water temperatures due to low reservoir elevations from the persistent 21st century drought may provide a physiological advantage for brown trout as an apex predator (Korman and others, in review). However, good comparative studies of temperature tolerances made between rainbow trout and brown trout are uncommon, and at best thermal differences are nuanced (e.g., prey availability and prey size).

Brown trout are superior competitors in other tailwater systems and typically are not stocked past their initial introduction (Dibble, unpublished data), and are known to be voracious predators of small-bodied native fishes (Yard, 2011). It is therefore prudent and necessary to not only evaluate the effect of experimental flows on rainbow trout, but also to examine how brown trout populations may respond to such flow manipulations. Furthermore, competitive interactions between brown trout and rainbow trout may impact each other’s survival and recruitment rates. Good growth and condition of rainbow trout occurred in late 2016 and 2017, which contributed to high rainbow trout recruitment in 2017, and its likely downstream movement. The only year since 2015 without a substantive catch of age-1 brown trout occurred in 2017, which was also the year with elevated recruitment of rainbow trout. Therefore, it is possible that a larger or healthier population of rainbow trout could help keep the brown trout population in Glen Canyon in check. It could be that higher levels of rainbow trout spawning in winter and spring of 2017 reduced recruitment of brown trout by redd (i.e., spawning bed) superimposition or other competitive effects (Scott and Irvine, 2000; Nomoto and others, 2010).

Thus, policies aimed at reducing rainbow trout recruitment in Glen Canyon have the potential to backfire if they inadvertently lead to an increase in brown trout abundance. A better understanding of the interaction between rainbow and brown trout in Glen Canyon is therefore critical, and a major aim of the revisions made in the proposed work plan, herein.

Project I: Warm-water Native and Nonnative Fish Monitoring and Research

Maintaining self-sustaining native fish populations within the Colorado River and minimizing the presence and expansion of aquatic invasive species are two specific resource goals outlined in the LTEMP EIS and associated BiOp for the operation of Glen Canyon Dam (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016a, b). These two resource goals are closely linked together in that introduced warm-water fish are largely incompatible with Colorado River native fish (Marsh and Pacey, 2005; Minckley and Marsh, 2009). Introduced warm-water sport fish prey upon juvenile native fish, and once established, can cause rapid disappearance of native fish (Moyle and others, 1986). In both the upper and lower Colorado River Basins, warm-water predatory fish are implicated in the lack of recruitment and subsequent population declines in native fish (Mueller, 2005; Martinez and others, 2014). Control methods are typically the most cost effective and successful when invasions are detected early (Leung and others, 2002; Dawson and Kolar, 2013). A robust monitoring program increases the likelihood that a new invasion will be detected early and that management actions can be taken to control pest species.

Long-term monitoring allows the ability to detect trends and test hypotheses in regard to temporal variation in fish populations, but its strength also lies in the ability to interpret and detect unexpected trends or surprises (Lindenmayer and others, 2010; Dodds and others, 2012; Melis and others, 2015). When designed properly, a long-term monitoring program is a powerful tool for quantifying the status and trends of key resources, understanding system dynamics in response to stressors, and investigating the efficacy of alternative management actions. Without long-term monitoring, science-based decisions for fisheries management are often not possible (Walters, 1986). This project will continue long-term, standardized monitoring conducted by Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD) throughout the Colorado River from Lees Ferry (RM 0) to Pearce Ferry (RM 281) for the combined purposes of tracking the status of native fish as well as identifying new invasive aquatic species. This is the only project that tracks all native and nonnative fishes throughout the length of the Colorado River in the project area.

AGFD will conduct one spring system-wide fish monitoring trip in FY2021, one trip in FY2022, and two trips in FY2023 from Lees Ferry to Diamond Creek using electrofishing, angling and hoop netting. For the monitoring that takes place in the Fall downstream from Diamond Creek, AGFD will only monitor the last 15 miles of river upstream from Pearce Ferry (3 nights of sampling in each year) because of budget constraints and the need to reduce logistics costs. Other fish monitoring efforts which focus on humpback chub (Project G), and monitoring of small bodied fished conducted by the NPS downstream of Bright Angel Creek (funded by the Bureau of Reclamation outside of the GCDAMP also provide important additional detection information of new invasive aquatic species, and all of these efforts together provide a robust monitoring program to track changes in native fishes and detect new problematic invasive aquatic species. Water levels in Lake Powell have decreased in recent years because of ongoing drought. This causes warm surface waters to be entrained into the penstocks and released downstream. While warmer water provides better thermal conditions for native Colorado River fishes, it also increases the likelihood that warm-water introduced fishes will become established and negatively impact populations of native fishes. Management and removal of invasive aquatic species can be difficult once a species becomes established because problems typically become large in scale quickly and few effective tools are available for managing aquatic invasive species (Dawson and Kolar, 2013).

This creates the need to both detect invasive species early and understand which species pose the greatest threats so that efforts can be prioritized. Assessing the risks posed by existing or new warm-water invasive fish provides managers with the scientific information needed to make decisions about what management activities are warranted. Hilwig and Andersen (2011), compiled a literature review of the potential risks posed by individual species, but those risks need to be validated and quantified based on existing environmental conditions, species abundances, and expected future conditions in the LCR and CRe. In previous work plans risks related to rainbow and brown trout were evaluated (FY2016-17) as well risks posed by other invasive warm-water fishes (FY2018-20). Channel catfish and green sunfish were identified as two invasive species that pose particularly high risks to Colorado River native fish (Ward, 2020). In surveys conducted in FY2018-20, channel catfish were found to exist in higher abundance within the LCR than previously known, with a majority of the fish being large in size, averaging 408 mm (Figure 1). There are no catfish species native to the Colorado River, therefore native Colorado River fishes did not evolve mechanisms to avoid catfish predation. Native fishes are particularly vulnerable to predation by catfish predators (Ward and Figiel, 2013), especially under turbid conditions (Ward and Vaage, 2019).

Green sunfish were also identified as a particularly high-risk species because of their aggressive nature, high piscivory and known ability to rapidly colonize new environments and displace native fish (Ward, 2015). In this workplan we propose to focus specifically on quantifying the risks posed by these two species.

Laboratory studies will be conducted to quantify size specific predation risk from channel catfish and green sunfish. These laboratory studies in conjunction with abundance estimates for channel catfish from the LCR, will allow managers to determine if invasive catfish present more or less of a predation threat to juvenile chub than predation by trout or other warm-water predators. This information gives context from which to evaluate potential management actions such as mechanical removal and will ensure that any future aquatic invasive species removal efforts are focused only on those species that pose the highest threat to humpback chub populations.

In addition to evaluating the risks posed by invasive fishes we will also continue to evaluate the risks posed by infestation of Asian fish tapeworm (Bothriocephalus acheilognathi) in humpback chub. Asian fish tapeworm is an invasive species that infests warm-water cyprinid fish. Asian fish tapeworm monitoring took place in 2005 and 2006 and has occurred annually at a low level within the LCR since 2015.

Additional monitoring will continue in this work plan to evaluate the prevalence of Asian fish tapeworm in humpback chub inhabiting the mainstem Colorado River as identified in the 2016 BiOp. Asian fish tapeworm has been identified as one of six potential threats to the continued existence of endangered humpback chub (USFWS, 2002). It is potentially fatal to new host species (Hoffman and Schubert, 1984).

Asian fish tapeworm was first documented in the LCR in Grand Canyon in 1990 (Minckley, 1996) and was hypothesized to be a cause of long-term declines in condition of adult humpback chub from the LCR (Meretsky and others, 2000). Monitoring Asian fish tapeworm infestation in humpback chub in the mainstem Colorado River in addition to the LCR will provide a baseline context and relative risk assessment with which to evaluate the potential impacts of this invasive parasite on humpback chub populations.

In the FY2018-20 Triennial Work Plan (TWP) we identified the need to develop a new tool to detect rare nonnative species invasions prior to population expansion. Responding quickly to invasions before populations become large and established is the least expensive and most effective way to control invasive species (Leung and others, 2002). Early detection tools are in the process of being developed to detect the presence of rare species and their spatial extent across a riverscape at a molecular level (Schwartz and others, 2007; Carim and others, 2016a). In aquatic environments, fish shed cellular material into the water via reproduction and feces that can persist in the environment for several weeks. This cellular material can be collected via water sample and environmental DNA (eDNA) extracted from cells collected in the environment in which an organism lives, rather than directly from animals themselves.

Since the quantity of eDNA in a sample scales with fish biomass, relative abundance metrics can be calculated (Klymus and others, 2015). This approach can have higher sensitivity relative to traditional sampling methods, since hoop nets and standard electrofishing may not detect rare species at the early stages of invasion (e.g., smallmouth bass), species that may not be susceptible to capture (e.g., channel catfish), or species residing in deeper areas outside of the range of standard methods. Molecular analyses can also be associated with lower costs than traditional staff-heavy sampling methods, since a filtered water sample is all that is needed (Carim and others, 2016a). As such, this tool lends itself nicely to answering questions in the Grand Canyon related to both the presence and distribution of rare nonnative species and is a critical first step in early detection so that management actions can be targeted to prevent spread. We used seed money in the FY2018-20 TWP in combination with funding from the USBR and USFWS to commence a project to collect eDNA samples at 300 spatially distributed sites throughout the Colorado River, at tributary junctions, and in Lakes Mead and Powell. This trip was scheduled to launch in May 2020 but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and closure of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon in spring 2020. This sampling may be postponed to June 2020 or rescheduled entirely to May 2021.

In the FY2021-23 TWP, we propose to use data on any nonnative species detections from the 2020 eDNA sampling trip to target reaches where problematic nonnative species detections occur. The objective of this second sampling trip is twofold: 1) determine whether invasive species of interest have geographically expanded; and 2) determine whether relative abundance has increased (or decreased) in the interim time period. This information will be used to help the NPS implement strategies that respond to new or expanded invasions, should they occur.

Project J: Socioeconomic Research

Project J contains research elements that collect and integrate socioeconomic information with data and predictive models from ongoing long-term physical and biological monitoring and research led by the USGS GCMRC. The project elements improve the ability of GCDAMP resource managers and stakeholders to evaluate management actions and prioritize monitoring and research. This project involves three interrelated socioeconomic research elements that address novel resource management challenges and build on research in the FY2018-20 TWP (Bureau of Reclamation, and U.S. Geological Survey, 2017):

  • The development and integration of predictive biological and physical models with economic metrics to evaluate and prioritize monitoring of, and research on, resources downstream of Glen Canyon Dam (GCD), including the anticipated success (or lack thereof) of proposed flow experiments in the LTEMP EIS (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016a) (Element 1);
  • The design, implementation, and monitoring of the impacts of an incentivized harvest program to reduce brown trout abundance in Lees Ferry (Element 2); and
  • The survey of recreational angler and whitewater boater’s preferences for flow attributes, in accordance with GCD maintenance and LTEMP EIS experimental flows (Element 3).

The proposed project elements address the LTEMP Record of Decision (ROD) (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016b) resource goals related to humpback chub, sediment, invasive fish, and hydropower, as specified in Section 4.

Project K: Geospatial Science, Data Management and Technology

A crucial component of any long-term adaptive management program is the proper management and accessibility of its data resources necessary for measuring the status, trends, and experimental results related to the program’s objectives. The data collected through the USGS GCMRC are a vital resource used to determine the status of the natural resources identified through the GCDAMP and to make timely decisions on dam operations. The primary purpose of this project is to provide high-level support to GCDAMP-funded science efforts in the disciplines of geospatial science, data management, database administration, and emerging information technologies.

Shifts in the geospatial and information technology industries are pushing the boundaries on how data can be managed and made accessible to outside entities. Much of this change is driven by advances in technology—from improved sensors for monitoring the Earth, to increased digital data storage capacity, to newer computer systems designed for processing large data sets more efficiently, and to the greater emphasis of the “Internet of Things” where the reliance of webbased technologies have revolutionized our world. A common thread for the different aspects of this project is to continue to advance GCMRC’s ability to leverage many of these new technologies for the benefit of the GCMRC, the science projects described within this work plan, and the larger GCDAMP. While some of the work elements described within this project discuss the use of newer technologies and methods for managing, analyzing and providing access to the Center’s data resources, the concepts that this work serves are not new and have been part of the GCDAMP since the beginning. By standardizing our data resources, streamlining workflows and leveraging new technologies, we can fulfill these important needs of the program more efficiently, and ultimately, for much lower costs than would occur if each project were instead left to develop their own closed systems. Work performed within this project makes it possible to share important information about trends in resources of the CRe to the GCDAMP through web-based, interactive tools and mapping products, allowing the GCDAMP to make better informed, time-sensitive decisions on experimental and management actions under the 2016 LTEMP and the (ROD (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016a, b).

Project L: Overflight Remote Sensing in Support of GCDAMP and LTEMP

This project seeks to acquire high-resolution multispectral imagery and a digital surface model (DSM) of the Colorado River and riparian area from the forebay of Glen Canyon Dam downstream to Lake Mead, and along the major tributaries to the Colorado River. The proposed schedule for this data collection mission is in May 2021, during the first year of the FY2021-23 TWP. The data sets derived from remote sensing overflights (Table 1 and Figure 1) have proven to be extremely valuable to most of the research projects conducted by GCMRC over the past two decades. Importantly, scientific research which relied heavily on these data were the basis for the 2016 LTEMP (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016a). Data derived from the 2021 overflights will be used in the LTEMP ROD implementation process (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016b).

GCMRC’s Scientific Monitoring Plan in support of LTEMP, notes that the ROD “calls for a comprehensive, decadal-scale assessment of the impact of dam operations on sandbar resources and on the status of humpback chub” (VanderKooi and others, 2017). Given that the most recent overflight was previously conducted in 2013, and given the physical, geographic and logistical constraints of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, system-wide remotely-sensed data are necessary to complement ground-based data collection and assist with the GCMRC’s efforts to effectively assess these impacts for the entire river ecosystem over decadal time frames. The imagery and derivative data products from overflight remote sensing are used either directly or indirectly by every science project proposed in this TWP to address every resource goal of the LTEMP.

While this proposed work is discussed within the context of the FY2021-23 TWP, the nature and justifications for conducting the overflight are directed at the GCMRC’s ability to respond to and deliver information for the LTEMP implementation process that tracks decadal-scale changes to resources system-wide. As such, the overflight is a scientific effort that has both an immediate and a longer-term payoff; future LTEMP studies will require similar information that can be effectively derived from remotely-sensed data acquired over coming decades. For these reasons, this project is mission critical to successfully inform the GCDAMP on performance of the LTEMP ROD.

Project M: Leadership, Management, and Support

The Leadership, Management, and Support budget covers salaries for a budget analyst, librarian, a part-time library assistant, three members of the logistics support staff, as well as leadership and management personnel for GCMRC. Leadership and management personnel salaries include those for the GCMRC Chief and Deputy Chief as well as half the salary for one Principal Investigator and half the salary for one data specialist. Most of the travel and training costs for administrative personnel are included in this project as well as the cost of GCMRC staff to travel to AMWG and TWG meetings. Cooperator funding is for support of the Partners in Science Program with Grand Canyon Youth. Operating expenses include:

  1. GSA vehicle costs including monthly lease fees, mileage costs, and any costs for accidents and damage;
  2. DOI vehicle costs including gas, maintenance, and replacements costs;
  3. GCMRC’s Information Technology equipment costs; and
  4. A $20,000 annual contribution to the equipment and vehicles working capital fund.

Project N: Hydropower Monitoring and Research

The LTEMP (U.S. Department of the Interior, 2016a) states that the objective of the hydropower and energy resource goal is to, “maintain or increase Glen Canyon Dam (GCD) electric energy generation, load following capability, and ramp rate capability, and minimize emissions and costs to the greatest extent practicable, consistent with improvement and long-term sustainability of downstream resources.” Project N will identify, coordinate, and collaborate with external partners on monitoring and research opportunities associated with operational experiments at GCD designed to meet hydropower and energy resource objectives, as stated in the LTEMP EIS and its ROD (U.S. Department of the interior, 2016a, b), and guided by the memorandum (Guidance Memo) from the Secretary's Designee, dated August 14, 2019 (Petty, 2019).

Operational experiments include proposed experiments in the LTEMP EIS (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016b), and other identified operational scenarios at GCD to improve hydropower and energy resources, while consistent with improvement and long-term sustainability of other downstream resources. Project N will prioritize research associated with operational experiments at GCD designed to meet hydropower and energy resource objectives. Project N will also conduct monitoring and research of proposed experiments in the LTEMP EIS and consider impacts on hydropower and energy as part of the experimental design. Coordinated project implementation and development will occur between Reclamation, Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), and other collaborators to utilize and build on existing hydropower and energy models and data, specifically those from Appendix K in the LTEMP EIS (U.S. Department of Interior, 2016b).

Project O

The purpose of Project O is to evaluate whether a spring-timed disturbance flow will improve resources in the Colorado River Ecosystem (CRe). The proposed spring-timed disturbance flow is not to be confused with the sediment-triggered High Flow Experiments (HFEs), which are one of the principal experimental flows recognized in the Long-Term Experimental and Management Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement (LTEMP FEIS; U.S. Department of Interior, 2016a) and its associated Record of Decision (LTEMP ROD; U.S. Department of Interior, 2016b). The cornerstone of this project is a potential test of a spring disturbance flow hydrograph developed by the FLow Ad Hoc Group (FLAHG). The FLAHG hydrograph is a direct outgrowth of the group’s December 2019 charge, which states the FLAHG shall work: with GCMRC to evaluate opportunities for conducting higher spring releases that may benefit high value resources of concern to the GCDAMP (recreational beaches, aquatic food base, rainbow trout fishery, hydropower, humpback chub and other native fish, cultural resources, and vegetation), fill critical data gaps, and reduce scientific uncertainties. As a starting point, the FLAHG shall consider the benefits of and opportunities for conducting higher spring releases within power plant capacity. The proposed hydrograph is a 5-day low flow necessary for maintenance on Glen Canyon Dam (GCD) followed by a 4.5-day high flow pulse within base operations constraints specified by the ROD (Figure 1). This combination of desiccation at low flows followed by scour at higher flow is hypothesized to disturb benthic habitats to a much greater extent than either the low or higher flow alone (Kennedy and others 2020).

The hydrograph developed and recommended by the FLAHG will be used to evaluate whether a spring-timed disturbance flow enhances resources in the CRe. The FLAHG hydrograph may also be used to: 1) evaluate whether an extended period of low flows in the spring windy season, followed by a pulse flow, enhances transport of sand to inland dunefields and archaeological sites (Project Element O.3); 2) track physiological responses of key riparian plant species and identify how physiological responses to flows may favor some riparian plant species over others (Project Element O.4); 3) evaluate native and invasive fish response (Project Elements O.6 and O.7); 4) estimate the impact of a low flow disturbance to recreational angling (Project Element O.8), hydropower (Project Element O.9), and sandbars and campsites (Project Element O.10); and 5) use of decision support tools to help synthesize findings and identify logical next steps in adaptive management experimentation (Project Element O.11; note that funding for O.11 is being sought from a different source than other project elements, see Budget Justifications). The period of work for this project will be two fiscal years that begin in the fiscal year the spring disturbance flow is implemented. For planning purposes here, we define these as Year 1 and Year 2. In Year 1 this project seeks funding mainly from the C.5 Experimental Management Fund. Note that Reclamation retains decision-making authority for the allocation of funds from the C.5 Experimental Management Fund. In Year 2 we will seek funding from TWP carryover funds from prior years, or through annual review of the TWP, or through other Reclamation considerations (see Budget Tables in Budget Justifications). Requests to support Project O through the Experimental Management Fund should be considered in context with other requests from the Experimental Management Fund (i.e. including, but not limited to Projects A.4, B.6.1- 5, and J.3).

As with LTEMP flow experiments, the process to plan and implement the spring disturbance flow would involve evaluation of resource conditions and expected effects by the Glen Canyon Technical Team followed by Glen Canyon Leadership Team consideration. Research and monitoring proposed herein may change if conditions warrant. The decision of whether to implement the spring disturbance flow will be made by the Secretary of the Interior or their Designee.

Appendix 1. Lake Powell Water Quality Monitoring

GCMRC has an existing five-year agreement with the Bureau of Reclamation (IA R18PG00108) to continue Lake Powell water quality monitoring through calendar year 2022. The Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center (GCMRC) will be continuing its long-term water-quality monitoring program of Lake Powell reservoir. This program has been in existence since 1965 and United States Geological Survey (USGS) has conducted the monitoring program since 1996. The monitoring program measures water-quality conditions in the forebay and tailwater of the reservoir monthly and throughout the entire reservoir on a quarterly basis. Water temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen; pH, redox potential, chlorophyll florescence and turbidity are measured throughout the water column at 30 sites, with samples of major ionic constituents , nutrients, dissolved organic carbon, phytoplankton, and zooplankton being collected at selected sites. Physical and Chemical information from this program was published-as USGS Data Series Report DS-471. An updated revision to this report is currently in review. All information from this program is stored in the Water Quality Database (WQDB).


Documents and Direction

Papers and Presentations




FY 2021-2023 Triennial Budget and Work Plan Process

Resource Topics for 2021-23 TWP

Based on ROD Resource Categories (see page 6 of the ROD)

  • Natural Processes: Not used (is an evaluation of above resources as related to “natural” benchmarks)

LTEMP BiOp Conservation Measures [1] (2016)

Humpback Chub

Ongoing actions:

  • Translocations of humpback chub into tributaries of the Colorado River in Marble and Grand Canyons
  • Spring and fall humpback chub population estimate
  • Control or removal of nonnative fish in tributaries prior to chub translocations
  • Humpback chub refuge population at a federal hatchery
  • Ensure that a stable or upward trend of humpback chub mainstem aggregations can be achieved by:
  1. Annual monitoring of the Little Colorado River humpback chub aggregation (e.g., juvenile chub monitoring parameters).
  2. Annual monitoring in the mainstem Colorado River to determine status and trends of humpback chub.
  3. Periodic surveys to identify additional aggregations and individual humpback chub.
  4. Evaluate existing aggregations and determining drivers of these aggregations.
  5. Explore means of expanding humpback chub populations outside of the Little Colorado River Inflow aggregation.
  • Disease and parasite monitoring

New actions:

  • Feasibility study for translocation of humpback chub into Upper Havasu Creek (above Beaver Falls).
  • Evaluate other tributaries for potential translocations.

Razorback Sucker

Ongoing actions:

  • Larval and small-bodied fish monitoring.

Actions to benefit all native aquatic species

Ongoing actions:

  • Investigate the possibility of renovating Bright Angel and Shinumo Creeks with a chemical piscicide.
  • Remove brown trout (and other nonnative species) from Bright Angel Creek and the Bright Angel Creek Inflow reach of the Colorado River, and from other areas where new or expanded spawning populations develop.

New actions:

  • Explore the efficacy of a temperature control device at the dam to respond to potential extremes in hydrological conditions due to climate conditions that could result in nonnative fish establishment.
  • Preventing the passage of deleterious invasive nonnative fish through Glen Canyon Dam.
  • Fund the NPS and GCMRC on the completion of planning and compliance to alter the backwater slough at River Mile (RM) 12.
  • Develop a plan for implementing rapid response control efforts for newly establishing or existing deleterious invasive nonnative species.
  • Experimental use of TMFs to inhibit brown trout spawning and recruitment in Glen Canyon

Southwestern willow flycatcher and Yuma Ridgway’s rail

  • Conduct Yuma Ridgway’s rail surveys
  • Conduct southwestern willow flycatcher surveys

LTEMP Experimental and Management Actions [2]

2021-2023 Triennial Budget and Work Plan Motions


The Technical Work Group recommends that the Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG) recommend for approval to the Secretary of Interior, the Fiscal Year 2023 budget as shown on the budget worksheets presented to the Technical Work Group (TWG) on June 15, 2022; furthermore, as funds become available, the Technical Work Group recommends those funds are used to fund the work items listed below in priority order:

Priority 1 – Given the historic release temperatures from Glen Canyon Dam and the possibility of invasive fish establishment in the Colorado River ecosystem (CRE) with the potential to harm Endangered Species Act listed fish and the rainbow trout fishery, the Department of Interior should prioritize funds, including the use of the Reclamation C.6 Native Fish Conservation Contingency Fund and the C.5 Experimental Management Fund, and prioritize activities such as evaluation of operational alternatives or other CRE management and monitoring, to address this concern. These activities might require budgetary adjustments. Such actions will be coordinated with the TWG and AMWG. The Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program sees the potential establishment of nonnative fish as an emergency situation that warrants swift and decisive mitigation action.

Priority 2 – Continue Project Element G.6, Juvenile Chub Monitoring-West

Priority 3 – Continue sampling at two sub-reaches for Project Element H.2, Experimental Flow Assessment of Trout Recruitment

Priority 4 – Begin the Grand Canyon portion of the water quality synthesis requested by the Adaptive Management Work Group at their February 9-10, 2022 meeting

Priority 5 – Investigate an aquatic vegetation removal pilot project in Lees Ferry to reduce brown trout habitat

Priority 6 – Continue two monitoring trips for Project Element C.1, Ground-based Riparian Vegetation Monitoring

Priority 7 – Continue Project Element B.5, Streamflow and Sandbar Modeling

In addition, should an emergency arise that would require budgetary adjustment, the TWG is notifying the AMWG that we may make necessary budgetary recommendations at a later date. Motion made by Kelly Burke, GCWC, Seconded by Erik Stanfield, Navajo Nation, To adopt the motion as written above on 6/16/2022. The motion was approved by consensus.


Developed and Approved Budget Recommendation to TWG The Budget Ad Hoc Group (BAHG) recommends that the Technical Work Group (TWG) recommend to the Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG), the Triennial Work Plan and Budget FY2021-2023 as revised by the BAHG during their meeting on May 27, 2021. All proposed projects will be considered as appropriate sources of funding (e.g. TWP carryover funds from prior years or through annual review of the TWP or other Reclamation considerations) become available. Revisions include addition of a Dissolved Oxygen Risk Assessment to be completed by Reclamation in 2022. In addition, the proposed revisions include the following prioritized list of GCMRC projects, as described in the attached spreadsheets dated May 27, 2021:

  1. JCM-West (2023)
  2. Additional TRGD Site (2023)
  3. Aquatic Vegetation Removal Pilot in Lees Ferry (202?) (Subject to additional proposal detail and completion of compliance requirements.)
  4. Project O.11 and Bug Flow Review. (Additional proposal detail requested following Science Advisor review.)
  5. Project O.1 (2022)
  6. Project O.2 (2022) [3]


Motion made by Kevin Dahl, seconded by Larry Stevens, and approved by consensus The TWG recommends that the AMWG recommend for approval to the Secretary of Interior the Triennial Work Plan and Budget FY 2021-2023 as provided to the TWG on June 23, 2020 and as requested to be revised by the TWG during their meeting on June 23 and 24, 2020. Revisions requested by the TWG on June 23 and 24, 2020:

  1. Include the GCMRC B.4 work element in the budget ($58,000 for first 2 years and $64,000 for year 3).
  2. Remove and/or reduce GCMRC D.2 (approximately $39,000 in year 1, $36,000 in year 2, and $54,000 in year 3) and GCMRC D.3 (approximately $28,000 in year 1, $29,000 in year 2, and $0 in year 3).
  3. Include Havasu Creek and LCR-mouth gage in GCMRC A.1 at 17,000/year.
  4. Please change GCMRC Project N verbiage (Pg 294) from “For example, modeling a change in ramp rates to maintain or improve the hydropower and recreational resource objectives is a possible application of GCMRC Project N.” to: “For example, modeling a change in ramp rates to improve the hydropower resource objective is a possible application of Project N.”
  5. In accordance with direction provided by the AMWG as described in the FLAHG charge, include a project and/or project element to support the FLAHG charge, and provide funding if necessary.
  6. Remove Reclamation B.4, TWG Chair reimbursement (25,000 for FY 2021)
  7. Propose AGFD and GCMRC look to integrate work efforts to allow for an additional TRGD site to be monitored. Cost estimate for going from 1 TRGD to 2 TRGD sites is approximately 67,000.
  8. Prioritize the use of available, unprogrammed and unspent funds from FY 2020, 2021 and 2022 towards funding GCMRC G.6 (JCM-West) in 2023.[4]

BAHG meeting notes


2019-20 Budget Process Timeline (subject to change)

  • October 21-22: TWG meeting
  • October 21-January 14: Complete Knowledge Assessment (KA)
  • October 21-December 20: GCMRC to prepare annual report
  • December 20: Annual Report due to TWG
  • January 13-15: Annual Reporting and TWG meeting to review budget and provide initial guidance to GCMRC and Reclamation
  • January 20-March 18: GCMRC/Rec. to meet with tribes and Federal Family for input and prepare TWP Initial Draft
  • February 6, 11am-noon (MST): BAHG call with GCMRC to discuss guidance, priorities, and areas of emphasis, sustainable funding: how to absorb increase in overhead and CPI increases,
  • February 12-13: AMWG meeting to discuss initial priorities and DOI and Federal family input
  • February 20, 1-4pm (MST): BAHG call to discuss 1st draft: Humpback Chub, Nutrients, Water Quality, Sediment
  • February 25, 1-4pm (MST): BAHG call to discuss 1st draft: Foodbase, Rainbow Trout Fishery, Other Native Fish Species (other than HBC), and Nonnative Invasive Species
  • February 28, 8am-noon (MST): BAHG call to discuss 1st draft: Tribal and Cultural Resources, Riparian Vegetation, Socioeconomics, Recreation, Hydropower, Overflight Remote Sensing and GIS
  • March 3, 1-3pm (MST): BAHG call with GCMRC to discuss priorities and areas of emphasis post-AMWG
  • March 17: TWP Initial Draft (collection of abstracts) due to DOI and Designee
  • March 18-April 22: DOI/Designee review/comment period
  • April 2: TWP Initial Draft due to TWG (BAHG/SA too)
  • April 2-April 22: TWG/BAHG/SA review/comment period
  • April 15-16: TWG meeting to consider draft TWP, including anticipated funding sources
  • April 17, 1-4 pm (MST/AZ): BAHG call to discuss 1st draft:, GIS, Rainbow Trout Fishery, Other Native Fish Species (other than HBC), and Nonnative Invasive Species
  • April 20, 1-4 pm (MST/AZ): BAHG call to discuss 1st draft: Tribal and Cultural Resources, Riparian Vegetation, Socioeconomics, Recreation, Hydropower, Overflight Remote Sensing
  • April 21, 1-4 pm (MST/AZ): BAHG call to discuss 1st draft: Humpback Chub, Nutrients and Water Quality, Foodbase, and Sediment
  • April 23-May 18: GCMRC/Rec. to prepare TWP 2nd Draft
  • May 18: TWP 2nd Draft (full document) due to BAHG/SA/DOI/tribes
  • May 20: AMWG webinar
  • May 20-June 8: TWG/BAHG/SA review comment period
  • June 8 - June 22: GCMRC/Rec. prepare TWP 3rd draft
  • June 16, 12-3pm (AZ/PDT), 1-4pm (MDT): BAHG call - SA presentation, discuss with GCMRC/Rec. on how issues identified in 2nd draft were resolved, identify any issues that would block a BAHG recommendation to the TWG
  • June 17, 12-2pm (AZ/PDT), 1-3 (MDT): BAHG call - develop recommendation to the TWG
  • June 22: TWP 3rd draft due to TWG
  • June 23-24: TWG meeting to provide a budget recommendation to the AMWG
  • June 23-July 29: GCMRC/Rec. prepare Final Draft
  • July 29: TWP Final Draft due to AMWG
  • July 29-August 19: AMWG review/comment period
  • August 19-20: AMWG meeting to provide a budget recommendation to the SOI
  • September: SOI reviews the budget and work plan
  • October: Fiscal Year begins under the new TWP guidance
  • November: Consumer Price Index becomes available. Science and management meeting with DOI and cooperators
  • December: Budget is finalized